Chapter 1: I Spy With My Little Eye.....

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*Gory Descriptions

Blackmore University: October 29th

The morning after such a exhilarating night, the unsuspected Y/N L/N attends his education during the daytime in film class, who he shares with a couple friends, Jason Carvey, Greg Bruckner, and lastly but most importantly, Mindy Meeks-Martin, niece of Randy Meeks and someone who he's decided to get close to.... just in case. Also, he felt like it was pretty much mandatory for his life, since he's dawning the mask of the one and only Ghostface, then entity which resembles everyone's true face deep inside themselves. However, only a few have accepted it. 

During that film class, film theory, if you want to get specific, a small debate goes on about the recent slasher movies whose characters have had their actors switched.  "And with that, I think we can call agree that every franchise is guaranteed to have hit a bump" The Teacher, Professor Larua Crane, concludes during a lecture, which like many film classes before, instigates a debate as Jason raises his hand.

"Except for the Stab movies, if I may be so bold." Jason chimes in, causing everyone's attention to be directed towards him. "So what if Sidney Prescott wasn't in Stab 8 or the requel, it's fine just the way it is." 

"And may I call that as the term, bullshit, the second Sidney put a sue roadbloack on all of the movie makers asses is when it became more water downed than ever." Y/N immediately retorts. "Like, you actually think the time travel stuff they introduced in Stab 5 was good?" 

"It is if you watch the movie, knowing that the writers were doing whatever they wanted to." Greg replies, standing up for the first side of this debate. "They're slashers, nothing's supposed to be complex, it's blood, guts, with whatever message they carry."

"You're telling me Halloween Kills had a message when everyone was acting like they were John Rambo as they ran around the town, getting themselves killed?" Y/N questions with a brow, followed by an amused chuckle by a few of the other students. "Bottom line, modern cinema as killed every franchise it touches."

"Maybe, but it's not done by one simple movie." A third party, Mindy Meeks, states as the other three twists their heads towards her. "Child's play, Nightmare on Elm Street, Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Each of them had that one movie, and they seem pretty alive to me." 

"Yeah, the thing is, however, nobody ever enjoys any of the new stuff." Y/N mentions. "And even if there's one of the new additions to a series turns out fine, it's discovered to have a trilogy, the second one has problems everyone wants to point out." Y/N counters, gesturing the downgrading with his hand. "This is why I'm saying, there's a difference in being stuck in the past, and being inspired by it." 

"You know, your way too pessimistic about all this, there's still good directors and movie viewers out there. It's not all 'new movie bad'." Jason points out, giving him a half-amused half-judging look. "Hey, a lot of people said House of the Dragon was pretty good."

"A lot of people have gotten used to The Amazing Spiderman 1 and 2." Greg also brings up. "And people said I was crazy for thinking Andrew Garfield was better than Tobey."

"It doesn't make money at the box office, and that's what you need to keep a modern addition to your franchise alive, without that, yours is screwed." Y/N points out, which brings him up on his next point. "And that's what's making Stab suffer, because their new movies need to age, especially with Sidney Prescott gone." 

"I was wondering when you were gonna bring that up..." Jason mutters as he brief points with a sigh. "The new protagonist was just fine, she have nothing to do with everyone's old expectations." 

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