Chapter 7: Quinn, Behind you! Quinn, Turn Around! (Spicy)

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*Bloody Descriptions*

*Sex Scene*

Apartment Complex: Sam, Tara and Quinn's

Tonight, is going to be one of absolute chaos. After leaving Blackmore's campus, Y/N and Quinn drove back to the latter's apartment, surprised when they find out that they're apparently the first ones to have arrived, faster than Sam even. The plan here is so chaotic, that there are only three things to keep in mind, how it'll start, who to grant plot armor to, and what will happen after. 

Having seen how quickly Sam grabbed the kitchen knives, Quinn and Y/N will raid every single silverware deemed a weapon and dispose of it. Then Y/N, wearing Mickey Altieri's mask, will remain hidden inside the apartment while using Roman Briger's voice changer to lure Ethan away from the complex so they can put suspicion on him. Then, once Y/N re-appears, he'll have permission to kill everyone except Sam, since the Kirschs want to do her in themselves. After that, Y/N will bump into Ethan, and once given the go-ahead, Wayne will swap out Quinn's body with a replacement before being the 'first responder' after hearing his daughter's 'cries of anguish' while on a call with her. 

Y/N hums as song as he takes each and everyone of the kitchen knifes, putting them into a little plastic bag while Quinn scoops away all of the tasers that have yet to be picked up by Samanatha. How many? She lost count after two. "So, you're, like, physically trained for this?" Quinn queries, making idle talk with her... sorta boyfriend? 

"No, I basically mean that I kinda started killing at like, a really young age. The School Bully? Stabbed him twenty-eight times back in middle school." Y/N explains as he finally takes last and largest knife, wrapping up the plastic bag into a little knot. 

"Wow, that's..... something you don't hear everyday." Quinn comments, making a face at the thought of a kid like that murdering someone so brutally, though it might be because she isn't experienced enough in this Ghostface stuff yet. Yeah, it'll probably get to the point where she'll witness a baby getting strangled in her sleep and she'll end up shrugging it off.... okay, maybe a less extreme example would've worked better there.

"No, no it isn't." Y/N simply replies with a shrug as he then walks over and stuffs the bag inside the trash. Someone might notice them missing, but Quinn has already told him that her roommates never actually use them specifically to cook anything, so most likely not. "My family was already kinda messed up, anyway. I'm honestly surprised that we actually had some decent folks in it." 

"Yeah, I know what you mean, my family was already weird enough before..... Richie, and then everything got fucked after all of that." Quinn mentions, letting out a very big sigh. Y/N gets the feeling it has something to do with her dad, which she was gonna say before she stopped herself. "So... did you pay Gale Weathers a visit?" She then queries, something Y/N mentioned he wanted to do.

"No, I haven't really found the time yet, having to keep up with my alibies and all." Y/N complains with a small exhale. "You daddy seems more insistent that I 'stay on mission' anyway, so I doubt he'll let me make time for all that." 

"Why are you so insistent on her, anyway? Dad made it clear that he has plans for her while she's still in ropes and duct tape." Quinn then brings up the big question the other two Ghostfaces were no doubt wondering. Y/N doesn't say anything at first, in fact, while going through the kitchen, he pauses and doesn't look in her direction, causing her to wonder if she accidentally pressed a button. "Okay, got it, don't bring it up." 

"I just.... I don't like talking about it." Y/N tells her in a low voice, sounding like a record as he repeats what he told her earlier today at Blackmore. And like before, Quinn takes the hint and nods, glancing around to break the silence. Eventually, she finds the perfect way. 

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