Chapter 3: It's Time To Party Hardy!

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*Gory descriptions 

Dr Stone's Office: A Dozen or Half Minutes Later

Samantha Carpenter, one of a squad of survivors from a recent Ghostface killing spree that took place A year and a half ago. Her brain was already in an imperfect place, but seeing the deception and sadistic behavior of Ghostface killings has now put her in a place you'd probably expect. Thankfully, there's therapy, and that's not meant to be taken in a sarcastic or bored tone.

"So how are the new meds treating you?" Dr Stone, Sam's therapists, asks for a brief status update. Obviously making sure the progress they've been making is going smoothly. So far, he only knows about the fact that Sam's been seeing her deranged family in her head, but that's about it. She's never specified who that family is, nor the cause of it and the other things that have been putting her into both constant normal Sam and survivor Sam.

"Okay, I think. Still not seeing anyone I shouldn't be." Sam tells him with a small nod and slightly shaky tone. The constant question of how long that's going to last is another thing entirely. She's been expecting it too much that when she glances at a mirror or other means of reflection, she's almost disappointed to find no ghosts facing her, almost. "What I'm really about though, is Tara."

"What I'm really worried about, is you." Dr Stone immediately replies as a way make sure the important topic stays on track, subtlety reminding her who's therapy session is supposed to be. "You've been coming her for six months now, and all we've really spoken about is how your sister isn't dealing with whatever happened to both of you, about two years ago." He then mentions, his fifth attempt to gain the same information causes Sam to shift in her spot on the couch. "Now, you've alluded to an abusive relationship, issues with your father, but every time I push you for specifics, you shut down."

Sam sucks in a deep breath, the memories of Woodsboro seems to be her keen motivator for silence. "I have trust issues." She simply replies, causing Dr. Stone to lean forward as he tries a more subtly insistent approach.

"Okay, if I'm going to help, um, I-I need you to give me the details." Dr. Stone bluntly tells her, making it very clear that he's not going to be able to give solid advice when she's doing the whole Batman thing. 

Sam anxiously shakes her hands together, arms slightly wiggling, but she lets out a small exhale and nods. "Okay." She gives in, shifting in her seat as she prepares to share one of the darkest stories of her life. "My father was Billy Loomis. He was a famous serial killer, they made a movie about him and Stu Macher." She reveals to Stone, adding details in case he doesn't recognize the name in the river of other infamous names. 

"Yeah.... Certainly did." Dr. Stone knowingly nods, recognizing the term. He quickly re-grabs his notebook and begins writing. 

"Last year I found out that my boyfriend was also a serial killer and only dating me because he idolized my father." She continues as Dr. Stone hums along while writing every piece down in his notepad. "Him and his psycho girlfriend killed a bunch of people. And when it got out that I'm Billy's daughter, this crazy rumor started online that I orchestrated the whole thing and framed them." She mentions with a sigh, reaching into her bag and pulling out her phone, showing Dr. Stone the WoodsboroTruther subreddit. "Richie was my boyfriend."

"But you didn't." Dr. Stone blankly comments. 

"Of course not. He almost killed my sister, and me." Sam strongly states as she takes the phone back. "...before I stopped him." She then adds, bringing up the next question that may seem pointless, but something Dr. Stone wants her to answer.

"Okay, and how... how did you stop him?" Dr. Stone asks her next, seemingly observing deep into her expression for mental clues. His tone makes him sound nervous to it.... but he's got to know.

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