Chapter 9: Terror Train

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Central Park: Murder Scene

It went better than Y/N could ever imagined. Right after all of them left for the park, none of them expected for Danny for some reason, giving Quinn the perfect window to swiftly kill him while everyone else was doing their little operation. She just sneaked up and impales his neck with her trusty knife, watching as Danny gagged and choked on his own heart's liquid before dying, giving her free reign to cover his body in leaves and branches before hanging it up on the tree. Then, while Wayne was playing cop, all they had to do was have Y/N come to his car, Quinn tie him up, and for him to act like he was set up to get shot or beat up, leaving Quinn to just call Sam and have the rest play from there.

"I'm scared you guys." Mindy suddenly expresses to the others as they hang near the police tape while the park becomes a massive crime scene, breaking the very uneasy silence. It seems that even horror movie rules can't give anyone comfort anymore. "I really don't want to get hurt again."

"Neither do I." Chad shakenly agrees, causing Mindy to turn to him. 

"I don't want you getting hurt again either."

"I know, I know..." Chad tells her, nodding as he puts his head onto her shoulder, the two pretty much hugging while Ethan awkwardly just stands around, not really knowing what to do or say when he's kind of on everyone's bad terms. "So what do we do now?" He then asks the big question, no one really has an answer while Tara and Y/N are still talking in the ambulance.

 "Maybe he gets to win this time." Sam oddly answers as her eyes stay down at the grass, causing almost everyone to turn to her with a confused look. "He wants to punish me." She reminds them what the killer said during his first call. "Me. So maybe I let him. I'll just give myself up." She declares, the others can tell that losing Danny as well as having Gale kidnapped is starting to really effect her emotionally. "If this is what I have to do, to keep you safe... it's worth it."

"That's a really crazy idea Sam, but it's not necessary." Y/N chimes in as he and Tara then come back to the group, where everyone notices the new determined look on their faces, indicating that they already have another plan. "There's another way. "He then tells them, getting every one of the core four, plus Ethan's attention. "I, uh... I looked through some old purchases my friends made, and I found where the killer got those mementoes." He informs them, catching everyone's attention in a nanosecond. 

"There's an abandoned theater which functions as a Stab shrine, with only one way to get in or out, that means we'll know when he's here and where he's coming from." Tara relays the information Y/N shared with her, glancing at everyone to see if they're on bored so far, it's obvious where they stand. "The killer's always coming after us, so let's use that against him." 

"But, like, everyone sticks together this time." Y/N humorously comments, clearly referencing on what happened last time when at least one person split from them. Everyone gives each other a confident look, except maybe for Ethan, the one who Danny said had a secret that's been exposed to everyone except for them. But that aside, they're gonna have to keep fighting the killer.

They're just gonna need some professional help again first...


NYPD Station:

"I'm getting my ass chewed out for not dropping the case and now you want me to do what?" Wayne questions, acting as if he needs to know he's hearing this right. Obviously, he was the one who suggested that he, Y/N, and Quinn should now play their ultimate trump card in the first place. 

"We want to lure him to a secure location and trap him inside." Tara re-phrases the plan to Wayne, already having the first, second, and third step in mind. With Halloween almost over, this seems to be the last shot for everyone, both killer and survivor. 

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