Chapter 4: White Folks are Dead!

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*Gory descriptions.

*Also I just..... really just risked losing my whole story here..... plz, Wattpad, it's for the character dynamic, I swear...

Hortense Tower Apartment Complex:

Exhausted, both physically and mentally, Tara takes off her pirate costume in her room, setting her purse to where it can hang. Tonight was.... eventful as always, the mood went swinging, until it turned sour, and then bitter.... Which is like, 50 percent of Blackmore University related stuff. 

After taking a gulp of her inhaler, she hears her opened door knocking, seeing Quinn slowly step inside. "Hey...." She awkwardly greets, a slightly guilty expression on her face. "I'm sorry I told Sam, where you went." She apologizes, though according to Y/N, it was actually entertaining to see. I mean, a guy got tased and she wasn't invited? Oh wait, she was invited....

"It's fine, I just...." Tara waves it off before letting out another sigh of the night. "She's all the way up my ass, like usual." She remarks, tiredly setting her bottom down on her bed, to which Quinn chuckles. 

"I know what it's like when they hold on too tight." Quinn mentions as she sets her phone in her hand on the small drawer, takes the chair in Tara's room and sits remotely next to where she is, preparing to use the fabricated story her father taught her to tell everyone. "After we, um..... lost my brother, my dad.... wouldn't leave me alone." She tells Tara with a chuckle, a roughly similar story, but slightly twisted around so she doesn't get connected to Richie. "He even transferred to the NYPD when I got into collage, so.... Stalker much?" 

Another soft knock on the door brings the girls' attention to Y/N, who's arrived with a small bottle for that eventual hangover. He and Tara awkwardly look at each other while Quinn catches the hint fairly quickly. "I'm gonna go, let you guys.... chat." She says to them, sharing a brief glance with Y/N which Tara doesn't entirely notice as she closes the door while exiting the room. 

As they hear the sound of the door closing, Y/N humorous shakes the bottle before setting it on the drawer. "Thank you..." She says to him in a interestingly shy manner. "You can, um, go back to your dorm. I'm pretty sure the fighting is done for the day." 

"Yeah, I should thank your sister for that by the way, I ready to stab myself if I had to spend another second on that dumb table." Y/N exaggerates with a humorous smile, blowing out some air at bringing it back up. 

"Well.... I'm sure Jason and Greg already stored that in their brains before hand." Tara then mentions, causing Y/N to jokingly groan as they both laugh while he then feels a cue to sit on the bed, right next to Tara. "Where did all these bets even come from?"

"Well, it's always the same exact joke about how no student never really studies for the test, or whatever. So, we decided, at the excuse of making each other's lives miserable, let's have an eternal competition where the loser who scores the lowest." Y/N explains, giving Tara a somewhat defeated look. "I've regretted it ever since." 

Tara nods amused, and the two sit there in a weird silence, wondering who should speak next and for what reason. "Thank you." Tara eventually says, as Y/N gives her a perplexed look. "For that, uh... 'display', I needed a good laugh after being more messed up that I realized." 

"No problem, but don't, like.... always expect me to go to Central Park and dance in my underwear, singing Taylor Swift, please. I only got lucky because everyone was pretty much tipsy at the time."  He pleadingly requests, and the image causes Tara to giggle a little bit. "Also.... please, for your own image, know that you can do a lot better than Frankie." Y/N then mentions, giving her a knowing look. "You're.... way more special than that."

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