Chapter 6: New York, New Rules (Spicy)

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Q/N/N = Quinn's affectionate nickname for you

*A most likely unrealistic Sex Scene*

Blackmore University:

Welp, we're back at our good-old collage, everyone sits together across two close benches, Ethan, Chad, Tara, and Y/N on one side, Quinn, Anika, and Sam on another. The Meek-Martin twins have both called them all over to use one of their breaks to finally discuss the fact that there's definitely a New York Ghostface in town, or city, whatever. 

While waiting, Tara glances over and sees Y/N staring into open space with a blank expression, standing up from the others who are either making small talk or using their phones to distract themselves. "You okay?" She asks him as she lightly taps him on the shoulder, successfully bringing him back to Earth.

"Yeah, I...." Y/N sighs, immediately taking that back. "No, not really. That bastard killed my two best friends." He mutters as he rubs his face with one of his hands with an exhale, thankfully, a new day means he doesn't have to spend the night fake crying or whatever. "Walking around campus, it felt.... weird." 

Tara nods, completely understanding how that must feel for him. "I'm sorry about what happened to Jason and Greg." She offers her sympathy, comfortingly gripping his shoulder as it still rests on it.

"Thanks...." Y/N says in response as he slowly nods, giving her a grateful smile. Chad notices how the two talk with one another and just barely hides his frown, but thankfully, it ends once Mindy finally shows up, clapping her hands together to announce her arrival.

"Okay, nerds, listen up!" She calls everyone's attention as she stands directly in front of everyone. "As terrifying as this all is, I'm actually glad I get a chance to redeem myself for not calling the killers last time." She mentions as she straightens her jacket up a little. 

Y/N coughs in a obviously fake way. "Sam Carpenter..." He says as he pretends to clear his throat, earning him a couple looks from everyone else. "Chad told us guys all about it." He explains, as everyone then relaxes as they thought he meant as something else, but not everyone is happy that, that embarrassing moment was spilled.

"I-I meant it as a joke." Chad quickly tries defending himself, before realizing how that sounded. Ethan holds a laugh while Mindy gives her brother a look. "As a harmless joke, not a mocking joke, I...." He sighs, and pretty much gives up trying. "I'm making it sound worse, am I?"

"Alright! I'm just gonna let that be... for now.... and move on." Mindy says with a tone that lets Chad know he will hear more about it as he just keeps his eyes down on his notepad for now. "Okay.... The way I see it, someone is out to make a sequel to the requel."

"Um, what's a requel?" Anika raises her hand to ask that question, causing everyone to realize that there's still non-horror movie watchers in their group. 

"You're beautiful sweetie, but let's hold question until the end." Mindy replies as Anika gives her a sassy look. Meanwhile, Y/N rolls his eyes at the two meatbags who act so predictable, that it makes him want to tear the rainbow patch off of Mindy's jacket. 

"Stab 1 took place, in Woodsboro. Stab 2 took place in college..." Sam brings up, making it very obvious at what she's hinting at, the other two glance at each other as they theorize the same thing.

"So we think that the killer is trying to copy the movies?" Tara queries what everyone's wondering, Stab's own sequel trilogy. however, despite wishing it to be so, it's not so simple as that.

Scream 6: Worship What You Love: Quinn Bailey x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now