Chapter 2: I Had Dinner With Paul Allen in London

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*One dead body which could prompt a warning

Leaving from where we left off, Y/N takes many deep breaths as he waits for the adrenaline to die down from his system. A very good feeling he gets after every killing, but after the display he just gave to at least half a dozen people, he needs to leave the scene asap. So he quickly gets himself up, takes off his costume which is thin enough to fit in his backpack, grab his phone, and then casually walk out of the alley and back into the streets as if he did absolutely nothing. Now, all you see is a sort of well-behaved college student who has a 'innocent' crush on a girl who also goes there. 

The walk back home should only take about half an hour plus maybe ten minutes, so he should have enough time to make back in time for a small alibi. While passing through various costume wearing individuals, he's accompanied by the song in his head, which he hums to while walking.

Speaking of costumed people, there's almost a beehive full of them, expected since it's Halloween. Y/N doesn't have any on right now, well, besides the obvious one that has a bit of blood on it's mask, but thankfully, he has a sub. It's not like he's bothered standing out from the others in lacking whatever they have on, none of them are really real, to Y/N, they aren't human, or even animals, they're just, simply.... meat. And so far, Y/N has barely met anyone that could prove to be as real as him, except maybe for Quinn Bailey, but she's also hiding something through all those activities, he can tell. 

About twenty minutes in, he notices someone familiar as he crosses paths with them and the random group of people they're with. "Tara?" He calls out by name and Tara Carpenter herself then notices him as well.

"Y/N." Tara acknowledges with tiny smile, which is expected from Y/N has he started getting.... friendly, with Tara. He's figured out her current stance in her relationship with her sister, and he's exploited it as easy as Ponzi himself. "Are you, Jason, and Greg gonna come to the OKB party?"

"Well, I don't know what they're doing, but once I finish my Film project in time, I definitely will." Y/N promises her, and he can just detect the slightest hint of a smile on Tara's mouth. "Is your sister coming?" 

"No, Sam wouldn't be caught dead at a frat party." Tara replies with a humorously smile, causing Y/N to shrug. He expected as much, though it would help to gain her trust if he actually saw her more often compared to her sister.

"There's a first time for everything." Y/N casually remarks, the very hidden joke in that sentence only obvious to him.

"Not tonight, though." Tara replies as she turns back around, though sparing him another smile when she glances back, and Y/N shoots one back at her.

"Can't convince her?" Y/N queries in a humorously voice, appealing to it feeling like Sam is her god-parent than biological sister. 

"No, that's not my problem, it's yours." Tara replies with a cheeky smile, and Y/N playfully rolls his eyes. 

"Save me a drink." He requests in that friendly way while waving at her, getting a much better look at her pirate costume which, despite not looking like it, feels bolder than he expected of her.

"All right, I'll see ya." Tara says again as she leaves with a random group of costume wearers. The second Y/N turns back around, his expression drops as if a lever was flipped as he continues on his way. Yeah, Tara wouldn't ever be his type, she's just as fake as everyone else in the world. 

That's what makes it even easier to distract her from Chad.


About twenty minutes later, Y/N finds himself back at the apartment complex. His legs are definitely tired from that forty-minute walk, but on his way over, he spotted an interesting look phone laying on one of the stairs. Obviously, the only explanation is that someone dropped it, but how does someone lose their phone without noticing after three minutes? Weird world.

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