Chapter 8: Hide and Seek

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Apartment Building: 24 Hours Later (Half of which probably involved more sex scenes)

Welp, everything has now gone to shit. The one building they thought they would be safe in, the place where everyone is literally together, still became an easy target for Ghostface, who, although missed their mark again, still got away with killing two of their friends.... and Paul too, I guess, whatever.

Sam leans at the gate, smoking a cig with the driest expression one can muster. "Hey, you okay?" Danny's voice concerningly asks behind her, causing her to turn around and stomp it out. The guy doesn't need a mind reader to tell what she's probably thinking of, the way she keeps staring at that yellow tape and police roaming the Anika's body in the alleyway. "This isn't your fault, Sam."

"But it is." Sam disagrees with a nod, glancing at the ambulance where the rest of her survivors stay with a depressed look on all of them. "Someone took our knives, so we couldn't fight back. I don't know who I can trust." She expresses. After all, she's accidently shown the killer all of the defenses she's tried to put up to fight back, easily able to turn the apartment into a murder playground. The locks? Just slipped in before someone could install them. The tasers? They were missing as well.

"Then don't trust anyone." Danny leans in, pretending to comfort her affectionately in front of the public as he whispers his advice to her. "Not your friends, not me, not anyone." He strongly tells her, willing to be put as a suspect it means Sam is safe. "Also, just like those rumors about you, I would check in with that Ethan kid, see if what news said about him was true as well." He then mentions, but before he can elaborate on that last part, an investigator pulls him along to ask a couple questions.

Meanwhile, the last of the group finally make it to the apartment at the worst and most suspicious time imaginable. Ethan Laundry and Y/N L/N all crawl under the yellow tape, looking around the scene with concern in their expressions. "Shit...." Y/N mumbles as Ethan glances at the three in the ambulance.

"Chad." Ethan calls his name, and Chad looks up to see the two of them showing up with incredibly worst timing. Not happy at all, stands up and stomps right towards the two with angry suspicion in his eyes.

"Where were you two?!" Chad interrogates, looking ready to grab the two right there as the two take a slightly intimidated step back. They guiltfully glance at each other, their expressions reading that they know that they were at the wrong place at the wrong tape. "So?!"

"Alright...." Y/N nervously starts, shaking his hands before he explains the story which might sound a little weird. "I got a call from Tara saying she was at this party on Greenwich Village, right before."

"A-A-And I got one from Mindy saying she was at a bar on Hudson Street." Ethan then testifies, already sounding crazy as those two were at the apartment the entire time except to pick up dinner.

"Wha- Okay, then what happened?" Chad questions, wondering what the heck they were even thinking.

"Then, I-I passed out, and after hours of waiting, I met with Y/N on our way back to the apartment." Ethan then finishes with a sheepish expression, knowing how bad it probably sounds after seeing what happened.

"Wait, hold on, didn't Sam mention that she heard Jill and Charlie's undead voices on the phone one time?" Y/N the mentions as he taps Ethan's shoulder, he and Chad stare at him for a moment before realizing what he's suggesting.

"Oh shit, I'm such an idiot." Ethan covers his face with his face, feeling stupid after he fell for a phony Ghostface call.

"Damnit guys..." Chad mutters, blowing out a big amount of air as he decides to let them off the hook for now. The situation now looks arguably worse as the two then see the body bag in the alleyway.

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