Chapter 5: Doctor Death!

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*This is the Scream with the highest kill count, there's always gonna be bloody descriptions.

NYPD Station: The Next Morning

The attack that led to the Bodega store, although bloody and traumatic, finally gave both Sam and Tara Carpenter the one confirmed fact that the both of them now finally agree on. Ghostface is back, and they're after them in particular. 

Now, they sit in a interrogation room, where pictures of a numerous amount of evidence lay around the entire table, safe for the signature coffee mug. Andy, Mary, and Laura's faces stare them in a way that seem like they're eyes are glued directly at them through the picture itself. Thankfully, after the painful silence, the door opens and Detective Wayne comes back inside, giving them a fixed smile.

He sits down in front of them where he shows off a Ghostface mask placed in a plastic bag. "This was found next to the Boutique crime scene." He tells them as he sets it on the table, the crime scene he's referring to is Laura Crane's. "DNA says that it belonged to someone named Richie Kirsch." The name he identifies causes Sam blink at him in slight surprise, which Tara notices as she glances at her. "Does that ring a bell?"

"We're familiar with him." Sam simply says after a brief pause, not really wanting to go into more detail than that. Wayne looks like he's about to press for more details until Tara chimes in to save her sister from the sore subject.

"But the one that attacked us had a different mask on." Tara mentions, swiftly changing the subject. It works as Wayne blinks, waiting for her to elaborate. "It was more kind of beat up, like it was older."

  Wayne nods as he scratches his chin with his fist. "Uh...I got to ask....... do you have alibis for earlier tonight?" He then queries, glancing both at them with a look that makes the sisters nervous for some reason.

"I was at a party with my friends."

"I was at my therapist's. I can give you his information, you can call to check if you want." Sam tells him, to which Wayne briefly nods. A seemingly airtight alibi as it happened for a full hour around seven. "And then I met Tara at that party, where I tased someone." She then unnecessarily adds as Wayne blinks at the weird information. "Unrelated."

"Was that before or after this happened?" Wayne interrogates as he pulls out his phone, plays a social media video that he shows them. It's the moment where that bitch spilled beer on Sam and the reactions that followed. Sam looks at the video uncomfortably before hesitantly answering. 


"The point is, we were with people all night." Tara states, once again bringing the conversation back to important topic so her sister can save face. 

"So, our roommate's dad just happened to pull our case." Sam brings up with a secretly pointed look, causing Tara to mentally face palm at her sister getting very close to accusing the detective that's working on their murder case where everyone's a suspect, right in front of him. Though, it is worth points that she's looking for the odd parts of people's involvement in this new Ghostface spree.

"That'd be a crazy coincidence, right?" Wayne replies, having already caught on before takesie backsies are called. "The detective who had the case, he offered it to me because it involves Quinn....."


Y/N stands behind a very slightly opened door with a small camera in his hands, seemingly bored out of his mind as he turns to Wayne. "Is there a more entertaining way of doing this?" He asks him. "This blackmailing stuff is starting to feel like a slog-fest."

"Wait for it." Wayne encourages, before eventually tapping the kid on his shoulder back to their target. Y/N then turns back to the embarrassing scene where his eyes widen.

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