Chapter 10: Nice Twist, Huh?

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NYC: Abandoned Theater

Agent Reed takes Chad, Tara, and Sam over to an alleyway behind the massive building, where they then come across the elevator. The lock accepts the card and the old elevator takes them down into what's below, something that the others only heard of this shrine still weren't expecting. 

With a beep, the elevator opens, and they definitely find a bunch of Ghostface related stuff, even if they've only heard of what's happened back then, the clues are everywhere around them. Of course, the stuff that was mentioned earlier, but there's also stuff like Jill Roberts's ripped out hair, Principal Himbry's massive scissors, props from the hold Ohio collage, some of the fake knifes from the Stab 3 set, and still a lot more. "I cleared the whole place before you got here." mentions as everyone piles in, looking in awe at the place around them. 

"They have everything..." Chad mentally notes in shock, noticing his Uncle Randy's old shirt from the video store, as well as the late Dewey's old badge and gun. How the heck does someone get all this stuff? Isn't it supposed to be locked away in some kind of evidence room somewhere?

"So, this is the only way in or out." Kirby brings everyone's attention back to the game plan, pointing to the elevator. "He steps in through the first door, both doors lock automatically, trapping him inside." She tells them with a small grin on her face, staring at the trap right in front of her. "We turn it into a kill box."

Sam glances down with a considering expression, crossing her arms. "Weapons?" She asks Kirby. 

"One gun, and I hold onto it." Kirby plainly answers, causing Sam to roll her eyes. She opens her mouth, but the agent speaks before her. "I am the only one with a badge here and that's the way it's gonna be." She states before anyone can protest, and the others keeps silent, though shifting where they stand. "We're safe here."

Well, Sam already knows she can't suggest anything else, so she just takes off her jacket, noticing the increased heat, and reaches for her phone. "I'm gonna check in with Mindy, see if they're close." She tells the others, and everyone then silent splits up. After her and Tara lay their jackets on a random spot they'll see them from, Sam then calls Mindy's contact. 

It takes a while, the phone ringing a interesting number of times, but by the time Sam is alone in the shrine room, it just goes to voicemail. "Hey, you've reached me, leave a message." The automatic Mindy says, definitely not the thing Sam wanted to hear. 

She mentally swears, turning around the stage she's walked onto where she finds a bunch of mannequins wearing Ghostface costumes, just without the mask. The obvious assumption would be that these are the old killers' costumes they wore during their respective killing sprees, and the masks of course have been used as messages of the police. However, Sam the notices that there's still one mask still remaining in its place, appearing in the dead center to his old partner to his right, holding a still bloody knife. 

Billy Loomis. 


Elsewhere In the Theater:

It doesn't take long before Kirby gets a bad feeling as she does a swift patrol around the theater. She knows that there's another entrance for the killer to use, and she's gonna use their arrogance against them.

Then she hears a sound, briefly pausing, Kirby then takes more cautious steps towards the small thud, her hand hovering over her gun's holster. The footsteps then grow louder and louder, someone else is definitely here. Then.... right as someone appears into view, she rapidly whips it out. "Hey!" She loudly calls out, and the figure jumps, raising his hands. 

"Geez, don't shoot!" Y/N quickly replies with wide eyes as he practically freezes with his hands up. It's now a slight tense situation with Y/N still standing there as Kirby keeps her gun trained on him, eyes squinting as she wonders if he came through the second entrance. "Hey, hey, we're cool, we're cool, right?" He shakenly asks, trying his best not to get shot too early. 

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