Chapter 5

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Crosshair sighed, hanging up, he ignored the others' looks. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked you all to watch a kid you barely know and drag you into this drama but you are more than welcome to watch her over the summer. My adoptive parents are on the way and are going to be staying here. You probably know them as Chief Doctor Kix and Swat Captain Jesse" his soft tone had broken bits in it. 

"Yeah Jesse's my older brother" Echo muttered, there was like almost fifteen years between him and Jesse and twenty between him and Rex. It was clear that Echo was a surprise baby. Crosshair could only nod, he squeezed his eyes shut as a wave of nausea flooded through his mind. 

"So, what do you want to do about this?" Hunter asked, gesturing to the situation. 

"Yeah, do we get the right to see our kid?" Wrecker's loud question had Crosshair wincing, why wasn't it so simple. 

"Quiet down Wrecker" Echo scolded, the bigger man muttered an apology. 

"Follow me" Crosshair gestured as he led the way into an office, he grabbed a box before entering the living room where they had all taken a seat. Pulling out a few documents, Crosshair passed one to each of them. Of course he had copies, he wasn't insane. 

"I've had these for years. I was told the other parent or parents would need to sign these so they could have permission to look after their daughter and I want you all to have a copy of her birth certificate" Crosshair explained, he passed the documents over to them. He watched their eyes lit up especially when they read over Hera's full name: Hera Violet Huxley. It was the last name they had all agreed to when they wanted to marry each other. It was Crosshairs last name, the man didn't really care but he had used it since his name wasn't Crosshair he just went by the nickname for years. Violet was a name that came from the old lady in all of their lives that looked after them all during a storm when they slept over at Hunters, she was the head servant and cared for them as her own, all of them. So it was only right Crosshair named Hera after one of his favourite people. Bearing it in mind he hates people. 

"You can either sign to make them official and I will get them sorted today before I leave or we can ignore paperwork and I give you full permission either way you get that…excuse me" Crosshair moved out the room as the doorbell went and he found himself staring at two people who had got here a lot quicker than intended. 

"Hey kid, want to explain what's going on?" Kix's worried tone had Crosshair frowning as he let them into his house. Jesse smiled at him as he entered only to find himself stopping in his tracks seeing Echo, the man sheepishly waved. Jesse nodded back. 

"We have signed it because we want to be a part of her life. Would you like us to go?" Hunter said, Crosshair shook his head. 

"No it's fine you can stay as long as you want. If you don't mind staying for a bit while I drive down to the official office that will be fine" Crosshair explained, Hunter nodded accepting it. 

"I will stay here. Explain to your mother who will surely explain to me what's going on later" Jesse muttered, Crosshair could only nod, taking the papers from the others and leaving the house with Kix and Tech who insisted on coming. 

Two hours later the three returned only to see a worried Jesse leaning against the kitchen island while Echo, Hera, Omega, Hunter and Wrecker sat watching a movie. Tech immediately joined them with a grin on his face while Jesse found himself cornering Crosshair in another room with a worried Kix. 

"Want to explain when you were going to tell us this?" Jesse placed a medical letter in front of their son. Kix glared at it. Crosshair shook his head, he turned away from the two as he grabbed something from his nightstand and handed it to them. He then left the room with a dark look on his face as he passed Omega in the corridor, the young girl gave him a strange look as he walked past the others all the way to his garage. Hera looked up only to sigh, she climbed to her feet and headed for the same place.

Stay tuned for more... :)

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