Chapter 17

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A smirk fell on his face as he turned off the call and pulled up on the driveway. Hunter immediately climbed out only to pull Omega close to his chest. Crosshair moved out of the car, he opened Hera's door, she just looked up at him with so much loneliness. 



"I don't want to live this way anymore" 

Crosshair kneeled down in front of her, he watched tears slip down her face. His brave little girl had gone through too much, she was too young to be going through most of it. 

"What do you want to do?" 

Hunter tilted his head hearing the foreign language come from the two who had become family. 

"I want to stay with them but without you, I'm sorry mama. But not until the danger has passed" 

"I understand Hera, I want nothing to keep you safe but how can I do that from afar" 

"It's easy, you did it most of my life. I'm sure you will figure it out" 

Crosshairs eyes narrowed as Hera turned away from him. 

"Heralita, I'm not leaving…" 

Hera turned around hearing her birth name in the language Crosshair was born into. 

"Well then look forward to the insults and…" 

"Hera, enough. Room now" Crosshair warned, Hera only crossed her arms looking annoyed. Hunter watched sceptically as he turned his head to catch Echo's eyes, the man watching the mother and daughter of their small family arguing silently when another voice broke through all of the conversations…


Cody's shout was the only warning before multiple gunshots from afar, a silver glint had Crosshair diving for his daughter. Hera instead dived for Echo who scrambled to hold her leaving Crosshair beside the driver seat of his car. Multiple shots from afar aimed for them all. Hunter and Omega took cover behind Hunter's truck. 

"Crosshair, don't you dare..!" Cody warned only for the silver haired man to open his door and pull something out from underneath his seat. Four parts fitted together perfectly creating a sniper rifle but not just any sniper rifle, nope his elite rifle. A 773 Firepuncher. Crosshair smirked, he counted the shots only to lift the rifle up and search the distance. Without warning he took a shot and within seconds something in the distance exploded showing law enforcement exactly where the shooting was coming from. 

He could help but smirk when someone pulled him to his feet and he was violently grabbed by the jacket. 

"DO YOU EVER LISTEN TO ORDERS?!" Cody roared at him. Crosshair didn't say anything, he took the whole shouting commander to the next level by wearing the most impassive expression on his face. 

"If you weren't such a good fucking shot! I would have shipped you off to the Fett Range to get your head sorted but no poor little you! Crosshair you can't just shoot without a fucking permit! I am sick of covering for you…." Crosshair definitely drowned out whatever the rest Cody was saying by turning his attention past the commander where Echo, Tech, Hunter, Omega, Wrecker and Hera stood comforting one another. Rex appeared beside the commander and shared a look with Jesse who remained silent while Kix watched from the side, the two silent parents knew their son was paying attention to whatever Cody was saying. 

"Are you EVEN listening to ME!?" Cody's shot had Crosshair blinking, the marksman rolled his eyes pushing Cody's hand away from him. Crosshair moved over to his car when someone yanked him back. 

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