Chapter 21

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"Move it!" Echo yelled, Hunter nodded as he and Echo sprinted past Cody who had finished dealing with the armed individuals, all of them either unconscious or a few killed. Obi-wan followed the two once he knew Cody was okay on his own. The oldest man ran after the other two just to catch Hunter dragging Tarkin out from the car and punching him violently while Echo managed to get Crosshair free, the skinny man still unconscious but he now has a bleeding head.

"Hunter, let him go, son. Justice will serve him…" Obi-wan tried to yank Hunter off the almost dead Tarkin but it took another turning up which ended up being Rex and Jesse to help while Kix kneeled down beside Echo who held the unconscious Crosshair in his arms. 

"Shit, he's having an allergic reaction. The bastard injected him with something to keep him silent again! Jesse, help" Kix cursed, Jesse turned from Hunter to his partner who was pressing against Crosshairs arms to try and get a response.

"What is it?" 

"Believe it or not, but it's penicillin. Tyler can't have it or his heart starts to shut down…" Kix muttered, pulling a few things out of his bag including an epi-pen, "Tyler's allergic to a few things, his skin reacts the worst. So when he says he can't have it, believe him unless it's vegetables, which he avoids like the plague just because they are healthy" Kix explained to Echo who smiled watching the way the medic moved to wake the silver haired man who groaned awake. Jesse smirked, climbing back to his feet and directing Hunter away. 

"I think another trip to the hospital may be a good thing and…" Kix was interrupted by a vehicle slamming their brakes beside them. The medic only sighed as Mayday came running over. 

"What happened?!" His demand never got an answer due to another. 


The cry sounded so innocent so Mayday turned only to catch Hera who sobbed into his neck. He frowned, comforting her while her mother was being checked over. The nickname Hera had given him when she was barely two had stuck. 

Wrecker came over with Omega helping him while Tech sat with Cody, the commander sitting against his car comforting him while dealing with his pained arm. 

"Please tell me he's going to jail" Wrecker muttered, he was holding his chest tightly. Hunter had managed to put a bandage on it earlier.

"He better be" Kix grunted out as Mayday looked over only to see the bastard known as Tarkin, his brother's ex-husband. 

"Oh, I'm sure Obi-wan is thinking of something much better, Kixy" Jesse whispered, helping Hunter calm down. 

"And what's that?" Hera asked through tears.

"He's coming with me" another voice turned attention to an armoured individual who wore red and white armour with distinctive features while attached to his hip was a turret gun. 

"And who are you?" Obi-wan asked. 

"Commander Thorn of the Coruscant Guard. King Fox sent me to check up on his son when I heard the issue over our radio, so I came to check up on my best friend's son, my nephew" Thorn explained, on removing his helmet he had blond hair and emerald eyes while a tattoo of a snake ran down his neck and towards his left shoulder with the fangs of the snake stopping just below his ear. 

"And do you have proof to…" Kix turned only for Thorn to smile straight at him, Kix frowned slightly going to say something when Crosshair groaned sitting up with pain in his features. 

"Easy, you took quite the tumble. I'm surprised you are even able to move with what…" Kix was interrupted by Crosshair holding a hand up. 

"I'm fine, stop bloody worrying…" Crosshair grunted; he was furious at himself. Kix sighed looking at Jesse, "Your turn" Kix muttered, Jesse nodded kneeling down in front of Crosshair who blinked at him. 

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