Chapter 31

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An hour later…

The group found themselves in a private plane which was being flown by Fives and Hardcase, the two of them pilots, while Crosshair snoozed in a chair with a sleeping Hera in his arms. Violet had taken a liking to Omega, the two curled into each other in the seat in between Hunter and Echo. 

"Didn't know he owned a jet" Wrecker muttered. 

"He doesn't, it's mine" Fives whispered coming into the main body to pass something to Tech who took it knowing it was for the sleeping Crosshair. 

"We will be landing in thirty minutes, might want to wake him. Transport will be waiting for you all, the best you will have is snowmobiles" Fives winked, Echo give him a weird look, "Okay fine two army standard snow vehicles which are bullet proof because the twig is a paranoid fucker" Fives muttered, Echo rolled his eyes at him and scolded him for his language while Wrecker leaned over and woke Crosshair who looked more exhausted. Hera smiled, reaching for Wrecker who scooped her up, allowing her to remain asleep.

"What?" His tone is a little harsh and straight to the point. 

"Afternoon to you too. We are coming into land, might want to buckle up demon" Fives called out, Crosshair glared at him before he climbed to his feet and walked towards the toilet. Echo's eyes followed him the whole way, the marksman never said a word but when he returned he was almost deathly pale white. He just slumped, strapping himself in accepting Violet in his lap and slightly curling up on himself. 

"You okay?" 

"Not really, nausea is kicking my arse and chest is hurting" Crosshair admitted, Echo could only sigh as he wrapped an arm around him, Crosshair leaned in trying to focus his mind on something else. Violet ended up in Tech's lap while Omega strapped in beside Hunter with Hera in Wreckers lap as the plane began its descent. 

It wasn't for another ten minutes until the plane came in smoothly and the group found themselves standing beside two snow vehicles. Hera was grinning at one of them that she claimed she was going in, it was clearly marked hers as it had her name on it in a graffiti style. 

Crosshair had vanished as soon as they had landed to do some procedures with Fives and Hardcase, both of them very concerned for the marksman's health, he waved them off returning to the batch not even a few minutes later but this time he had a rifle across his back. 

"Do we dare ask?" Echo's tone had them all looking Crosshairs way.

"Dinner and protection" Crosshair teased slightly, they all knew he meant the last one as Fives had promised that food was waiting for them all, the topic of food had been dropped as soon as Crosshair paled. He looked sick. 

"I'm not driving but if someone else will, that will be helpful" Crosshair muttered, Wrecker nodded, taking a set of keys while Hunter took the other. 

After giving the coordinates, the two vehicles drove off into the snow. Omega was with Wrecker, Tech and Hera while in Hunter's car was Echo, Crosshair and Violet. One car was loud, the other silent. 

Echo smiled through the mirror seeing Crosshair fast asleep with Violet tucked into his chest, she was playing with a few of her little toys she had on her. Hunter drove with a soft smile following directly behind Wrecker who drove carefully through the snow. 

"What's on your mind?" 

Echo jumped out of his thoughts, looking over at Hunter who glanced at him. 

"Nothing, I'm just happy" Echo muttered only to gasp as the lodge came into view. 

"Woah, it's beautiful…" Hunter murmured as he stopped the car beside what looked like three snowmobiles. A smile landed on Hunter's face as he saw the unique graffiti on the side of the lodge. Wrecker's car barely came to a stop before Hera bounced out of the car and ran up the stairs, she held some keys in her hand and pressed a button. The door opened revealing barking. 

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