Chapter 14

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“Kid, if I get another sugar level alert. I will get on a plane and strangle you to death. How hard is it for you to remember to eat!” Kix’s angry tone startled Crosshair who had put his phone on speaker while he took another few tests. He was unaware that Hunter and Tech had followed him out to his car where he removed his top revealing his bruised body, the two shared a ‘look’, the youngest man needed help but not in the form of medically, nope he just needed someone to care for him and thankfully four kind men loved him even if he never knew it.

“I’m sorry mother but it’s not that simple when my mind is occupied with everything else” Crosshair muttered, sending his readings over to his mother who made a strange noise on the other end. 

“Well it is important especially since Hera rang me to explain that you were going off your medication, in hopes to restart your reproductive system. I’m gathering Hera has been asking for another sibling?” 

Crosshair rolled his eyes hearing Kix’s teasing tone, he tried hard not to wince as a violent cramp attacked his abdomen, he doubled over slightly. Yep, they were coming full force. With a sigh, Crosshair did one more test, he removed some blood from his arm and leaned further against his car to stop the blurriness in his vision.

“Yes she has asked several times and somehow she has got Omega whispering about it too, my phone now has strange text messages from both of them through Hera’s messages. I can hear dad laughing in the back, please give him a slap for me. Look, I will be honest. I do want another one especially after Caleb but while I am dealing with certain family members, I don’t think it’s wise” Crosshair gritted his teeth feeling a pain that almost had him crying out, he bit his lip as he replaced his top and grabbed his phone, he turned around only to freeze seeing both Hunter and Tech watching him with pale faces. 

“I know kidda but don’t wait too long. Remember this time, you have backup in many forms. If Cody has anything to say about it, those family members will be in prison very soon, I think Cody has essentially adopted the stance of his husband. To not rest until justice has been done. Just think about it, your dad has been slapped and has told me to pass this message on which is entirely what I’m thinking. We know you are in pain, so go and get some rest kidda, also you need to learn to punch properly because according to your latest scan from Coric, it would seem you have almost fractured your hand from hitting Tarkin. Now kidda, I’m signing off but know that you should too and do me one favour, just tell the four idiots, this includes Echo, that you love them. Love you kidda” 

Crosshair shook his head ending the phone call, he shut the boot of his car and headed for the house. He ignored Hunter and Tech who watched him with worry especially when he slumped on the sofa beside Wrecker who was playing something on the TV, his eyes tried to focus on the screen but they kept blurring with the lack of food in his system. Not even five minutes later, something was handed to him, he didn’t exactly know what it was but he took it and was directed to eat it. Slowly he ate it and drank what tasted like an energy booster drink, he quietly did so before turning to see Echo and Hunter kneeling in front of him. 

“You okay?” Echo asked, Crosshair could barely nod, “Hunter and Tech explained from your short conversation with Kix, plus Jesse sent me a text explaining that you needed help and called me an ‘idiot’ for not admitting my feelings or whatever” Echo added, Crosshair could only nod, he continued to sip from the energy juice, Tech smiled at him. 

“So, what made you think about another kid?” Wrecker questioned, he had paused his game. Crosshair froze at the question before he sighed, “Hera kept asking and truth be told, I miss her being little. I kind of got baby fever” Crosshair explained with a smile. Hunter smirked, kissing his hairline before he took the plate to wash it in the kitchen. 

“PAPA!” Omega’s scream had Wrecker legging it up the stairs only to scream himself leading for Tech to jog upstairs. To find Omega, Hera and Wrecker on the bed while a snake slithered on the floor. Tech took one look and walked away, he couldn’t deal with it. 

“Hunter, there’s a snake upstairs” 

“What do you want me to do about it?” Hunter teased. Tech raised an eyebrow. 

“Can you get rid of it?” Tech gestured to the stairs, Hunter nodded, he moved up the stairs and was quick to get rid of the snake. 

“To think he can deal with snakes, moths, wasps and any animal but is terrified of spiders still amazes me” Echo muttered, Tech laughed reading Crosshairs vitals and watching Crosshair get a bit of colour back into his pale skin.

“Feeling better?” Wrecker asked, coming into the room with Hera and Omega on his back. 

“Yeah, just tired. I’m going to head home…I will come and get Hera in the morning…” Crosshair yawned into his fist, he was about to move when his body swayed. 

“Nope, I don’t think so. You are staying here for the night. You can take the guest room or the sofa, or if you want…” Tech stated, he gestured to their arms. “Grab my green bag please…” Echo took the keys from the half-asleep younger man and proceeded to go to the mustang that sat parked perfectly in what would normally be Wrecker’s spot but his impala was in the garage. Crosshair didn’t really care for options as he allowed Hera to lead him up the stairs all the way to the guest room, he smiled in thanks at her as he kissed her head and bidded her a goodnight. She instantly went back to her room and brought back something Crosshair had kept in her bag for future use, she had two just in case. A heat pack, he took it with a smile and watched her go into her room. Knowing she had a good brain, Crosshair removed his top only to frown, his skin was paler than normal.

A knock on the door had him turning to see Echo, the man entered with the green bag which was clearly a medical bag. 

“I know you probably have nothing to sleep in so Hunter threw this at me. You might recognise it” Echo gave Crosshair the folded piece of material which when opened it had him smirking. It was an old t-shirt which was like a dress on Crosshair. This was something Crosshair use to wear when he stayed over in his teen years, it was an old top of Wrecker’s which was too small for the man but they all wore it, Crosshair the most since he didn’t have many clothes and according to the others, he looked hot in it. A smile landed on his face as it stopped mid-thigh, Echo found himself blushing especially when Crosshair removed his cargo pants leaving him in the top and boxers which couldn’t be seen. 

“Thank you” Crosshair whispered, looking Echo’s way, the older man still had a faint blush on his face. Echo only nodded not trusting his voice, however Crosshair couldn’t help but tease the man by walking over to him and pulling him for a deep kiss, Echo eagerly kissed back and welcomed the leg that lifted to sit against his hip. 

“You know if the kids weren’t home. I would definitely allow you to take me here now but it would seem we will have to wait until mother nature is done with me” Crosshair teased pulling back only to kiss Echo again, “Goodnight, hope you sleep well” Crosshair muttered, moving away from the starstruck older man who bidded Crosshair a goodnight before he shut the door and headed for his own room where his three husbands were getting ready for bed. 

“You alright, Echo?” 

The older man looked up to see a worried Hunter watching him, “I’m good, you won’t believe what our new flirty love interest just said” Echo teased, the three eagerly welcomed him in while he told them. Each of them had their own reactions which had them all laughing. 

“Two can play at that game. Think we can ask Cody to have the kids, two weeks from now?” Hunter murmured, pulling Tech close into his arms while Wrecker held Echo close. 

“I’m sure he will do anything to get away from work but good luck running that by Crosshair first” Wrecker teased, Tech could only grin thinking about his mother, with Obi-wan away. Cody was a little lonely these days. 

“Let’s see who trips up first” Tech muttered, Echo nodded half-asleep to Wrecker’s massage on his back. 

Stay Tuned for more chapters on the way very soon!
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