Chapter 20

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Heavy footsteps from upstairs had Crosshair knowing the others were awake followed by cries and screams. 

"Wreck…Wrecker…please get off…Wrecker?" 

Crosshair was confused from under the giant who didn't move until Crosshair noticed why Wrecker had been shot through the chest. A glare settled on Crosshairs face as he used the fridge to settle Wrecker against, the bigger man only groaned when Crosshair dug his fingers into the wound, removing the bullet that had stopped on the outer skin. He removed it with ease and pressed harder on the wound which continued to bleed profusely even when the bullets continued firing. Crosshair glared, he reached for the green bag he had brought downstairs with him only to frown, where was his pistol?

"Crosshair! Catch!" 

Echo's voice had the marksman looking up only to catch the pistol that had been dropped from the balcony. He snatched it out of midair while he used his own medical supplies to hold the wound in place. 

"Oh god…Wrecker!" Hunter's worried tone had Crosshair turning his head to see the bandana man looking straight at him, Crosshair never said a word as Hunter took over. 


"Go get them" Hunter spoke darkly shoving Crosshair who sighed, he grabbed an adrenaline needle and stabbed it into his thigh before he headed for the window. Ducking under the window, he took notice of his jacket he had left on the sofa, he grabbed it and put it on before he headed for the front door. He was pissed, someone had attacked the place which was a home to his daughter and he was considering calling it a home. 

Exiting the building, the bullets stopped as it was like a standoff. 

"Well well, Commander Crosshair lives, do tell me where's little Hera?" 

"Tarkin" Crosshair muttered out, he moved closer while keeping an eye on all seven armed individuals aiming for him. 


"Far away from the likes of you" Crosshair sneered, Tarkin only grinned. 

"Kill him…I have a little girl to find" Tarkin snarled out, Crosshair glared, he took notice of something coming in the distance and only then did he grin seeing the police cars.

"Oh, I would show positivity for them as well, you will see…ah our guests are here" Tarkin clapped his hands, grunts from behind Crosshair had him turning to see the rest of his family being shoved to kneel behind him with guns aimed at their heads. Hera was curled into Echo who held her tighter. Hunter was holding Wrecker up while Omega clung to Tech, the engineer glaring. Thankfully they were all clothed, Crosshair continued to frown and didn't move when two armed individuals approached him with machine guns, none of them touched him but they did point them at him.

"Ah, Hera…it's been too long. Now for no one else to get hurt, I suggest the young lady comes with me or there will be consequences" Tarkin said, watching Hera flinch and cling to Echo, her dad holding her tightly. 

"That's not happening" Crosshairs three words had all heads turning. 

"And what makes you say that?" Tarkin asked. 

"You're not her father, you can't take her" Crosshair spat out, his head turning to catch the others. 

"Okay then and who is so I can eliminate them?" Tarkin took a step forward, his smug expression had Crosshair glaring, the marksman never said a word, not even when he was violently kicked in the side. His impassive expression worried the others. 

"I'm not telling you…" Crosshair hissed when his head snapped to the side as his arms were grabbed by two bigger individuals and Tarkin punched him violently in the chest, the breath was taken straight from him, he slumped in their hold. 

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