Chapter 19

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Two hours later…

Hera grinned from where she surfed with Hunter, her father explaining different tricks while Omega was unsteady in between Crosshairs legs on a board. Echo smirked watching from shore as Omega clung to Crosshair, she was like Wrecker on ice, very unsteady.

“I can’t do this,” Omega cried out, shaking on the board. A chuckle from above had her looking upwards, “What?” Her harsh tone had Crosshair smirking. 

“Nothing, just that you sound like your father. When he first started surfing with me, he gave up too early and continued to act like a sad puppy everytime he failed. I will tell you a little secret, you need to balance yourself in the middle of the board and just take a deep breath as you take in what you are going to do. Ignore everyone else” Crosshairs words impacted her as he never lost eye contact with her own. Omega could only nod as she listened to the words coming from the one who was becoming a type of mother figure to her, not that she would admit it outloud. 


Crosshair smirked, turning to catch his daughter's eye only to frown, a huge tidal wave was heading for them. Omega gasped out loud as she found herself lifted onto Crosshairs back as he took over the board and the two surfed one of the biggest waves that had their family smiling up until the wave knocked both Crosshair and Omega off the board, scaring their family members. 

“Where are they?!” Wrecker panicked trying to see through the ocean. Hunter frowned, he and Hera had just reached the shore only to see Crosshair and Omega go under.

“Tech?” The genius turned from where he was on Wrecker’s shoulders. 

“I have spotted Omega, she is waving at them from the board while Crosshair is in the water beside her. He’s making a 4-5 symbol…ah, Hunter, he needs a hand I think” Tech turned to Hunter who had already begun to swim out there. Echo sighed, helping Hera dry off, she was grinning away despite the situation. 


“Yes Hera” 

“Have you or the others ever thought about having another kid?” 

Echo froze hearing Hera’s question, he wasn’t the only one as Wrecker was helping Tech to his feet and the two had turned to look at the girl who had natural wavy brown hair which was getting dyed later on after Crosshair had promised he would to do both girls hairs. 

“Tech! Med Kit!” Hunter’s yell caught all three’s attention from where the older man was on the board which had hit the sand with a not so happy Crosshair in his arms while Omega just giggled. 

“Hunter, I’m fine. It’s just a bruised ankle. I will live” Crosshair tried to walk on it only for Wrecker to grab him as soon as his face twisted into a bit of pain. 

“Sure, it is. Girls. Put the boards away. While we deal with your mother” Hunter ordered without thinking, he watched both Omega and Hera grin before they ran inside with the boards. Well dragged the bigger ones but managed to get them to the porch which Wrecker took over once Crosshair found himself put on the porch swing. He was soaked to the bone after having fallen from the surfboard.

“Dare I ask what happened?” Tech whispered, kissing the wet head of their lover. 

“The waves caught me off guard. Didn’t realise how close we were to the rocks and coral until my ankle slammed off it. Got it stuck but managed to get free, now mr fussy pants is checking it over” Crosshair explained, Hunter rolled his eyes testing the movement of the ankle. Crosshair refrained from hissing but did show pain when Echo slapped him in the arm. 

Mother? Who's My Father? (Modern AU) Where stories live. Discover now