𓁣¹⁴. too greedy for you

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On the night of the red moon, the city of Thebes buzzed with anticipation.

The arrival of the celestial phenomenon marked a sacred event for the people of ancient Egypt, a night when the Pharaoh, believed to be favored by the gods, performed the ritual bath in the Nile.

The entire city seemed to hold its breath, awaiting the purification of their divine ruler.

In the heart of the city stood the grand Temple of Amun-Ra, adorned with intricate hieroglyphics and illuminated by flickering torches.

High priests in elaborate ceremonial garments bustled about, preparing the temple for the sacred ritual as the sun was gracefully setting.

The air was heavy with the scent of incense, and the rhythmic chants of temple priests filled the atmosphere, invoking the blessings of the gods.

As the red moon rose high in the night sky, Pharaoh Tyung, adorned in resplendent ceremonial big robe, made his way to the temple accompanied by a procession of attendants and temple guards.

The night was alive with a mystical energy, and the waters of the Nile shimmered under the moon's crimson glow, mirroring the celestial event above.

Upon reaching the temple's courtyard, the Pharaoh was welcomed by the High Priest, his demeanor reverent and his eyes filled with awe.

The ritual began with the offering of sacred oils and lotus flowers, symbolizing purity and divine favor.

Temple musicians played haunting melodies on flutes and lyres, creating an otherworldly ambiance that sent shivers down the spines of onlookers. rendering them completely silent and emerged.

The Pharaoh then descended the steps leading to the Nile, his every movement deliberate and graceful.

Attendants carefully unrobed him, revealing his bare form, bathed in the eerie red light of the moon.

He stepped into the water, the cool embrace of the Nile enveloping him as he waded deeper, his cold layered silhouette reflecting on the water's surface.

Temple priests recited ancient hymns, invoking the blessings of the gods upon the Pharaoh and the kingdom.

Offerings of fruits, grains, and precious gems were scattered into the river, gifts to the deities in gratitude for their benevolence.

Amidst the rituals, temple acolytes clad in white linen robes chanted prayers, their voices harmonizing with the night breeze.

The ceremony reached its climax when the High Priest, holding a golden vessel filled with sacred water, poured it over the Pharaoh's head. The water sparkled with the red moon's reflection, infusing the ritual with an ethereal glow.

With the pouring of the sacred water, the city seemed to sigh in relief.

The people believed that the Pharaoh's bath in the Nile during the red moon ensured the favor of the gods and prosperity for their lands.

As the Pharaoh emerged from the water, his skin glistening, the temple guards and acolytes bowed in reverence, their faith reaffirmed.

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