𓂇 ¹⁶. you belong to me.

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In the shadow of the ancient Egyptian moon, the tension in the air was palpable as Amara's treacherous intentions unfolded.

Tyung, his eyes ablaze with righteous fury, observed the unfolding scene.

Amara's gaze lingered on Jungkook, her intent clear, and in that moment, Tyung's patience waned.

With a swift and decisive motion, Tyung unsheathed his dagger, its blade catching the moonlight as it sliced through the air. The side of Amara's neck bore the consequence of her betrayal, and as she crumpled to the ground, the hushed gasps of her followers reverberated through the night.

Amidst the chaos, Jungkook's eyes met Tyung's, a silent shock taking over his face.

The air crackled with tension as Amara's followers, fueled by vengeance, surged forward. weapons in hand as they attacked the pharaoh who kept looking at jungkook with proud, unshakable arrogant resolve.

Jungkook, fueled by a determination unbeknownst to him before, took charge, snapping out of his shock. "Protect the pharaoh!" he bellowed, his voice cutting through the chaos.

Warriors, bound by duty and loyalty, rallied to defend their leader.

jungkooks heart almost dropped, realizing the Pharoah's life was yet again in danger while he dazed off.

As the first clash of steel resonated through the night, Jungkook and Jeymeen moved as one, a deadly dance choreographed by the urgency of the moment.

Their movements, a blend of martial arts and strategic finesse. they faught like it was a piece of candy.

Tyung, observing from the fringes, marveled at Jungkook's prowess.

The foreigner fought with a skill that transcended mere survival; it bore the mark of a warrior who understood the gravity of protecting his land and king.

Tyung's eyes tracked every movement, an unspoken admiration growing for the man who fought as if the very soul of Egypt rested on his shoulders.

In the midst of battle, Jungkook's expressions shifted. he was in an inner battle with himself. was it simply duty that fueled his resolve, or was it something deeper. something he already knows but right now, it scared him.

The clash of steel and cries of combat echoed beneath the star-strewn Egyptian sky.

Jungkook and Jeymeen moved with a unity born of necessity, each strike a testament to the shared purpose that bound them against the common foe.

and in a blurr, time passed and the sands were painted with the red color of blood. a sight so satisfying for Tyung, whom proudly gazed at his warriors, knowing how blessed he was by the gods, to be granted such reliable company.



jungkook was burdened by his own thoughts as he walked by the camels. eyes falling lazily on the Pharoah's carriage and lingering there for awhile.

he noticed the way Tyung was looking lost earlier. like he had so many concerns in his head, and he felt a gnawing urge to ask the young pharaoh.

also, he couldn't get over the terror he has been through earlier when those dirty peasants almost hurt his.. pharaoh.

he had to see him right then. hear his voice. share with him his concerns.

so without hesitation, he stopped the horses and got on the carriage before signaling the servants to carry on.

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