Ch 65 - Becoming A Villain

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Kenji got stepped on by a massive dragon foot. Issei was completely raging and fires of energy were hitting the outer barrier. Kenji could only focus on so much so he up lifted the ground on Rias and her peerage. Moving them to the edge of the barrier removing the barrier over them when they were at a safe distance.

Kenji: iffm gnff asms tpff nff. Gff ooof md.

Kenji tried to say "I'm gonna say this once. Get off me." However Issei didn't hear and if he did he responded in the wrong way. Stomping on him consistently. Digging him further and further into the ground. The air started to get hot. The floor slowly turned into lava. The dragons foot fell into the floor as it went off balance. Then it went flying backwards. Crashing into the rubbles of the school. Kenji slowly emanated from the lava and flew slowly in the air. The air around him getting getting darker.

Kenji: You know what Issei. You resurfaced a bad memory and I don't particularly want to remember it.

Kenji face contorted in anger.

Kenji: I don't like being stepped on.

Kenji sparked. His sliver sparks turning black in the air around him. He kicked the air but near the end of his kick he disappeared. Issei however was sent flying upward from his head. Kenji being seen under him. Kenji then punched downwards in air and disappeared again, the dragon suddenly crashed into the ground at speed as Kenji was above him.

Kenji: Issei, I know you have some type of conscious in there. Just stop this and give up.

The roar from the dragon was loud. But accompanied by that roar was.


Kenji: Don't you dare.


A bright red and green glow was seen from the dragon.

Kenji: If you fire that at me it's over. Me and you are done. No more friendship.


Ddraig: Longinus SMASHER!!

A massive green laser flew toward Kenji. Kenji pointed his hand out as a large black mass forming in front of him. The two collided and the mass grew and grew. The green laser causing it to violently shake. Then it ended.

Kenji: Ddraig, Issei. You did this to yourselves. Take your shitty child's play back.

Kenji formed a dome around the dragon as it punched against the walls. The large ball mass slowly absorbed into the dome and then there was silence. Kenji floated down towards his barrier.

Kenji: This was your fault Issei. Out of all the moves I've made. That one was probably the most cruel. Inspired by Xiang Ye. Someone that I hopefully never have to see. Dude throws around blackholes like toys.

The barrier disappeared and the dragon was seen in pieces. The main body intact but badly damaged.

Issei: I... I'll k... kill... you.

Kenji: {Maybe I should just kill him. It would be so easy. Then everything will be solved. If I don't kill him he'll keep chasing me for revenge. Getting stronger and stronger. I could erase this save but I'm in a different position now that never normally would have been possible. If I kill him it's all to my advan...}

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