Chapter 2: Tattoo- 3x1

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Beacon Hills is besieged by deadly new enemies and disturbing phenomena, Scott seeks a permanent reminder of his failed romance with Allison, and Isaac is saved by Chloe and a mysterious stranger.

Third Person POV

~Flashback– Four Months Ago~

"Isaac! You can't!" Chloe follows Isaac around The Hideout as he packs a small bag.

"Someone has to!" He argues, throwing more stuff in his bag.

"And I will." She snaps, "But I won't lose you too! Don't go!" She pleads.

"I'm going!" He puts his foot down on the decision as he walks out of The Hideout. She follows, watching him leave into the woods.

~Two Weeks Later~

"I feel like I'm getting déjà vu here." Derek complains with a groan, following Chloe around The Hideout as she puts a few potions in her bag with her spell book, family photo, the Golden Chalice she stole from William, and her phone, before using magic on the bag itself so her Bo Staff can fit into it.

(A/N: Think Mary Poppins lol)

Chloe lets out an exaggerated sigh as she throws her head back, spinning around to face him, "I haven't heard from him in four days. He knew my one rule: one text message a day." She snaps, "It's been four!" Heading for the door.

Derek sighs, lowering his head as he sighs, "I'm sure he just forgot." He tries to calm her down.

"I don't care! I lost Erica and Boyd, I won't lose Isaac too!" She says, walking out of The Hideout, the door slamming into Derek as he follows her.

He pushes it open so hard it hits the wall and swings back, as he forcefully grabs her arm and spins her around to face him, holding both her arms to her sides, his grip tightening, "And I won't lose you." He growls, his eyes flashing red.

"Shhhh..." She whispers gently as her eyes flicker green in response to his, "You won't lose me." Pulling her arms from his grip, "I've gotten things in check for myself the last few weeks, I've never felt more connected to my magic than I do now, hell yesterday you even said that I haven't had a 'Darkside Episode' in a while. I have it under control... I can take care of myself." She assures him calmly.

"You haven't left my side since Isaac left and I'm your biggest Focus Point, it's kinda hard to lose control when the one person that keeps you grounded is right here." He gently holds her hands, "Please." He begs her, wrapping his arms around her, pulling her against his chest. "Don't go... We haven't been apart since—"

"Don't say it, Der." She pleads desperately.

He nods knowingly, "I wasn't going to say it... bu you know what I mean... I should've stopped you before you walked in that room."

"That means the same damn thing!" She snaps, pulling away from him, "It's the equivalent of me saying, 'your relationship before the fire'." Using air quotes around 'relationship'. He looks away, biting on his lip nervously and she immediately realizes what she said. She shakes her head with a sigh of disappointment at her own behavior, "Look, Der..." Her voice immediately softening with a small reassuring smile, "I'll call you every night and every morning, we can fall asleep on the phone together, seeing I can't sleep without you in the room, and I'll be back before you know it." Her lips press to his in a light kiss, "Try not to lose your mind while I'm gone, I know we've never gone more than a few days without each other since— but everything will be fine."

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