Chapter 10: The Girl Who Knew Too Much- 3x9

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As Allison begins to suspect someone dangerously close to her may be involved in the murders, as Scott and Stiles conclude that Lydia's rising talents may be their best bet to solving the murders, and Chloe fights to save Derek's sister before history repeats itself yet again.

Third Person POV

Over the years Derek has been plagued with nightmares about the night Paige died, Kate, the fire, Laura's death, and the fear of losing Chloe, and everything in between as his mind twists the memories. Tonight is no different, after going back to the Abandoned Distillery all the memories of Paige's death and the night after come rushing back to him and he can't tell if it's real or not:

Derek wakes up to the sound of whispered arguing downstairs, and when he sits up in his bed to listen clearly he realizes Chloe isn't where he saw her before he fell asleep. Quietly climbing out of bed he moves to his closed door, still hearing the muffled argument. Wanting to find Chloe he opens the door and cautiously steps into the hallway, making his way to the stairs. The house immediately turns dark and eerie as he moves down the steps, hesitating when he spots Chloe laying on the couch in the living room looking pale, bruised, with torn clothes, and covered in blood. "Chloe...?" Her name barley coming out above a whisper as he watches her with tears in his eyes.

"Derek... Der... It's okay, wake up." Chloe's voice echoes through his mind as she shakes him a bit, pulling him from his nightmare. "Babe. It's okay, you're safe just wake up, I'm right here." She calls out quietly.

He hears her voice and slowly wakes, not wanting to open his eyes as he rolls over to his side to face her. "How'd you know?" He mumbles, relaxing with a heavy sigh when he instantly feels her fingers glide through his hair and scratch his scalp lightly.

Chloe smiles slightly at him, shifting slightly to lean up on her elbow, "I didn't— not right away a least— you snore when you sleep on your back. That woke me up." She explains quietly, "You'd think I'd be use to it at this point... I mean we've slept in the same room since we were like seventeen." She laughs, quickly continuing before he can respond, "But, uh, when I realized you were talking in your sleep— that's when I knew." He raises an eyebrow, questioning her without opening his eyes, "You talk in your sleep especially during nightmares." She admits. "Mumbling my name is kinda a dead give away."

He scoffs tiredly, moving closer to her, "Sometimes it's scary how well you know me, Chlo..." He mumbles, slowly starting to fall back to sleep to the feeling of her playing with his hair and slowly moving her hand to his neck.

She chuckles lightly, laying back down with him needing to press a gently reassuring kiss to his forehead as she massages the muscles in neck when he tenses up at her movements thinking she's leaving. "You wanna talk about it?" She asks, using her free hand to adjust the blankets.

He nods a bit throwing his arm across her side and pulling her tightly against him, leaving no space between them. "After Paige's death." He mumbles half asleep.

That's all he needs to say for her to understand, "It's okay, I'm still here." She whispers reassuring him as he falls back to sleep, holding onto her tightly. She can feel his claws pierce her back as he's desperately trying to keep her close, "We both know it takes a lot more then a magical tree and a pissed off Ennis to get rid of me." She adds, letting him cuddle into her, hiding his face against her neck and taking a few breaths to calm himself down as her arms wrap tighter around him, pressing a kiss to his head. "And people think you're a big bad wolf." She joke with a small smile.

~Flashback- Hale House, 2003~

When Annette, Talia, Chloe, Derek, and Peter get back to the house Derek runs right for his room upstairs and slams the door shut so hard it echos through the upstairs. Chloe goes to follow him but Annette grabs her shoulder, pulling her back and stopping her. "Don't Mom!" Chloe snap coldly, ripping her shoulder from her mother's hold, "He shouldn't be alone up there."

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