Chapter 9: Visionary- 3x8

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Seeking answers, Scott, Allison, and Stiles turn to two unlikely narrators for help and discover a secret about the color of a werewolf's eyes, while Chloe and Derek talk about their memories as they protect two of their own.

Third Person POV

Once everyone gets their bearings at the Loft after Kali and the Alpha twins leave Derek, Chloe, Isaac, Cora, Boyd, and Erica spend one final night at the Hideout together and because everyone decided to crash in the small one room cabin the most in sleeping arrangements that anyone gets is a sleeping bag on the floor; Chloe next to Derek, Erica next to Boyd, and Isaac and Cora making a point to be on other sides of the room. And once the kids are asleep, Chloe gets to work magically making passports and other needed important paperwork for her, Derek, Erica, and Boyd to leave the country without getting caught by the law because everyone thinks the two Betas are kidnapped or dead.

Chloe stops working when she hears Derek walk up behind her, his arms slowly wrapping around her as he kisses the top of her head, "What are you doing, Baby?" He mumbles tiredly against her.

She yawns, leaning back in her chair as he moves to allow her head to rest again his chest, "I'm making sure we can get the kids out of here in a few hours." She answers tiredly.

He gives her a tired smile, watching her closely, "I don't think anyone outside of town knows they're— supposed to be— dead. We'll fly out from outta town just in case. Have you seen anything that might be a problem?" He asks worriedly.

She lets out a quiet laugh and sighs, "Boarder security might be a bit of a problem if they look into things to closely but I think we'll be okay." Chloe mumbles out nervously.

"Good." He nods, grabbing the chair and pulling it out away from the table, "Let's go to bed." Wrapping one arm around her back as her arms wrap around his neck, and his other arm tucks behind her knees, picking her up, "I can't sleep if you're not next to me and in my arms." He admits as she hides her face against his neck.

She chuckles as he lays her down before laying down next to her, pulling her into his arms as she cuddles against him, "I love you, Der." She mumbles tiredly with her eyes closed as her fingers grip his shirt.

"I love you too, Chlo." He replies, letting her hold onto him.

Two hours later while the four of them are getting ready to head to the airport, Isaac walks up to Chloe, "You're coming back, right?" He asks nervously.

The Witch stops packing her bag and turns to look at him, "Why wouldn't I?" She asks confused, catching out of the corner of her eye that Derek is packing a suitcase, "Derek Hale so help me god if you make me spend extra for luggage! We're gonna be there for less than two days!" She growls at him before turning back to Isaac, "We'll be back in a few days." She assures him, resting a hand on his shoulder. "Just do me a favor and watch out for Cora." She smiles.

"Always." He nods as Chloe pulls him into a hug.

Even through Chloe was worried about getting through airport security it was easy and went off without incident. "Can you tell us more about this Alpha? Who is he?" Boyd asks while they're waiting at their gate.

Chloe, sitting back in her chair with her eyes closed doesn't move but answers the question, "Nicholas Hale is a basically the Talia Hale of his region, a well respected, powerful, well connected Alpha. He takes pride in his pack and makes sure all the kids in his care have a normal childhood— or at least as normal as possible— until they finish school—"

"Wait, so I have to go back to school?!" Erica asks in a whiny tone.

"Yes Erica, you're going back to school at some point." Chloe puts her foot down on the subject, "Elijah, Nicholas' second-in-command, already made arrangements for the two of you to start in a week."

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