Chapter 8: Currents- 3x7

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While Chloe struggles to be everywhere at once Scott discovers an unexpected power within himself as he races to save Dr. Deaton's life with information provided by Chloe and Danny, and new abilities reveal themselves to the Witch in her showdown with Kali.

Third Person POV


"Hi guys." Astra's voice echoes through Chloe's mind, unheard by the others around them.

The Witch smiles when the wolf looks at her feeling the mix of shock, confusion, and fear from the guys, "This is Astra. Erica named her."

"Looks like we have a lot to talk about." Alan tells her and Derek nods, still unable to take his eyes off the wolf.


Alan, Chloe, Derek, Isaac, and Boyd are still at the Animal Clinic. The two Betas have fallen asleep against the back wall, feeling okay and safe now that Chloe is around. The three others talking in the front area so they don't wake the kids, "This is interesting." Alan whispers.

Chloe scoffs, amused, "Try constantly hearing her voice in your head." As she leans her shoulder against the wall with her arms crossed and eyes closed.

Alan nods with a small smile, "They said that Astra was at the motel with them, but you were—?" He questions.

She has to fight to hide a slight smile, "Um..." She mumbles, trying to come up with an appropriate answer.

"She was with me." Derek says quickly over her.

Alan's eyes go wide at the realization and takes a small step back, "So you didn't notice Astra was gone until afterwards?" He asks confused.

The Witch shakes her head against the wall, "No, I mean felt her leave. I told her to protect them but I didn't realize everything she did until she came back... I haven't figured out how to see what she sees in real time yet." She chuckles slightly. "I don't even know if it's possible." She shrugs.

"And what did you figure out?" Derek asks worriedly, looking between her and Alan.

Chloe stands up straight with a sigh, "Astra saw the Darach in the flames which means whoever the Darach is... they know who I am. Protecting the boys—" She nods back to Isaac and Boyd, "—gave it all away."

"And we don't know who they are." Derek groans out in frustration.

"We'll find out." Alan tries to reassure him. "Do you even know how you— for lack of a better word— got Astra? How she was... made? And why?" He asks curiously.

Chloe thinks for a moment, jumping off the table, "Der and I talked about this a while back. The wolf appearance makes sense because I was raised by you, Mom, and a bunch of werewolves and William said... and I quote: 'Your magic has become so influenced by them, you're slowly turning into your own version one'. Merlin's magic made him immortal because he's waiting for King Arthur's return. William's magic made him immortal because he wants to stop Merlin and bring Morgana back from the dead. I guess my magic gave me Astra so that I have a better chance of keeping control and keeping my family safe." She shrugs unknowingly.

Alan nods understandingly, "That makes sense— or at least as much sense as magic can." He glances to the back room where he finds Isaac and Boyd who are fast asleep in the corner, having calmed down enough and gained that feeling of safety back now that Chloe is back and okay. "You should take the boys home." He whispers quietly, stepping past them.

The Witch nods with a sweet smile as she heads towards the Betas quietly with her arms crossed over her chest before crouching down in front of Isaac, "Isaac, Buddy, wake up." She whispers calmly, shaking him slightly, "Let's get you home." After a few moments his eyes open and he sits up a bit more, startled, "Shhhh. It's just me, It's Chloe." She quickly reassures him and he quickly calms down, feeling her hand on his shoulder. "You're okay." He takes another breath to calm himself down, nodding slightly to Chloe telling her that he's okay and she can go wake up Boyd.

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