Chapter 13: Lunar Ellipse- 3x12

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Under Deaton's advice, Scott and his friends use an ancient but extremely dangerous ritual, under the guide of one wolf, to help them both save the lives of the people they love and stop Deucalion from achieving his sinister goal. While Chloe and Derek give up parts of themselves to save Cora and protect each other.

Third Person POV

Scott, Stiles, and Allison burst out of the water in a large white room, they take their time and climb out of their tubs before feeling eyes on them from behind and they slowly turn around finding the glowing green wolf looking up at them. They see every detail of Astra— her eyes behind the glow, a darker green almost black, with a five-fold knot symbol etched into the wolf's firey fur on her forehead. They look up, past her, and see the Nemeton before Astra slowly turns and leads them to it and they cautiously follows her until the wolf disappears within the roots. Scott to the tree first, looking down at the stump when a memory comes back to him and he pulls up the sleeve of his shirt to look at his tattoo.

-Flashback~ Hale House Ruins, Late August 2011~

Scott is sitting at the Hale House with Derek, Chloe, and Stiles. "What does it mean?" Derek asks.

"I don't know..." Scott answers, "Uh... it's just something I trace with my fingers."

-End of Flashback-

Scott lays his hand on the stump and he's transported to the Preserve on the night he got The Bite from Peter, watching it all happening in front of him with Astra standing with him:

Once the herd passes Chloe gets up, helping Scott to his feet, "My inhaler." He sighs, still processing what just happened.

"You're welcome." Chloe snaps clearly agitated by the fact the deer used her as a launchpad as she cracks her back. "Now you need to leave, those deer were running from something."

"I can't leave my inhaler, it's really expensive." He sighs, trying to catch his breath as he pulls out his phone for light. "And thank you." He smiles, "Who are you?" He asks confused, looking between her and the ground as he searches for his inhaler.

"Name's Chloe." She answers, leaning upright against the tree, not helping Scott at all.

"Scott." He answers, moments later finds something, quickly freaking out and falling down the hill.

Chloe runs up to what he found, a body... half a body... "Laura." She whispers, her hand quickly covering her mouth. "Laura." She whispers as if saying her name again would bring her back. She's taken out of her trance by the sound of Scott hitting a tree, "Shit!" She yells, quickly running after him. She gets a few feet away when she hears growling coming from behind her. Scott turns around and looks past her, being met with the red eyes of the Alpha. "Scott, run." She whispers, careful with her movements.

He makes a break for it as the Alpha charges in their direction. Chloe's eyes flicker green before the monster is thrown into a tree, the sound of its back cracking echoing through the woods. It roars at her, obviously pissed off, "Chloe!" Scott yells out, not understanding why she's not following him.

"Go!" She yells back, only turning her head to look at him for a split second before she feels something heavy hit her head and everything goes dark.

The Alpha bites him, sending him farther into a panic. With the Alpha gone just as fast as it appeared, Scott gets up, leaving his inhaler, Laura's body, and Chloe as he runs into the street; almost getting hit by a car.

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