Chapter 11: The Overlooked-3x10

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Trapped inside an evacuated Beacon Hills hospital by a powerful storm, Scott, Derek, and Chloe must defend themselves and each other against the Alphas while trying to figure out how to save Cora's life when the couple remembers some of the worst nights of their lives.

Third Person POV

~Flashback- New York Motel, 2006~

Laura, Chloe, and Derek have been going from motel to motel every few days to avoid being found by Hunters, a few close to the Argents followed them out of California. Every car driving by, every noise at night stressing the three of the out; Derek more so and tonight is no different, leaving him and Chloe up all night talking while Laura slept. "I know it's only been a few days since you told me about—" She takes a breath, sitting next to him.

He cuts her off quickly, "You mean since you got me to open up by telling me more about what happened to you with Peter." He corrects her gently, "You told me everything that happened, right?" He asks worriedly, taking her hand.

"Nightmares still bothering you?" She asks quickly changing the subject, not wanting to answer his question honesty.

He lets her and just nods barley enough for Chloe to notice, "Messes with head." He mumbles.

"I know." She whispers understandingly, "One thing you can count on... I'll always help you find reality." She promises him with a smile. "As long as I'm around, you can trust it's real, okay?"

~End of Flashback~

"We need to find her." Stiles urges as him, Chloe, and Scott walk through the hall too leave the school, "We need to find my Dad." He mutters.

"I know, we will." Chloe nods, stumbling to the side against the lockers, still dealing with the pain of being rebrandedby the Pianist's sacrifice, as her eyes glow.

"Chlo?" Scott asks, getting in front of her, "What is it? What do you see?"

The glow fades as a storm picks up outside, "Derek's in trouble... Jennifer is going for him."

Stiles gives her a confused look as she gets steady on her feet again, "Why would she want him?" He asks.

She thinks for a moment, trying to figure out the right words before sighing, "Why do you think she started with the virgins?" His confusion only gets more obvious as the three of them keep walking as she sighs in annoyance, "It's hard to explain, the power can do a range of things depending on what the person— Jennifer— wants. She used it to make herself more attractive to Derek."

"She made herself more like you." Stiles realizes.

Chloe nods, "To the point where if he's alone with her long enough, especially without me around, he'll start to think that she's me—"

"What?" Scott cuts her off.

She groans irritated, forcing the door open against the weather as they walk out of the building, the door slamming loudly behind them as they leave because of the wind and rain, "She can twist his mind anyway she pleases... with enough time alone with him, even I won't be able to change his mind. I put a protective spell over that part of his mind— I wasn't able to remove Jennifer's spell at the time— but it's less effective... if effective at all when I'm not around." She yells over the storm, as the run to Stiles' Jeep.

"And now that he's alone with her, her hold on him could be stronger." Stiles realizes as he climbs into his Jeep.

Chloe climbs into the back before Scott gets in the passenger seat, "Drive." She orders him, brushing her wet hair off her forehead.

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