𓄂¹⁷. why can't you see my heart?

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The silvery moonlight spilled through the balcony, casting a gentle glow in Jungkook's chamber.

jungkooks desire to go to the Pharaoh's chamber was unrestrained.

he so badly and violently wanted shove everyone, anyone who's there with Tyung outside and stop them from looking, seeing or touching the Pharaoh.

yet here he was, alone in his balcony. allowing himself a moment of solitude as he accepted the bitter truth of the situation, the cruel sound of the Pharaoh's rejection to his feelings echoed in his memory.

His mind buzzed with fragments of memories, each one a testament to Pharaoh Tyung's captivating essence.

he wandered, when did it all start. when did his feelings become this deep and profound.

glimpses of Tyung's unamused reactions to his playful flirtations flickered in his thoughts like a well-cherished flame, igniting a yearning deep within him.

He recalled the admiration in Tyung's eyes when he showcased his bravery.

Tyung's intellect, sharp as the edge of an obsidian blade, had always left Jungkook in awe, an admiration that had gradually transformed into something more profound.

Tyung's beauty, ethereal as the sunrise over the Nile, had become an irresistible temptation, a muse that fueled Jungkook's desires.

once, In the outskirts of Thebes, under the golden glow of the Egyptian sun, Jungkook accompanied Pharaoh Tyung in inspecting the crops.

Suddenly, a tiny scorpion scurried across the path, catching Jungkook off guard.

In a reflex, he let out a startled yelp, his eyes widening in fear. Instinctively, he reached for a nearby rock, poised to strike the intruder.

However, Tyung gently held Jungkook's hand. "Hold, brave Savior. Let the creature be," he said, his deep voice carrying a mixture of tenderness and amusement.

"But it's a scorpion!" Jungkook protested humorously, his eyes fixed on the arachnid cautiously navigating the ground.

Tyung, with a soft smile, bent down and delicately scooped up the scorpion. Holding it between his fingers, he examined it with a curious fascination that mirrored Jungkook's astonishment.

"Every living being has its purpose, even the smallest of creatures," Tyung explained, his gaze focused on the scorpion. "They too play a role in the dance of nature."

Jungkook, still wary, watched as Tyung allowed the scorpion to crawl along his fingers. "Be careful, my Pharaoh," he cautioned.

Tyung chuckled, his eyes twinkling with an ancient wisdom. "Animals, like us, experience emotions. They feel love and hate, and their actions reflect those sentiments."

Jungkook, captivated by Tyung's words, found himself staring at the pharaoh with newfound admiration.

it was the first time ever has he heard his melodic laughter. and boy was bewitched by the beauty in front of him.

The simplicity of Tyung's belief in the emotions of creatures both mesmerized and intrigued him.

As the scorpion continued its exploration of Tyung's hand, the pharaoh continued, "Even the mightiest of creatures have vulnerabilities. It is our duty to fathom, and respect the delicate balance of life."

right then, Jungkook saw Tyung not just as a ruler but as a human being. a normal human.


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