He kissed you?

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          "Gratianus," Askeladd said as he walked over to him with Isabeau behind him. "There's a development."
"So quickly?" Gratianus raised a wary eyebrow as he looked at the newly minted princess of Denmark. "Does it have something to do with this young widow?"
"I'm not a widow any longer, I just don't have any other clothes." Isabeau quipped back to him.
"This is actually Prince Canute's very recent wife- Isabeau of Normandy." Askeladd informed him. "Also the Dowager Countess of Luxembourg, where her son is currently Count- although he's too young to be making any decisions there yet."
"Why would this be a development, Askeladd?" Gratianus asked tightly, folding his arms over his armoured chest.
"Her mother was an Irish woman, a mistress of her father's. Her grandmother was Welsh- my mother's sister." Askeladd informed him. "I assume you know what that means."
"I do." Gratianus looked at her in surprise. "The blood of Artorius flows within her veins, and her son's as well."
"Who is that?" Isabeau frowned slightly.
They ignored her.
"As Prince Canute's wife, she's primed for her children to sit upon at least the thrones of Denmark and England besides the one her first son currently occupies. Cards played right, any daughters they might have could spread all throughout Europe." Askeladd said to the Welsh general. "Which can only mean good things for Wales."
"That's all going to depend on her husband." Graniatus focused his eyes on her. "Save for her hair and her eyes, there is something of Elin in her features. I also helped her get to Ireland for her wedding, so the timeline makes sense to me."
Isabeau looked away, pulling her cloak closer around herself. "So I'm to be a broodmare for the Welsh, as well then?" She asked cooly, not looking at either of the men. "If I have a child for Denmark, Norway, Sweden, England, and Wales each- will that at least be enough?"
"No. You'll need spares." Askeladd responded.
Ignoring, of course, that my first child nearly cost me my life. She let out a sigh and walked away from them and back to Ragnar and Canute.
"She has a strength about her that bodes well, Askeladd." Graniatus said to his fellow countryman. "She doesn't seem to have much of a temper, or scare easily."
"She has a battle sense as well, not very finely tuned but for a woman they're extremely impressive." Askeladd nodded. "I need to speak with Ragnar and a couple of my men- I'll be back."
          Isabeau walked back to where her husband was standing, pausing next to Thorfinn as Askeladd approached Ragnar and the prince.
"You don't seem as miserable with him as you did when we left London." Thorfinn commented to her.
"Canute and I have found something of a rhythm with each other," she responded with a half smile.
He gave her a look. "If that's a euphemism-"
"It's not," she gave him a stern look. "He's kissed me a few times, and if comfortable with me holding his hand or his arm- but nothing beyond that. I think he's still a little scared of me, if I'm being honest."
"He's kissed you? Him? Seriously?" Thorfinn turned to look at her.
"I was shocked as well the first time." She smiled now, folding her arms. "Especially because he's surprisingly good at it. That was definitely not something I was expecting."
"I didn't need to hear about that." He made a face of disgust. It's like hearing Ylva talk about men she liked or who liked her- I don't want to hear any of it.
"You started it, Thorfinn." Isabeau shook her head and turned her gaze back on Canute. She smiled at him, which made him smile softly as well. She walked over to him as Askeladd turned back to say something to Thorfinn.
"Thorfinn will be the Prince's personal guard," Askeladd said. "They're about the same age, so they should get along."
"What?!" Thorfinn looked up at him. "This had better be worth my time, Askeladd."
"Fine, fine." Askeladd rolled his eyes. "We'll duel when we get to Gainsborough. Now, greet the Prince."
Thorfinn turned to him, his lip curling in almost disgust.
"Thorfinn," Isabeau said warningly as Canute half ducked behind her.
He rolled his eyes now and just nodded. "Fine. Your highness," he said in a sour tone as he almost half bowed.
"That's actually impressive." Askeladd raised an eyebrow as he looked between her and Thorfinn. Maybe she'll actually be successful as Canute's wife if she can even control Thorfinn's attitude.
"So this is Canute, Prince of Denmark." Gratianus said as he walked over to them. "He doesn't have the eyes of a king."
Canute ducked behind Ragnar now.
Isabeau sighed softly as she watched him. Gentleness is one thing, but for him to just hide in the face of anything nerve-wracking... I hate to admit it to myself, but I may need to help wean him away from Ragnar. I don't necessarily think he's doing this to control Canute, but he's only hurting him by letting this continue on.
          Isabeau took Canute's arm gently as Askeladd began ushering them towards the cart again.
I shouldn't have exclusively said that it feels as though I've been trapped on ships, carts too. The day I'm given a horse will be my feast day if I ever become a saint. Isabeau climbed into the cart again and took a seat towards the front corner, looking around at the men. She knew a fair amount of them by now, and all of them knew her. Due to their lack of lewd jokes towards her, she had a fairly good idea that she was at least respected by them for her skills as a battlefield medic. It was a welcome change from her first husband's men- and from Thorkell's men as well. She took Canute's hand when he offered it to her, giving him a smile.
Thorfinn glanced at them and raised an eyebrow. No accounting for taste, I suppose. He thought, and stared up at the sky again. I wish I didn't have to ride in this stupid cart, at least walking gave me something to do.
"I wonder what his majesty will think when we arrive in Gainsborough." Isabeau mused aloud.
"I'm sure he'll be pleased," Bjorn said from his horse just ahead of them.
She turned her head to look at him. "Say, Bjorn, the next time we get new horses- what's the chance I get to ride one?"
"You want to ride a horse?" Ragnar asked in surprise as Bjorn just laughed.
"That's what I did on the continent," she turned to look at him. "Once I got pregnant my first husband had a carriage hired to take me home, though. He would have had me on horseback but the midwife he had hired from a village to confirm everything scolded him when he suggested it."
"Why did he even take you to battlefields with him, your highness?" Ragnar leaned back in his seat.
Isabeau looked at the floor of the cart. "Um-" she cleared her throat. "He-" she glanced at Canute now. "He wanted me to get pregnant, and by keeping me with him he could guarantee it."
Ragnar's eyes widened and he looked away now. "I hadn't realised, your highness. I apologise for asking."
"We've spent over a year with her," Thorfinn spoke up, "and none of us have ever asked anything about that. You spend a week and a half with her and are already prying. Are you that bored?"
"It's natural to have these kinds of questions about the spouse of the Prince of Denmark." Ragnar shot back, tightening his hold on the hilt of his sword.
Isabeau smiled slightly. The more people hear him talking about the fact that we're married, the safer I'll be. If everyone is aware of it, Sweyn won't have the opportunity to deny it ever happened. She leaned her head on Canute's shoulder and let out a breath. Now if we can just be safe for a while.
She let herself doze on Canute's shoulder as they kept moving. She let herself daydream as they kept continuing on. Instead of the dream from the previous night, however, she kept flashing back to their kiss in the barn. Despite the fact that she had initiated that kiss- it surprised her how much he put into it. Because he had been the one to initiate their kiss in the fire, she had known he would at least enjoy it. Him taking the lead between the two of them, however, was something she'd have never expected. It was a side of him she had only seen that once, and was desirous to see again.
"Your highness," Thorfinn spoke up from where he was sitting on the other side of Canute. "I would wake up if I were you- something's about to happen."
The garrison came to a stop at the crest of a hill, a small group of people ahead of them.
          Isabeau frowned and peered up ahead at Askeladd and the other group of Welshmen as they spoke.
Suddenly, arrows came down around them- in a flash Thorfinn and Ragnar had shields up as Isabeau and Canute ducked down.
"I can barely hear what they're saying." Isabeau sighed. "They don't want to hurt us, put your shields down. They only killed Askeladd's horse." She stood up in the cart, trying to hear what was being said.
"Thorfinn! Bring the royal party to the front!"  Askeladd shouted back to him.
"Come on." Thorfinn tossed his shield down and opened the back of the cart.
Isabeau groaned and walked behind her husband and Ragnar. Her eyes narrowed slightly. By all rights, it should be her and Canute presenting together. She knew the roles meant to be played by royal women in settings such as these. The Prince's was to threaten, to strike fear. The Princess' to ask for mercy and for peace. Apparently Ragnar hadn't taught Canute what it meant to be a prince- just his son.
Askeladd turned back to the Welshman. "This is the Danish Prince, Canute. Here with his wife, Princess Isabeau." He turned back at Canute. "If you said something it would help us a lot, like 'we'll eat you alive' or 'step aside or face death'."
Canute's eyes widened as everyone turned to him. He looked from Askeladd to Thorfinn to Isabeau and then to Ragnar- who he promptly ran and hid behind.
Isabeau decided to mutter to herself in Irish, no one there should be able to speak Irish. "Crìost. This isn't the time."
Askeladd sighed and looked from the prince to the other Welshmen. "Gratianus, Princess. We'll be conducting this negotiation."
Isabeau nodded, looking over at Canute. She walked up to him and took his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "I'll be back shortly."
He avoided her eyes as he turned away from her.
"Are we really the same age?" Thorfinn scoffed at the prince. "You're pathetic."
"Thorfinn." Isabeau half-snapped, turning towards him.
He flinched slightly and just stormed back to the cart.
"You have to teach me how you do that." Askeladd shook his head in disbelief.
"I think it's just a God given ability." Isabeau switched to Welsh as she turned back to Askeladd.
The three of them began forward, Gratianus still on his horse.
"Is his attendant aware that all chicks must leave the nest at some point?" The Welsh general said quietly.
"I'm not sure that he does." Isabeau responded before Askeladd could, looking straight ahead. Her tone was one of annoyance- not just from Thorfinn.
"You'll need to get that nest far away from it's chick, if he's to be anything." Gratianus continued.
"I'm aware of that." Askeladd said, shooting a glance at the princess. The more I discover about her, the more I'm pleased that she ended up Canute's wife. She'll be someone I can use to further my own plans.
          "Why is the prince's wife here?" The other Welsh general said, raising an eyebrow at her.
"I speak Welsh, so I'd be listening in anyway." Isabeau responded before either of the other men could.
"She's trustworthy, Asser." Gratianus said sternly.
"Fine." Asser said finally. He motioned for them to follow him off the road. The three of them walked after him, and a gaggle of guards behind him. "No!" He snapped at the guards who were following him. "I don't need guards! Go!" The men looked at each other but turned around and began walking. "Double that distance, and then fifty paces more!"
"That's extremely specific." Isabeau raised an eyebrow.
"Now. Sorry for the show, but my king has a reputation to uphold." Asser turned back to them. "We also can't just bend to Norsemen while receiving nothing in return."
"Then you and your king are in luck, because we have something in mind." Askeladd informed him. "In trade for the assistance of the kingdoms of Wales, Canute will pledge never to make war with any of you."
"What trust can we put in the words of a man as weak as I saw he is?" Asser raised an eyebrow.
Askeladd took a breath. "Because I'm the son of Lydia, a Welsh noblewoman who was taken captive by my father- Olaf- as his mistress." He nodded to Isabeau.
She looked at him for a moment before turning back to Asser. "My grandmother was Elin, also a Welsh noblewoman."
"Sister of Lydia." Askeladd filled in.
Asser's eyes widened and he took a step back in surprise. "I- I know those names- their family are descendants of King Artorius."
"Exactly. Her highness already has a son from her first husband, he's young but he's the current Count of Luxembourg." Askeladd informed him. "Meaning that through her, the blood of Artorius will spread through all of Europe."
It took me a year the first time, why does everyone assume I'll give him dozens of children in the blink of an eye? Isabeau looked away.
"What assurance do I have in the truth or any of this?" Asser cut him off.
"It's widely known that my mother was a captured Irish noblewoman." Isabeau turned back to look at him. "The Lady Ciar, and her mother and father- Lady Elin and Lord Ultan, are also well known. Askeladd has no real reason to lie."
"If that isn't enough for you-" Askeladd took a deep breath and looked down at his men. "Know that I hate the people of Denmark. I do what I do only to further the cause of Wales and keep it safe."
Asser stared at the two of them. "Fine. But I need another condition- your men must lay down their arms until they leave our kingdom."
"Agreed, as long as we get them back." Askeladd said without hesitation. "Starting with me." He removed his sword from his belt and handed it to Asser. "I'll give the men the order."
Isabeau followed him back. "Good luck getting Ragnar and Thorfinn to follow that order," she said. She grabbed his arm to stop him. "I also need you to know that I cannot hate the Danish people. For this marriage to be successful- I hate to be able to love Canute in some way."
"I have no expectation of you to share my feelings towards the Danes, Princess." Askeladd assured her.
          They continued back to the group and Isabeau made her way back to the cart. Thorfinn dropped the back open and helped her in. She took her seat in the front corner beside Canute, sliding her hand into his.
He flinched away from her again.
Isabeau felt a twinge of sadness at that. We had made so much progress for us, but this is setting us back completely. At this rate- Sweyn will force him to set me aside and there won't even be a need for either of them to lie that we never slept together. She folded her hands in her lap silently and lowered her eyes. She had walked on eggshells with her first husband for a completely different reason, but this was its own form of torment. How can I love him if he won't let me near him?
Ragnar cleared his throat, making Canute look up at him. He nodded towards Isabeau. The prince turned and looked at his wife. Instead of the tired or worried expression she typically wore- or even the one of determination she wore when she acted as a medic- her expression now read only of sadness. He reached over and carefully took her hand, running his thumb along the back of her hand. Ragnar nodded and gave him a smile of encouragement.
Isabeau looked at the prince and met his eyes before leaning her head on his shoulder. I'm going to need to figure him out, and quickly, if I'm going to survive this marriage once we reach Sweyn and his men.
          Once the weapons had all been collected, with the unsurprising exceptions of Thorfinn and Ragnar, the garrison began to move again.
They were finally in a forest, away from the sea. Meaning the views were actually changing and every so often to give Isabeau something to focus on besides the length of the journey.
I still wish they'd just give me a horse, she thought as she looked at the ones pulling the cart.
At the back of the cart, Thorfinn was glaring at Canute.
"You can stop gawking now, Princess." He said to Canute. "If you have something to say, use that pretty mouth of yours. Or have you lost your tongue to your wife? She's more of a man than you, anyway."
"Thorfinn, remind me to slap you when we stop for the night." Isabeau said without looking away from the horses.
"I-" Canute began. "I don't stay silent because I'm a coward."
Both Ragnar and Isabeau's heads snapped to the prince.
"I'm trying to be cautious, that's all. I have to." Canute continued as the men stopped and turned around to look at him in shock. "Because I'm the prince, I can't be careless with my words like the rest of you. My words can have political repercussions."
The first time I truly hear my husband's voice, and he's scolding Thorfinn. Isabeau stared at him. As he spoke, anger began to rise in her chest. Why was Thorfinn worthy of his voice- but not her?
"Especially in a foreign land!" He turned towards Thorfinn now. "Without my father's permission I cannot offer treaties or make agreements! It wouldn't be right!" He looked around, realising that everyone was watching. "I just- have to be careful. That's all."
"Well, at least you have a good reason." Thorfinn snorted. "Congratulations, Princess. You are smart."
"How dare you!" Canute jumped to his feet. "Never in my life has someone shown me such disrespect and insolence!"
"Good learning experience, then." Thorfinn said. "Sit your ass down and stop shouting."
"I am not shouting! I am making sure no one can misunderstand my words!" Canute's voice raised.
"Great. Loud and clear." Thorfinn rolled his eyes.
"Thorfinn!" Isabeau snapped from where she was sitting. " Canute! Sit down so we may continue our journey and we don't risk these men's lives by slowing them down." Her entire face was one of stone, she was sitting completely rigid and straight. For the first time, all of them were seeing what fury looked like on her.

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