Don't let him...

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"I should've had some sort of armour made for you," Canute said as he helped Isabeau fix her crown in place. For the sake of the battle, he was having her adorned in the crown Emma had returned to England during her visit with Richard. It gave everything a more official feel. "It makes me nervous that you'll only have the protection of guards and your clothing."

"You know the battle will be quite quick," Isabeau said softly as she took his face in her hands. "No one will reach us."

"It would still give me peace of mind." Canute lifted his helmet and placed it on his head.

Isabeau fastened the straps and buckles for him. "I missed the winged helmets."

"I know you did." The corners of his mouth turned up slightly. "That's why I had a new one made."

Isabeau pulled her husband into a deep kiss. They had spent a little while during the day kissing and all but actually sleeping together, but this kiss was different. It was more tender, more passionate, more serious. "I love you, Canute."

"I love you too, Isabeau." Canute locked eyes with her. She made him feel even keeled despite the fact that the hallucinations of his father's head were becoming all the more frequent. When he was with her he could hold them off and resist the evil his father prevailed upon him. "I couldn't live without you."

"When we return to England, I want to give you a son. An heir." She pinned his cloak in place.

"First, let's secure the future of our kingdoms." He offered his wife his arm.

She took it, holding on to him tightly. She knew they would win, and she had made sure to verbally reassure him of their victory, but all of this still made her nervous. She knew that they would be standing behind the battle being guarded by two Thegns she didn't know personally, Wulf, and Geoffrey. That Ketil's little army wouldn't even be able to reach them- but she was still nervous. The last time she had been this near a fight had been when Edmund had dragged her from her childbed to attempt to force Canute to surrender.

"The soldiers are in place." Wulf informed them as they stepped out of their tent. "Ketil and his army appear to be preparing, according to our scouts."

"Hopefully they just call a retreat and we don't have to make good men suffer for the pride of the man they follow." Geoffrey said stiffly.

Isabeau knew he wasn't just talking about Ketil- he meant Canute as well. He was angry at Canute for this battle, for dragging him and Isabeau to another fight for glory.

"I ordered Floki and the Jomsvikings not to kill them if they start a retreat." Canute said as he shot a glance at his brother-in-law. "I want you just to stay with Isabeau during the battle and keep her safe. I don't expect that we'll get attacked but I want to know my queen is safe."

"I wouldn't be anywhere else." Geoffrey said seriously.

Canute put a hand over one of Isabeau's gently as they walked out of the encampment- they were standing a short distance away from the shoreline, but instead of the gentle beach behind them it was about a five foot drop. Isabeau hoped that meant they were better protected.

I don't know why I'm so worried, she thought as she stepped closer to her husband and squeezed his arm gently. We're here with the best army the world has to offer. We're completely safe here.

Canute pressed a kiss to the top of her head softly.

Isabeau smiled slightly as she stepped closer to him.

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