Thank you, my lady

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          "Thank you, Asny." Isabeau said to her maid as she helped her lady out of the bath. She let out a breath as she was set on the edge of the bed. Her labour pains weren't close enough together yet for her to think the baby would be here sooner than the end of the day, which she was thankful for.
"We'll have you wear this plain linen chemise. It'll keep you covered but won't restrict you at all." Asny said as she helped Isabeau change out of her bathing chemise.
"Thank you, again." Isabeau smiled at her.
She had been almost the opposite of what Asny had been told to expect a noble woman to be like all her life- what she had heard about the Danish Royal Family was that they were ruthless and cruel. She had seen the effects of their warcraft. When she had been informed by her mother that she would become a maid in the palace to the new would-be Queen of England, she had felt terrified. She was certain they were going to turn her into a slave, or abuse her. Or worse than either of those- that they would outright kill her and put her body on display to send a message to the people of England. Then they hadn't- Isabeau was kind, she was sweet and loving and wonderful. Canute was stiffer and more standoffish, but he wasn't who she directly served so his lack of kindness was less of a concern for her- especially because he was loving and kind and wonderful to her lady. His devotion to his wife gave Asny hope for his time as king- and she all but knew he would be king. Anyone who understood war did. It was simply a matter of time and how many lives each side was willing to lose to win the throne and the country, and what methods they were willing to employ. Canute's numbers, supplied by his brother from Denmark, were greater. His fighters were fiercer. His generals were smarter. Beyond all of that- he had Thorkell.
The true secret weapon to his side, in Asny's opinion, was Isabeau. She was young, smart, beautiful, and kind. A queen with those qualities made the common people support him to some degree- and the fact that she could readily provide him children. Two children in three years boded well for the monarchy and their lineage- even though their first was a girl, even if this one was a girl, it just meant allies. Wales had young princes, Scotland had young princes. Flanders, Italy, Bavaria, Bohemia, Castile, and more. All of them had a various array of young princes, all in line for various thrones and titles who needed engagements. Meaning that both sons and daughters were useful to their dynasty and strengthened their claim to the throne. That was the reality that Edmund faced in his claim. He had no wife- no sons. Only an overthrown and murdered father to back his claim. No court in Europe was willing to hand him one of their daughters until they knew he'd be able to make her the Queen of England.
Asny had written to her father and brothers to join Canute's army. That that would keep them safe on the winning side- that because she walked mere steps behind the woman who truly would be Queen sooner rather than later, she could help their family down the road.
All she cared about was the safety of her family- and now, only Isabeau of Normandy could provide that to her.
"I'll heat fresh water as soon as the midwife gets here," she said softly. "I'll get fresh linens as well."
"Thank you, Asny." Isabeau said with a smile at her. "You've been one of the kindest people I've ever met in England. Once I have the ability, I'd like to discuss with Canute about wedding you to a noble."
"Thank you, my lady." Asny smiled as she took a step back.
          "We're back." Geoffrey stepped through the curtain, followed by a grey-haired woman who had a look of determination in her eyes but a softness to her face.
Probably the perfect combination for a midwife to have.
"My lady," she bowed. "My name is Wassa. It's an honour to be serving you."
"Wassa. How wonderful to meet you." Isabeau responded as she looked up at her.
"I'll ask your brother to step outside while I examine you." Wassa turned towards Geoffrey, who nodded and slipped right back through the curtain.
Isabeau leaned back on her hands as Wassa began checking her, hiking her skirt up to get a proper look.
"Yes, I would say you're progressing properly." Wassa confirmed. "I'll send your maid to fetch water and linens and we'll get you in another fresh warm bath to help encourage things along."
"That sounds lovely." Isabeau said with a sigh of relief.
Asny curtsied to her and left the cave quickly.
"Where are you going?" Geoffrey followed after her quickly.
"To fetch fresh water and linens. We'll need slaves to fill a fresh bath soon. It seems her instincts were right- that today is probably the day." Asny responded as she kept walking briskly. "Any word of any battles approaching?"
"Apparently something is close by, according to Thorkell." Geoffrey responded. "They'll send him only as a last resort- although I don't see why they don't send him right away. He'd get it over quicker."
"Probably something to do with honour or pride. Who knows." She shook her head, picking up a spare bucket at the well and setting it on the hook to lower it down and get the water. "Carry this while I get the linens." She handed it to Geoffrey quickly.
"Oh-" Geoffrey took it, slightly surprised at the command. "Alright. Anything to help Iz, I suppose."
"The two of you remind me so much of my brothers and I, sometimes. We were so protective of each other." Asny smiled slightly as they walked to one of the many supply houses.
Geoffrey smiled slightly, throwing a glance at her as they walked. "I wish I knew her better, but I've been working on that while I'm here... the truth is, I see a lot of our mother in her."
"Was your mother half as wonderful as she is?" Asny asked as she gathered a stack of clean, fresh, and unscented linens and turned to return to the cave.
"About the same, in my eyes." Geoffrey responded calmly.
          Isabeau looked up as her brother walked in. "Oh, Geoffrey. Asny. Right on time." She looked more exhausted than she had a moment ago- Wasa was tossing the blanket that had been on the bed in the corner, bundled messily. "My waters broke a moment ago."
"Is that a good thing?" Geoffrey asked curiously as he set the bucket of water down.
"It simply means she's progressing correctly." Wasa answered as she took a linen and used it to wipe the sweat on Isabeau's brown. "Asny- we won't need a bath drawn for her ladyship any longer."
"Yes'm." Asny nodded as she produced a new blanket- this one was plain and black- from a trunk in the back of the room. She spread it over the bed, helping her lady to adjust so she didn't need to move much.
"Any news from Canute?" Isabeau looked over at her brother.
"Not Canute himself- apparently there's some sort of skirmish nearby but it's small enough they aren't even sending Thorkell." Geoffrey informed her as he leaned against the wall of the cave.
"Good, good." She nodded, leaning back on her hands. "This is certainly going to be a day to remember, it seems." She ran one hand over her stomach and took a deep breath, closing her eyes tightly. "No amount of praying stops this from being painful."
"There's supposed to be some reason for that, isn't there?" Geoffrey mused out loud.
"Punishment for all women because of Eve, or something." Isabeau looked at the ceiling. "Seems a bit unfair, but who am I to question the Lord."
Geoffrey smiled slightly. The people of England were serious and solemn in their faith- the people of France as well, and also Canute. Geoffrey and Isabeau's mother had raised them with a more loving thought of their faith. That God wasn't a cold, strict father but one of gentleness and peace.
It made Isabeau stand out further from her English subjects.
"Make sure you check with Thorkell and other soldiers every so often, I want to know what's going on with this skirmish." She said to her brother seriously.
Geoffrey nodded. "I'll ask Thorkell soon. He just sort of tolerates me, so I don't want to risk annoying him too much."
Isabeau half smiled. "Just mention it's me asking and he won't be too upset."
"Somehow, you turn getting kidnapped by Vikings into a marriage, being Queen of England, and having one of the greatest Viking warriors of all time protect you like his own daughter." Geoffrey shook his head and stood up off the wall. "I'll check with Thorkell now, then."
          Isabeau breathed heavily as Asny helped her to take a seat on the bed, she had stopped bleeding heavily shortly after her afterbirth had come away- there was some amount to be expected for a short while, but nothing alarming for a woman.
Wasa was cleaning the newborn baby off near the fire to keep it warm.
"Have you and his highness discussed a name for your new princess?" Asny asked gently as the bundle was handed to her and she passed the sleeping child to her mother.
"I believe we discussed his mother's name for this baby." Isabeau said as she cradled her new daughter in her arms. "It's traditional, and also helps me avoid naming any son I may have in the future after his father."
"Princess Sigrid, then." Asny smiled brightly at her lady.
"As long as Canute is still in favour of that, yes." Isabeau grinned as her daughter yawned in her arms. "We had actually picked Canute, for a boy. Or Harthacanute, which I was adamantly against. I'd personally prefer something different, something new for a new monarchy- but he does so like tradition."
"Can I leave the room now that she's here?" Geoffrey spoke up weakly from where he was huddled against the wall of the cave. He had been sick twice during the birth- which in retrospect, Isabeau found quite funny. "I'll make sure Canute is informed."
Isabeau nodded. "Alright. Don't be gone long, though. With Thorkell having been sent to the fight nearby I don't want to be without a guard for very long."
Geoffrey nodded and smiled with relief at her as he stood up and walked to the curtain. "Congratulations on your new princess, your Majesty," he said with another more genuine smile before walking out of the cave.
Isabeau smiled, cradling the baby close. "I won't be able to spend much time with you now, my darling," she whispered to her new daughter. "When this is over, when we win, we'll all get to live together. All five of us, for a while. Your sister and your half-brother and me and your father. We'll be safe."
The tiny baby girl only gurgled softly as she slept.
"My lady," Asny stepped over. "You should rest while the Princess sleeps. I'll keep her warm and bundled in her bassinet, alright?"
          Before Isabeau could respond, Wasa stepped over to them. "I'm afraid there isn't much time for that."
Asny and Isabeau looked at each other in confusion.
"What are you talking about?" Asny asked warily.
Wasa walked to the curtain and pulled it aside. Geoffrey stepped backwards into the cave again, his hands raised in surrender with a sword tip touching the small soft spot at the bottom of his neck.
An English soldier was holding the end of that sword, behind him stepped the half-King, Edmund Ironside, followed by another two soldiers.
"Iz, don't scream. He's already said if anyone calls for help all four of us will be killed." Geoffrey said evenly. "They were waiting outside the cave when I stepped out. They planned this ambush- I'm guessing the timing with the baby was luck on their part."
"It was." Edmund confirmed. "Although Wasa has been my spy this entire time."
Isabeau looked at her midwife, all the kindness and softness in her face seemed to have drained completely. She looked hateful and angry, like even helping to bring a half-Danish princess into the world had been a task beneath her.
"What do you want? We keep very little of value here." Isabeau looked up at Edmund, holding her daughter close.
"Why would you say that, Iz?" Edmund said almost kindly. "You're here, this precious baby is here. Both of great value to the Danish creature you're married to, I hear tell. I can't quite locate the older of your daughters- Wulfwynn, I think her name is, or I'd have her here too. I think perhaps you are enough, though. Asny- take the new Danish princess and hold her. Wasa- dress the false Queen. We're going to take a walk."
"I can't, I just gave birth. I can barely stand let alone walk." Isabeau glared at him. "And don't call me Iz. You don't have the right."
"Then lean on me, because I'm not asking." Edmund's eyes turned to steal. "Unless I need to decorate this cave with your brother's blood as an example of what's going to happen if you refuse to cooperate?"
Isabeau kissed her daughter's head softly and handed her to her faithful maidservant as Wasa selected a simple overdress- it was a dark brown, almost black, which would hide any blood she may still expel at this point. She shoved it over Isabeau's head roughly. This was almost a completely different woman than Isabeau had been getting to know from the past few months. Isabeau slipped her feet into boots at the side of the bed and winced from the movement.
"You three," Edmund ordered his soldiers as he yanked Isabeau to her feet, his hand clenching her arm. "Stay here. Don't let Geoffrey or Asny leave this cave until I say so."
The men nodded.
"Wasa, come with us." Edmund gripped Isabeau's arm tighter and all but dragged Isabeau from the cave.
          "Killing me will only spurn Canute on," Isabeau warned.
"I have no intention of killing you." Edmund responded as they kept walking. The sounds of the battle were drawing closer and closer as they moved.
"Then what do you intend to do?"
Edmund raised an eyebrow at her.
"What, am I going to run and tell my husband? I'm stumbling along behind you while you hold my arm so tightly I fear I may lose it." Isabeau returned his glare.
Edmund smirked now. "Your husband. Remind me- what became of the priest who married you? Any of the witnesses? I believe one is alive, but lost in the wind as a slave."
"Hard to declare a marriage invalid when both parties swear to it, Edmund." She said with a shudder to her voice as he jerked her along to start walking through the mud again. She could feel the blood running down her legs, residual from the birthing process.
"Even if I can't successfully declare you his mistress, I can certainly stain your marriage. I can lock you up in one of my castles with me until you bear a child of mine." Edmund responded evenly. "Or make sure every court in all of Europe knows the wife and almost Queen of Canute is a whore."
Isabeau's eyes widened now. "How dare you threaten me!" She screamed, trying to struggle in his grip. "Unhand me now!" She was attempting to be loud enough that someone in the battle would hear her.
"You're so weak after your little event, aren't you?" Edmund let out a laugh. "If only your brother hadn't sold you off to Luxembourg when I asked to marry you- you'd be my Queen now, wouldn't you?"
"And I'd hate every second of it, being married to a coward who fled England at the first sign of trouble." Isabeau responded through gritted teeth.
Edmund stopped and struck her across the face immediately, the sound of the impact echoing across the field.
"Unhand my wife." Canute's voice came from the edge of the battle. He was sitting on top of his horse, Thorkell holding his axe to one side and Floki with a sword and shield to the other. "Now, Edmund."
"And what is she worth to you?" Edmund dragged her towards Canute, stopping about fifteen feet away from him. "Is she worth England? Gold? Peace?"
Isabeau fell to her hands and knees as Edmund tossed her to the ground.
Canute glanced behind them and Wasa, realising that she must be a spy in his camp. Then his gaze moved to the clear trail of blood his wife had left in the grass. "You harmed my wife for this."
"I ask again- what is her safety worth to you, Canute?!" Edmund shouted furiously.
The battle behind them had stopped now, each side watching the interaction with tense anticipation.
Canute glanced at Thorkell, who in one motion threw his axe.
Edmund knew the move, though, having formerly worked with Thorkell, and ducked. The axe lodged itself in Wasa's neck- and the woman dropped to the grass, dead.
Thorkell leapt forward with it, but for once he didn't have a goal to kill his opponent- but rather to save the woman he viewed as his Queen.
"I'll have your hands for this, boy." He warned Edmund as he lifted Isabeau off the grass, carrying her back to her husband.
Isabeau winced as she was lifted, holding on to her stomach. She had disliked Edmund for some time on her husband's behalf- and now she hated him on her own.
Thorkell plopped Isabeau in front of Canute on his horse, riding side saddle for a modicum of comfort.
Edmund let out a shout in Middle English, and his men surged forward- allowing him to vanish in the ensuing chaos.
          "We need to get back to the cave, Canute." Isabeau said quickly. "He left soldiers there, holding Geoffrey and Asny and the baby hostage. We need to make sure they-"
"Hold on to me." Canute instructed her and flicked his horse forward.
Isabeau bit back a scream of pain as they galloped. The soldiers were gone from the cave, which she was praying was a good sign.
Canute brought the horse to a stop and jumped down, gingerly taking her into his arms. They walked into the cave and relief washed over the both of them.
"You're back!" Asny sprang to her feet in excitement, cradling the sleeping baby.
"And unharmed." Geoffrey added, and then noticed the bruise on her cheek. "Mostly."
Canute set his wife on their bed and kissed her forehead gently before turning to the baby. "What did we have?"
"Your highness has another beautiful baby girl." Asny said softly.
"Princess... Sigrid." Canute said as he took the baby in his arms rand turned back to his wife. "Edmund will pay with his life for what happened today," he said seriously.
Isabeau met his eyes, her hands resting on his arm. "Canute-"
He cut her off with a kiss. "He hurt you, threatened you, threatened our daughter. He will pay with his life."

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