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Isabeau stood beside Canute as they watched the last boat of nobles sail from the Westminster Palace dock- they were finally all gone from the celebrations and festivals that had been held for the birth of Ciar and the betrothal of Wulfwynn to the young Welsh Prince Grudffydd. Now they just had to figure out how to get rid of Richard- Emma would go with him, but at this point Isabeau was alright with that. She and Canute had fallen into something of a rhythm with each other- although she could tell he still was just entertaining her overly obvious feelings at this point. In the four months since their daughter's birth, they'd slept together once- but he had almost seemed bored with it by the end. He'd already mentioned that he'd like them to 'create' their next child- or, more specifically, to create a son and heir for their dynasty. His dynasty.

"I want to go check on the children." Isabeau said, pressing a kiss to her husband's cheek.

Canute caught her hand as she turned away. "Perhaps you could check on them... soon?" he tugged her back to him, searching her face.

She looked up at him. "Canute, can we do this later?" She almost seemed to shrink away from him as he reached up to touch her face.

"Are you angry with me?" He frowned slightly as he trailed his fingers from her cheekbone to her throat to her chin.

"No. I just don't want another... disappointment for either of us." Isabeau looked away from him.

"Let me try, Iz." Canute said softly. "I know last time was a disappointment for us both, but-"

"What if I get pregnant again- and I have another girl?" She asked before he could finish speaking, turning her head to look up at him again. "I need to know I don't need to be afraid of that possibility." Their argument some time ago had allowed her to find her voice with him finally. "What if it takes me a while to even get pregnant again? Each of the girls didn't take long, I know, but what if a boy would? Especially seeing as it took over a year of trying to conceive Frederick."

He met her gaze, the look in her eyes was one he recognised- it was the look she'd had the entire time they were effectively on campaign with the vikings. The first time he had seen it had been the first night they had ever slept together. The memory of the moment- not just of the fact that they had had sex, but of how safe he remembered feeling with her in that room, that in a way she was his and he felt as though in a way he had become hers- tugged at his heart strings. Like a memory of being in love with her. "I'm prepared for all of that, Isabeau." He promised softly. He lifted her chin slightly and kissed her, drawing her close against his body.

This kiss almost reminded Isabeau of their first one- of the tenderness and sincerity she had been desperately searching for in him since the birth of their daughter. She pulled back and searched his face as his eyes opened slowly. Feeling kisses like that from him- it was like a pang of sadness in her heart.

"I'd like to check on the children." She stepped back from him. "We'll talk... soon." She kissed his cheek again and walked into the castle without another word.

Canute brushed his thumb over his lips as he watched her go. Something in him wanted to chase after her as she walked away. Something in him wanted to profess endlessly that he- that I love her. He walked into the castle as well, running a hand over a piece of his hair. He hadn't had that thought in some time, and now that it flashed in his mind... it was almost as if he simply hadn't allowed himself to think it.

"My King." Thorkell was waiting just inside the doors. "Your brother-in-law would like a word with you"

"Which one?" Canute turned to look up at him.

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