A kiss would be nice.

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           Canute set the letter from the Queen of Scots down on his desk, tapping his finger on it in thought. "I agree we shouldn't commit to anything yet for either this baby or either of the girls," he said after a moment. "We'll see what this baby will actually be before making any decisions. We may consider continental matches for them."
"I haven't even responded to her letter yet," Isabeau admitted, leaning back against the window as she sat on the cushioned sill. "Hopefully she isn't offended by that- seeing as I am due to give birth next month."
Canute smiled slightly, turning his head to look over at her. She looked exhausted, like she had when he'd first met her. "Any word on how much longer our visitors will be here?"
"Mm, no. Of course not. Richard has begun avoiding me- probably to avoid discussing that very topic. Also because I argued with Emma." She met her husband's eyes and smiled. "I don't know what I'd do without your support through all of this," she told him. She pushed herself onto his feet as moved to slide into his lap, sliding her hand into his. "If they won't leave, we may be able to use the baby as an excuse to make them." She leaned her head against his chest and took a deep, slow breath. She liked being so near him, feeling so safe so near him.
He liked to have her in his arms. He pushed her hair out of her face and kissed her softly. "I'm looking forward to seeing you out of maternity clothes and not in mourning clothes," he remarked as they sat together in each other's arms.
"I'm looking forward to being out of maternity clothes and not in mourning clothes myself." She sighed deeply and kissed him lightly. "I should head outside. My midwife said that I should walk as much as I can to encourage the baby to be in the correct place for birth," she kissed him again and used his desk to pull herself onto her feet. "I feel so large these days- I never got this big with Frederick, but I did for both of the girls."
"You've said before that Danish babies were more demanding to carry than Luxembourgish babies," he reminded her as he stood up with her.
"It remains true," she sighed and looked up at the ceiling. "Will you be coming with me outside?"
"I actually need to meet Thorkell- he's training me in swordsmanship." Canute took her hand as they left his study together, kissing her fingers softly.
"Oh. So I'm going to be a widow again." Isabeau joked, a slight smile crossing her face. "I'll come by and watch a little, if that's alright with you?"
"Thorkell may have an issue with it, but I don't," he promised her softly. "It might actually encourage me to do better with it- a reminder of what I'm learning to be able to protect. My family."
Isabeau grinned now as they walked together. "I was thinking, by the way, that we should be crowned before the nobility and before the people. A way to show them where the power in England lies once and for all."
"I'll discuss that with Thorkell and my councillors," Canute nodded slowly. "For now, let's just focus on bringing this child into the world safely- alright?"
          Isabeau paced in her room as her maids sat on the furniture watching her, ready to jump in and help at a moment's notice.
Her new midwife, Blythe, was helping keep her upright as she paced and making sure she kept her breathing steady, deep, and consistent.
Geoffrey was leaning against the wall beside the door, Thorkell on the other side to be her guards.
"How long is this going to take?" Thorkell sighed, looking out the window across the room from him boredly. "It's been half a day already."
"Childbirth can take a while. You know that." Blythe said strictly to him, giving him a glare that could freeze a lake in summer. "While her highness has already had three babies, and that can help things along a bit, that's no guarantee. You'll have to have patience."
Thorkell held his hands up, his eyes wide.
"I don't think he's ever had that look on his face," Isabeau said with a small laugh before taking a sharp breath in. "I'm impressed, Blythe."
"Don't worry yourself with thoughts about anyone other than you and this baby, my queen." Blythe's tone turned soft as they looped back around the sheepskin rug.
"This is already going faster than it did with my girls," Isabeau admitted, resting one hand on her stomach. "Even if it is a little early."
"Only by a few short weeks, highness. This baby will be healthy and strong, we just need to make sure you stay that way as well." Blythe said encouragingly. "Take a seat on the birthing chair, I need to check to see how far along you are."
Isabeau nodded and took a seat, wiping the sweat that was beading on her brow.
Geoffrey tapped his arm nervously as he watched his sister. She seemed so vulnerable to him now- just like she had before, and that had ended badly.
It was different than when he had found her being beaten by her sorry excuse for a first husband, though.
She didn't seem fearful or panicked, which let him relax somewhat. Although he knew how dangerous childbirth could be- how dangerous it was for her the last time. It terrified him. He and Thorkell were guards against anyone who might try to attack her- but there was no protection if something went wrong with the baby itself.
          "About half way along, highness." Blythe said as she wiped her hands off and stood up. She held out her hands for the Queen and helped her to her feet. "Sirs, is anyone in the halls? It would be good for her highness to have more space to walk privately."
"I told everyone to clear out this floor of the castle," Thorkell said. "So no, there shouldn't be anyone."
They two women shuffled out the door of the room carefully.
"Geoffrey, hold on to her. It would be good for her to be able to squeeze your hand without fear that she'll hurt you." Blythe instructed him.
Geoffrey nodded and carefully held onto his little sister. Due to his appointment as Count of Eu, he hadn't been able to be there for her much of her life- and while he knew he'd be dragged back to Normandy by their oldest half-brother- he was glad to be able to be here for her here and now.
"You're truly feeling alright? Not like last time?" Geoffrey asked gently as they walked, looking down at her.
"Nothing like last time," she promised gently and smiled at him. "I just wish she'd have allowed Canute here with me when he asked."
Geoffrey smiled as well. It made him happy to see his sister still so in love with her husband- it was the only reason he felt able to return to Normandy without her.
"I can't believe the King assigned two guards to her for this." Thorkell grumbled as they all meandered slowly down the hall. "She only needs to one- and with your ridiculous siblings still here, someone should be with him. Some improvement with a blade isn't saying as much for his skill level as he seems to think it does."
Isabeau chuckled as she turned her head to look up at him. "Well, I am completely defenceless like this- I couldn't even run or hide if I tried to. So with said ridiculous siblings here, it's probably wise for me to be closely and heavily guarded."
"Mm. I suppose. This isn't what I signed up for when I joined with Canute, though." He sighed, folding his arms over his chest.
"Wealth, land, power, and positions have all been given to you and your men." The Queen said simply. "All the reasons you actually joined with us, if memory serves."
He grumbled something else she couldn't hear, continuing with her as they looped around in the hall back to her door.
"Mm- okay. I'd like Blythe to check on me again. I don't want to walk anymore." Isabeau said as she ran a hand over the top of her stomach and let out a slightly more pained breath.
Geoffrey nodded and helped her inside again, squeezing her hand as she squeezed his.
        Blythe checked the Queen while she was still standing and nodded. "That's definitely helped. Get her on the chair, we'll let her labour there from here on out."
Geoffrey helped his sister move to the birthing chair near the fire before returning to stand beside Thorkell and the doors again.
"You're doing wonderfully so far your highness," Blythe said soothingly as she added a piece of wood to the fire to keep it strong. "Everything is happening as it should, as well the baby seems to be in a wonderful position. You're progressing wonderfully."
Isabeau smiled as she closed her eyes to get through another pain- that was everything she wanted to hear. Everything was right- the baby, her, the labour process. Nothing like the last time. No cave and no Edmund and no plot.
          Canute flipped the yellowed paper over in his hand as he leaned back in his desk chair. His thoughts drifted to his wife, how she was, and his child.
Then they returned to the letter he had just read.
It was less a letter and more a short note, apparently from Askeladd to his wife.
'I know you will never come to love this ridiculous Danish prince, but if you can make him believe it- you'll never have to know fear again a day in your life. Tell him love love him until he believes it. Tell me when he does. Use this paper.'
Below it was another note, saying 'He believes it. He loves me. I hate having to play this role- but it will win me my goals. '
He had nothing of Askeladd's to compare the writing to, but he did have things his wife had written. The writing matched- although it could be the work of a forger.
Her actions were that of genuine love to him. Her kisses, her touch, her patience. All of them pointed to how true the proclamations of her feelings for him truly were.
On the other side of that, however, was the reality that she had spent over a year living as a viking captive. It spoke to her ability to put on a farce- to an ability to act out the role she knew would keep her safe. The role she knew best suited her situation. Perhaps the loving wife was the role that she knew would protect her the most.
Or perhaps her oldest siblings were making their last play for Canute to leave her before they were forced back to Normandy.
He folded the letter and stood up, setting it into the secret trunk he had had built into the seat on the sill of his window. He looked out the window and tapped on the glass carefully.
The force of the spiral of his thoughts regarding all of this was making his head spin. Was it all just an act from Isabeau? He didn't want to believe it could be, but he couldn't deny that he couldn't truly set the thoughts aside. One of the problems with marriages like theirs is there was no time to get to know each other- they were thrown to each other before being dragged further into a war.
He also knew that this could be an opportunity for him to reexamine his own feelings towards her. She was a very useful wife to how he wanted to rule- she came with no treaties, no demands. He was free to review every decision he made before agreeing to it, no allied nation could step in and force him to choose something they wanted but he was against.
He also had seen her as a damsel that needed him to step up and save her.
But did he truly love her? Did it matter?
          "Canute!" Geoffrey threw open the door to his study, breathing hard as he came to a stop. "Or- your majesty! Queen Isabeau has delivered her baby."
Canute spun around to face him. "What's the news, then?"
"You have a new very healthy, very loud daughter." Geoffrey reported carefully. Canute didn't seem the type to be upset about whether this baby was a boy or a girl, but it always served to be cautious about that sort of thing- especially with a third daughter. "Iz is in her bed holding her, if you'd like to see them."
Canute was already walking out of the room. Even if he was unable to sort out his own feelings at the moment- he didn't want his wife to feel afraid. One thing he was certain she had felt was fear- the night after his confrontation with his father. That fear was part of why he had such a lingering feeling that something in that note could be true- even if the note itself was a fake.
The two men walked quickly through the halls together, neither saying anything.
Something's off about him, Geoffrey thought as he threw a glance at his brother-in-law. I thought he'd be thrilled to get this news, that he'd ask about Iz before the baby... I'll need to confront Richard soon, if something doesn't sort itself out here quickly. I don't want anything to even risk upsetting Iz right now.
Canute glanced back at his brother-in-law as they walked up the stairs. He might know more if Isabeau was playacting that she loved him- but he also wouldn't ever confess that to Cantue to avoid the risk of harming Isabeau.
They reached the Queen's rooms and Geoffrey pulled the door open.
Isabeau was indeed in her bed, sitting up and holding a small bundle in her arms. One of the maids was scrubbing the floor in front of the fire, while another scrubbed the birthing chair, and the third was gone from the room- Isabeau wasn't wearing the same clothes she had given birth in, so Geoffrey guessed she had taken the stained dress to be burned.
Isabeau looked up as he approached and smiled tiredly at him, her face lighting up further as Canute stepped around him to stand beside her bed. "I'm so glad you're here," she said softly. "I hope you aren't upset that we have another daughter."
"Of course I'm not." Canute said, sitting on the edge of the bed. "May I see her?"
Isabeau leaned over and handed their daughter to him, "mind her head-" she half whispered. "Speak softly, too. So she keeps sleeping."
Canute nodded, glancing at his wife as he cradled the baby close.
"I believe Norse tradition is that the father bestows their children with a name." Isabeau said with a smile. "We agreed on the last two,  but you officially being king now, we should follow that tradition."
Canute looked at the tiny baby in his arms, he could remember a little of when his sister Santslaue was born- and a little more of his sister Thyra at this age as well. She looked a little like Thyra had, too. He smiled as he held her, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "Ciar, I think."
"My mother's name?" Isabeau looked touched.
"We used mine. It feels right." Canute nodded, still looking at the princess in his arms.
"Am I free to go now?" Thorkell looked at his king.
Canute nodded. "Yes. Thank you for being here."
Thorkell nodded and left the room promptly.
"We should let her highness rest." Blythe said as she walked over to the couple. "I'll take the new princess to the nursery to get acquainted with her wetnurse and siblings and then put her down to sleep for a while."
Canute stood and handed the baby to the midwife carefully, watching as they left. The maids went behind her, carrying out the things that had been brought in specifically for the birth.
"Geoffrey, it's fine. I'm just going to get some sleep." Isabeau said to her brother. "It's been a long day, after all."
Geoffrey glanced from her to Canute and just nodded, leaving the room and shutting her door behind himself.
          Isabeau grabbed Canute's hand as he began to turn away. "Wait- will you stay a moment?" She looked up at him.
"Do you need something?" Canute looked down at her.
"A kiss would be nice." She gave him a smile, lacing her fingers through his. "I just gave birth to another baby, after all."
He hesitated slightly as he looked down at her. I'm still not sure what to make of that note- and now, I'm almost not sure what to make of her.
"Is something wrong?" Her smile fell and she squeezed his hand gently with both of hers.
He sat on the edge of her bed and leaned in, pressing a quick kiss to her lips. "No. Everything is alright, Isabeau. Just get some rest."
Isabeau grasped the front of his shirt and pulled him into a deeper kiss before smiling again. "I love you," she said softly to him.
"Hm," he just kissed the top of her head and stood up before leaving the room.
Isabeau stared after him, bunching her blanket up in her hands. Why didn't he say he loves me too... Is he actually angry that she's a girl? Then, another thought crossed her mind. "Was he waiting for me to give birth to send me away? So that he could make sure no one could say a potential son of his was illegitimate?" She asked herself out loud as she laid down and rolled onto her side. If she wasn't so extremely exhausted, the thought would've prevented her from sleeping. She looked at her wedding ring carefully, spinning it around with her thumb. Canute had had it carved with runes speaking of love- but when he had kissed her just now, she hadn't felt any. It was a stark shift from his traditional demeanour with her. As she drifted to sleep, she could feel the immense joy she had felt at holding her daughter start to make way for a familiar feeling- fear.
          Emma closed the secret servant's door of Isabeau's room- formerly her room. She'd only had it open enough to peer into the room so on one had seemed to notice her in the chaos that was childbirth. She had used the network of servants' halls to plant the note Richard had had her write in Canute's study, and now to watch this trap work.
A skill she had secretly picked up during her time as Queen Consort was forgery. Mimicking handwritings was an easy skill to pick up when your husband only let you write to others as one of your few approved activities. She returned to her guest room and sat on her own bed. Seeing a plot of Richard's begin to work gave her some relief- and a hope that she could get her life back. Seeing Isabeau's face, though, after Canute had left her room. For whatever reason- the look of fear on her youngest sister's face gave her doubt in the course of action she was taking.

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