Make yourself at home.

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           "Let me speak to Floki when we reach them." Canute instructed his wife and his vassals as they crossed the hill that led to Sweyn's encampment. Floki and his garrison were lining the walls, weapons ready to defend from an assumed attack. "Once we get inside the gates, I'll give further instructions."
Isabeau nodded, glancing down at Thorfinn walking beside her horse. He wore his typical malcontent expression as they approached the gates. Canute had ordered him to guard her until they were inside, so she at least knew she was safe, and despite the fact that his response had been "I'm not one of your ridiculous servants" she knew he'd take the task seriously.
They came to a stop just in front of Sweyn's general and his garrison, who all wore expressions like they had just seen a ghost.
"I sent an envoy days ago, they should've already notified you of my arrival." Canute said calmly, urging his horse a few steps forward. "Or do you always greet your guests with weapons in hand?"
"Your highness- when we heard it was Thorkell and his men-" Floki stuttered. "We thought it was an attack- we had gotten reports of your death-"
Canute's eyes narrow, "and now you see it is not, and that my wife and I are very much alive, so I advise you to lower your spears before we act in self defence."
"Uh, yes- your highness." Floki motioned for his men to lower their weapons and create a path for the new arrivals to enter the city.
"Isabeau," Canute looked back at her. "Come, we'll tell my father our news." He urged his horse forward again and glanced down at Floki. "Tell his highness I'll be in his throne room by sundown."
Isabeau took a sharp breath and flicked her reins to make her horse move forward after him, her hands clenching her reins. She could feel Floki's shocked gaze turn to her as she trotted past him. She kept her posture completely straight and regal as they entered the encampment with Askeladd, Thorfinn, Thorkell, and his men following behind them.
Canute dismounted his horse first and tied the reins before walking to his wife's horse. He helped her down and pulled her close. "Isabeau, I'm going to have you go to our house first. Have Floki lead you- he'll remember which was mine. I'll send someone to fetch you when it's time for us to speak to my father ourselves, alright?"
"Are you sure I shouldn't be with you?" Isabeau asked worriedly, taking his head in her hands.
"If he tries to attack, I don't want you caught in the crossfire." Canute shook his head and drew her into his arms. He leaned in and let his lips brush against hers. "Find out if we have any news from your brother yet."
She nodded. "I'll see you soon, Canute."
"I'll see you soon, Isabeau." He responded before he let her go, walking away with Askeladd, Thorfinn, Thorkell, and Thorkell's commander.
Isabeau sighed softly as she watched them.
           "I can show you the way to your dwelling, your highness." Floki said from behind her, gesturing towards the correct path carved out of the snow.
"I have a trunk I'll need to have brought with us, in our cart." Isabeau glanced back at him and lifted her skirts to walk through the snow. "I'll also need a seamstress while I'm here. Beyond the fact that none of my clothing will fit soon- I'm tired of dressing like a widow."
"Yes, your highness." Floki responded without a hint of emotion as they began walking. It was a stark difference from the shock he'd shown at their arrival.
He's good, almost as good as Askeladd. I can tell this entire situation infuriates him, though. It's clear none of them thought they'd have to deal with us again. Isabeau shot a glance at Sweyn's general. "Any word from my brother- Geoffrey, Count of Eu? I sent him a letter to join us here a little over a week ago."
"Last I heard, he landed in England. He should be here within the week." Floki responded to her. They stopped beside a house and he gestured. "This was Prince Canute's house. Make yourself at home."
Isabeau nodded and walked into the house. It was small, split into a small sitting room with a fire pit in the centre and a back room with a table, and a half level above with a staircase where the bed was.
The servants who had carried her trunk set it against the wall and bowed to her before they left.
She opened her trunk and pulled out her black veil. It made her look even more like a grieving widow- but it was also the nicest thing she owned. She pulled her hair from the braid she had twisted it into and pinned the veil in place over her hair, fixing her first wedding tiara over it. She took a breath, checking to make sure it was positioned correctly in the mirror. "It'll do," she murmured to herself before taking a seat on one of the cushions on the floor. The singular time she had met her father-in-law was when he had attempted to turn her into Canute's mistress, and she had demanded he make her his wife. She'd never have imagined he would accept the offer- but then, the fact that his plan was for Canute to die made that clearer to her. She had never imagined she would fall in love with him- or end up pregnant so quickly. It had taken her nearly a year with her first husband.
Now Canute held her life in his hands. Their child's life.
She was mostly certain that he wouldn't set her aside to find another wife. Theoretically his affections towards her could have been playacting, but she doubted it. Especially because he had referred to her so frequently as his wife in front of Thorkell's men. Even in front of Floki and the Jomsvikings. I'll need to verify that Geoffrey is actually on his way- I'll ask to see the correspondence he sent to Sweyn to notify him of his impending arrival.
Her thoughts were interrupted by someone knocking on her door.  She stood up and opened it, surprised to see a few soldiers standing and waiting for her.
"Has Prince Canute sent for me already?" She asked carefully, looking at each of the men.
"No. King Sweyn has." The one standing just in front of her said.
"King Sweyn?" Isabeau blinked in surprise. "Why is King Sweyn asking for me?"
"We suggest you come with us willingly." Another of the soldiers said. "We are prepared to drag you, which may not suit you given your apparent delicate condition."
Isabeau's head snapped to him. So someone informed him of what Canute said to me at the gate, then. "No need to make threats. Of course I'll come at the behest of my father-in-law." She stood straight and folded her hands in front of herself. "Lead the way, sirs."
The soldiers took a circled position around her as they walked. It made her feel as though she was being marched to her execution. Why is he summoning like this? I never expected Sweyn himself to ask to see me so quickly- it makes me nervous. She looked around at the city as they walked. Families were playing with their children in the snow, people were walking with food and goods in their arms. It seemed like a safe, happy place to them. She wished it could be so for her- but it seemed that Gainsborough was going to simply be another den of horrors for her. I won't be able to bring Frederick here, probably at least while Sweyn is still alive. I know Canute wants to kill him- but even Askeladd said that plan could take time to come to fruition.
          As they approached the palace Sweyn had built for himself, Isabeau stopped. "Sirs, would you tell me why my father-in-law summoned me here? I had assumed my husband would-"
Two of the men grabbed her arms quickly, forcing her inside without a word.
"Stop!" Isabeau shouted, struggling against them. "Unhand me!" She screamed at them, fighting and kicking to be released from their hold. It was clear King Sweyn had ordered them to do this if she showed any hesitation. They forced her through the castle, between the two of them they more than had the strength to resist her struggles to be freed from their grasps.
Once they reached the throne room, they simply tossed her to the ground in front of them.
Canute was standing a few paces in front of Askeladd and Thorfinn, who were still knelt on the ground.
"What's the meaning of this, Father?" Canute asked, he managed to keep his tone fairly even- but there was a tinge of anger to it.
Sweyn lifted his crown off of his head, looking at it as it glinted in the evening sunlight. "When I was around your age, I murdered my father and took his crown. My father was a cruel, evil old man so I thought that I was doing what was right by the world- but once I put on the crown, I learned the truth. This crown has its own will. You can obtain the world and all its wealth with it. Divine power is yours to wield. The King is not who has use of those abilities, however. The crown is what commands them."
"Your highness," Canute said without taking his eyes off his father, "are you saying the crown ordered you to kill your own son? It is now commanding you to kill your grandchild?"
"To use the power of the crown- I cannot resist its orders. The crown has decided that you are not to be its next wearer." Sweyn lifted his hand and soldiers surrounded the men, and the soldiers standing above Isabeau both brandished their swords, pointing them at the back of her throat.
She hadn't moved off of where she'd been thrown on the ground. She had learned from her first husband that when someone had the power to put you on the cobblestones- it was safest to wait for their command to get off of them. Those experiences gave her the resolve necessary to stay calm as she felt their swords almost touching her through her veil.
Askeland and Thorfinn leapt up in defence of Canute without brandishing their weapons.
"Canute, I will offer you Cornwall. A region where you can take your wife and raise your children and read your bible and live out your life." Sweyn said, his deep voice croaking from his age. "Should you refuse my generous offer, your wife will be the first of you to die."
Canute looked back at her for a moment before turning back to her father. "Out of curiosity, did the crown make you say that?"
"Your highness!" Askeladd shouted. "I humbly ask for your permission to speak!"
Sweyn moved his gaze to him. "And just who are you?"
"Askeladd. Servant to his highness, Prince Canute." Askeladd knelt before him. "Please reconsider if this course of action is truly the will of the crown. Your son had returned safely having brought Thorkell and his men to heel. If your highness is enthroned as King of England- London will have no choice but to fall to its knees for you as its rightful leader. The wealth of London will be entirely you. Prince Canute and Princess Isabeau made considerable sacrifices to bring this to fruition. I beg you to reconsider this course of action."
Sweyn was silent. "You speak quite well... What name did your father give you?"
"Askeladd is the only name I have ever had. My father, Olaf, did not give me one." Askeladd didn't look up from the floor.
"Hm... a slave's son, then." Sweyn mused.
Isabeau's head snapped up at that comment. Their mothers, aunt and niece, had been set in the same position. Their fates had been decided by where they had been dragged off to. She could see the fury almost rising off of Askeladd like a haze.
"You have a good follower in this man, Canute." Sweyn stood up. "We shall head to York soon. We shall throw a banquet in celebration of your return and your impending child. You shall be rewarded there as well." He turned and left the throne room, the soldiers following him.
          The men chatted softly where they stood near the throne, all with a serious look on their faces.
Isabeau dropped her head forward again and took a deep breath, her hands shaking. She raised her head again as her husband walked over to her, he put a hand on the side of her face gently before helping her stand. "Why did you provoke him like that, Canute? If Askeladd hadn't intervened, he'd have had those men kill me."
"It's of no consequence now. We learned he's nothing but a slave to the crown." Canute said, looking up at the windows above them.
Isabeau's eyes widened as she looked up at him, one hand moved to cover her stomach. Geoffrey needs to get here soon.
Canute turned slightly. "There's true power in that crown- and I will show him how to wield it." With that, he left the room.
"Askeladd." Isabeau looked at the viking as he started after her husband. "There may be a problem here."
"What problem would that be, Princess?" Askeladd stopped and turned to face her, Thorfinn stopping just behind him.
"I understand that he couldn't drop to his knees and beg for me- and I had no expectation of that. However, unlike the three of you Sweyn quite literally had swords to my neck. Instead of calming the situation- he risked angering his father with that comment." Isabeau took a deep breath. "It doesn't bode well for this marriage. Which, in turn, may not bode well for the two of you."
          Isabeau stood nervously behind her husband's chair as the vikings celebrated- they were having a drinking competition with Willibald, talking and laughing.
It all gave her a headache.
She was still in a state of terror after this afternoon. His provocation of his father- his nonchalance in her concern of it. Have his feelings for me been nothing but an act to gain an obedient wife? Once he's rid of his father, will he find a way to rid himself of me as well?
"Your highness, you look unwell." Askeladd said as he looked up at her. "Is the baby troubling you?"
"Thank you for the concern, Askeladd, but I'm fine." Isabeau lied, holding on to the back of Canute's chair so tightly her knuckles were white. "Just a slight headache is all it is."
"Do you need to take a seat?" Askeladd began to stand and offer her his.
"There's no need for that, Askeladd." Canute took his wife's hand and pulled her into his lap.
"Canute- not in front of the men-" she whispered to him.
"They're all used to this by now," he shrugged as he took another drink of his wine.
          "Your highnesses!" A man began approaching them excitedly. "I am so delighted to see you both returned safely! I apologise I wasn't able to greet you at the gate myself, but I had just returned as well, and from a foreign country!"
Oh, my Lord- there's an even worse Ragnar. Isabeau's eyes widened. She searched his face and body language carefully as Canute introduced him to Askeladd. He made no such introduction for her.
Gunnar stepped forward and whispered to Canute, "the plans we had been discussing before are made even more promising by your lady wife's family, Normandy is willing to take you both in."
She looked up at him, her eyebrows shooting up. Sounds like Richard and Emma are up to something of their own.
"I'd like to discuss this further with my brother-"
"Ragnar is dead." Canute informed him. "Forgive me the inconvenience to you, but I no longer plan to go into exile. Though I am grateful you went through Europe looking for a place for me." He wound an arm around his wife. "However, I quarrelled with the king earlier. Will you keep an eye on him for me and report back to me on everything he does?"
"Sire! We can't discuss things like that here!" Gunnar leapt back in surprise.
"This is a perfectly fine place to discuss these things." Canute said as he took another drink of wine."
"Y- you've changed so much." Gunnar said as he stared at him in shock.
"Of course." Canute said quietly. "I must make sure everything's changed."
          Isabeau put a hand on his chest gently as Gunnar walked away from them almost in a daze. "Everything doesn't have to change, Canute."
"Of course it does." He looked down at her, his hand sliding around to hold her waist. "If I'm to maintain the plan I currently have, nothing can be the same as it was before."
She searched his face. "It sounds as though there isn't space for me in that plan," she stood up and left the hall quickly. It wouldn't do for the men to see her cry. "This is why I can't love him," she said quietly to herself. "He's turned his heart away from me, and I can't understand why. I have to do what's necessary for my son and for this baby." When she had hit the cold air, she could feel the tiny movements inside of her. It had been happening for about a week now- it had confirmed that she was, indeed, genuinely pregnant. She leaned against a tree and took a deep breath, covering her face with her hands. "Dammit. I'm such a fool."
"Why are you a fool?" Canute's voice came from a few feet away.
Isabeau lifted her face and looked at her husband. "Because I fell in love with you," she answered honestly. "My sister Maud once told me never to love my husband, and I should've listened to her warnings. My first husband made it easy enough- but you... you cared about me. You were kind. You seemed to have some kind of feelings for me before."
Canute didn't respond, he just watched her carefully.
She looked away from him. "I know that for now, I'm a convenient wife. All of my fortune rises and falls with you so I cannot have any loyalty to anyone else. Once things... come to their conclusions, however," she spoke carefully, "I will no longer be a convenient wife for you. I will offer you no power or influence in the rest of Europe. You already seem... uncaring towards me. That is how my first marriage started. That became annoyance, which became outright dislike, which became anger, and that is when he began to hurt me." She closed her eyes, she didn't want to see the same uncaring look on his face that she had seen on her first husband's.
"Isabeau," Canute stepped towards her. He put a hand on the side of her face. "Look at me."
She opened her eyes and met his. All she wanted in that moment was to kiss him, to be held by him. She didn't, though. If her fate was another marriage of being dragged around by her husband, she didn't want to live the lie.
"You never told me about your first husband," he said gently.
"It isn't something I enjoy remembering." Isabeau responded quietly.
"I should have discussed this with you before the celebration," he sighed. "I had no idea he would drag you into his throne room like that. I was worried that if I reacted in a way that showed him how I feel about you- he'd use it to force me into submitting to him." He leaned his forehead against hers.
"And how do you feel about me?' She slid her hands into his.
Canute kissed her deeply, pushing her against the tree. "I love you, Isabeau."

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