Fine, fine.

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          "Is that the new Princess of Denmark I see?" A male voice said as Isabeau stepped out of her house just ahead of Canute.
Her head snapped up excitedly and she looked to her left to see- "Geoffrey! We didn't expect you for another two days!" She rushed to him and hugged him happily. While they hadn't grown up particularly close, seeing anyone from home was a blessing to her- and they had always cared deeply for one another.
"I killed a horse getting here this quickly," Geoffrey admitted as he hugged her back. "I was worried about you. Last we'd heard you were married or dead, or both."
"Married," she confirmed. "Pregnant, actually. As well."
"Why don't you come inside and we can get acquainted?" Canute said as she stepped out of the door. He kissed his wife's cheek as she came back inside ahead of her brother.
"So," Geoffrey said as he removed his cloak and hung it on the wall. "You're... Prince Canute, yes?"
"Yes." He confirmed as he took a seat beside Isabeau in front of the fire. "We've been married for about... five months now."
"How far along are you, Iz?" Geoffrey sat about halfway around the firepit from them.
"About four months." She said, folding her hands in front of herself. "Once everything here is settled, we're going to have Frederick brought to live with us as well."
Geoffrey rubbed the back of his neck. "So you haven't heard, then."
"Heard?!" Isabeau looked at him, panic immediately rising in her chest. "Heard what, Geoffrey?"
"Richard installed a new Count of Luxembourg. Frederick is living with him and Emma for the time being." Geoffrey rubbed the back of his neck. "I'd have brought him with me myself but I've heard the situation here is still perilous."
"Richard what?" Isabeau's tone turned to one of anger.
"Almost as soon as you were captured by vikings. Your former brother-in-law, Richard, is now Count of Luxembourg." Geoffrey looked over at her. "I believe it was a deal your former mother-in-law made with our Richard."
Her jaw set in fury as she looked at the flames.
"Once we have the throne here, we'll handle that." Canute put a hand on her arm. "When we have Frederick with us, we can pressure Luxembourg to reinstate him and put a proxy of our choosing in his place."
Geoffrey's eyebrows shot up. "You sound extremely confident in that plan- and whatever plan you have to put yourself on the throne."
"I have reliable vassals behind me." Canute said with a half-smile. "We were hoping you would stay as well- to help keep Isabeau safe."
Geoffrey looked at the couple. "Iz. Can I ask you a few things first? In private?"
His sister smiled now, turning towards him. "I love him, Geoffrey. He loves me. This isn't like my first marriage."
Geoffrey looked surprised. "I hadn't expected you to say that about a viking," he admitted.
"Canute isn't a viking. He's a Dane. Vikings are specifically warriors." Isabeau recited what Askeladd had told her almost a year ago. "So- then how is Frederick? Is he healthy?"
"Very. He seems to still have some memories of you, as well. He asks for his mother quite a lot." Geoffrey told her softly.
Tears welled in her eyes before she wiped at them. "I hope to be with him soon. I miss him more than words can say," she put a hand over her stomach and took a deep breath to try and stop her tears.
          "Can I just ask- Iz, is that Emma's dress you're wearing?" Geoffrey asked after a moment of silence.
"Ugh, yes." Isabeau looked down at her dress. "My clothes aren't fitting me well anymore- and Sweyn won't let me hire an English seamstress but apparently there are no Danish seamstresses available here either at the moment. So old clothing of Emma's taken from castles she lived in is the only choice I'm left with."
"I'd say she'll be angry about it, but I think she'll be angrier about your husband being the King of England." He looked up at the ceiling. "Prince Canute. You should be aware that my oldest brother has a plan to ask you to set Iz aside to marry Emma. He told her that they'd put it to you when they heard about your marriage."
"I didn't need a warning, I'll refuse it outright." Canute put an arm around Isabeau. "I have a wife already, who suits me perfectly."
Geoffrey actually smiled now. It was refreshing to see his little sister in a marriage where she was actually valued. "I'd be happy to stick around for a while," he said. "If what I've heard about you Danes is true, she'll need a personal guard."
          "Geoffrey, stop fussing. I'm fine." Isabeau sighed as she leaned back in against the bow of the longboat they were in. "I just want to get off this boat."
"We're in York now, so it should be soon. Once we reach a dock long enough." Geoffrey said as he stood up and looked around. "This'll be a good place to hire a midwife for you as well."
"I would definitely like that." Isabeau smiled at him. Her first husband had refused to hire her a midwife- instead insisting on his court physician. She had nearly died during that birth because the physician didn't understand what was happening well enough. It took one of her ladies in waiting instructing him in what to do to actually safely deliver her son. "York is a large city, there should be more than enough-"
From the boat just ahead of them, they heard Askeladd shout "THE PRINCE IS DOWN! PRINCE CANUTE HAS BEEN SHOT WITH AN ARROW!"
She jumped to her feet as she looked at the boat ahead of them. She let out a scream as she rushed forward instinctually. "Canute! No!"
Geoffrey caught her, pulling her back from the edge of the boat. "Iz! Stop! If you go in the water, you'll die from the cold!" He said as he struggled to hold on to her. "Captain! Dock the boat next to the Prince's! We need to get off before she works herself up and hurts the baby!"
The captain nodded, doing as he was instructed. Isabeau scrambled over the side of the boat and into the next one desperately, her brother following her quickly.
          "Isabeau," Canute grabbed her arm as soon as she was in his boat.
She looked up at him as tears ran down her face. "What the hell!" She shouted at him, hitting his chest with her firsts.
"Askeladd said we'd need a convincing reaction from you." Canute said as he caught her wrists before she could hit his chest again. "He has a plan regarding this false assassination. He used a double in my place- I'm sorry." He put a hand on the side of her face gently, leaning his forehead against hers.
Her breathing slowed down as she put a hand over his heart. "Never leave me out of a plan like that again. Never."
"I swear, Isabeau." Canute kissed her forehead and they walked off the boat as a commotion began around. "Don't act like idiots," he said to the group around the double as they approached him, all remarking on him 'being a girl'. "Why did you use a woman?" He said as he turned towards Askeladd.
"She was the only slave who bore any resemblance, your highness." Askeladd explained.
"Can she be saved?" Canute walked over to her and knelt beside the woman.
"That's a critical wound." Isabeau said as she knelt on the other side of her. "If the arrow was poisoned as well, it may only be a matter of hours."
"I'm sorry about this," he said gently to the slave girl. "Do everything that can be done to ease her pain," he instructed the soldiers.
"Get her a sleeping draught." Isabeau said quietly. "Something strong, it'll let her pass peacefully. Make a paste with ginger root and white willow bark and spread it over the wound sight to ease her pain in the meantime."
"Isabeau." Canute held a hand out of her.
She walked after him quickly and took his hand with both of hers, Geoffrey just behind her.
"How did you know all of that, Iz?" Geoffrey asked her quietly as Askeladd spoke loudly.
"I think I've told you before, I have field medic training." Isabeau looked up at him. "Did you not believe me?"
"Honestly, no. Emma and Maud had some training- wrapping a sprain, cleaning a scrape here and there. They'd never have known how to ease the pain from a wound like that." Geoffrey glanced back at the slave girl.
"Their lives hold value beyond the children she can bear. Mine didn't when I was on campaign. So I learned, and made myself valuable." She informed him, stepping closer to Canute.
My newest brother-in-law doesn't regard her that way, though. Her value is in how much he loves her. Geoffrey glanced over at Canute as they left the dock.
        "Count Geoffrey!" A servant came running towards them. "M'lord, you have a letter!"
"I do?" Geoffrey reacted in surprise as he took the letter from the servant. He broke the seal and read it over. "Shit."
"What is it?" Askeladd looked at him.
"Emma and Richard are angry I came without their permission." He handed the letter to Isabeau to read over herself.
"They don't mention Frederick." Isabeau said, scanning the letter again and again to see if she missed any mention of her son.
"I have a feeling I know why- they knew if you read this letter it would distress you." Geoffrey shook his head as he folded the letter and slid it into his pocket. "Richard will be an issue for me going forward, more than you. Emma will be your main problem."
"When hasn't she been." Isabeau waved her hand dismissively as they all kept walking. "It'll just be another set of people wishing me dead."
Canute smiled slightly as he looked down at her while they walked. He kissed the top of her head. "Another set of enemies we'll bring around to our side."
          "So we're relying on the rumour mill." Isabeau sighed, folding her hands over her stomach. "That's why you kept Geoffrey and I in the dark- for sympathy. They hear the scream of a widow and it fuels negative feelings towards Sweyn."
"You had the man you hired killed by Thorfinn?" Geoffrey asked sceptically.
"It made it seem more authentic." Askeladd shrugged.
"You've made it so he can't do anything unfavourable to me." Canute said, crossing one of his legs over the other.
"Exactly." Askeladd said with a grin. "He can't risk losing the love and loyalty of his subjects or his soldiers. Filicide is no laughing matter, especially to a Christian nation such as England. We let people talk, make sure everyone hears about it. The right words whispered to the right people. It makes you untouchable, your highness. Your wife and child, too. Any attempt on any of you will only heighten the rumours- as well as any attempt to send you into battle or send Thorkell away from you."
"That's quite a well thought out plan. You're a cunning man. I'm impressed." Thorkell looked over at Askeladd as he took a seat at their table.
"Yes. Your plan has worked perfectly. My father cannot touch me or my family for the time being." Canute nodded. "That said- you're no longer allowed to use a double in my place."
"Understood. I apologise for doing so, your highness." Askeladd glanced at him over his cup.
"How incredibly impressive, Askeladd! Your mind does the work of ten thousand men!" Gunnar jumped to his feet. "If that's all we have to discuss this evening gentlemen- and Princess- I have another appointment tonight!" He waved to them as he went out the door, muttering his delight loudly.
Geoffrey and Isabeau looked at each other after the door closed.
"Highness, I'd advise you not to put your trust in Gunnar." Askeladd said carefully. "I suspect he's working for King Sweyn."
"Do you have any proof of this?" Canute looked at him.
"Not yet," Askeladd leaned back, "but I don't have any doubts about it either."
"I agree with Askeladd, actually." Isabeau added, shifting forward slightly as she felt the baby moving inside of her. "I don't trust him."
"Shouldn't we be concerned?" Thorkell frowned, his eyebrow creasing over his eyepatch.
"He just heard everything." Geoffrey nodded, sitting up in his chair in concern.
"I only said what I wanted him to hear. If I'm right, and I always am, he'll relay the information I fed him." Askeladd took a drink from his mug and set it aside. "I have Thorfinn shadowing him to confirm it."
"What if he is a spy? Do we have him killed?" Canute folded his hands together in thought.
"No. We shouldn't." Isabeau sighed. "We use him. If Sweyn thinks he has an inside man in our group, one whom we trust, the information he receives will make him feel at ease. That we don't want a quick and bloody battle."
"Exactly. If we wish to avoid a lengthy, unnecessary battle we need to understand each other." Askeladd confirmed. "That is my true plan."
Thorkell whistled. "Impressive doesn't cover what you are."
"You really are something, Askeladd." Canute said.
"How did you know all of that?" Geoffrey looked over at his sister.
"I was Askeladd's captive for... what, eight months?" Isabeau responded with a small smile. "Then I was married to Canute, and was dragged from plan to plan with him. I made sure I learned a thing or two each time."
Canute looked at his wife and reached out, twirling a piece of her hair around her finger. "Well, gentlemen, I think that we should probably head home. My wife looks exhausted."
"That's because I am." She took his hand, standing up with him. "Danish babies take more energy than Luxembourgish ones, apparently."
"Means you've got a great warrior growing within you!" Thorkell said excitedly.
"Dear God, I hope not." She sighed as she and Canute left the building, Geoffrey following just after them.
          "Canute." Isabeau stood at a window in their room at the royal residence in York, worrying the charm on her necklace. Askeladd had told Canute his story- who he truly was. He hadn't included anything about her, though.
"Hm?" Canute looked over at his wife.
"I should tell you something." She turned towards him.
"What is it?" He paused as he tried to fix his belt to look at her.
Isabeau walked over to him, her hands replacing his as she corrected the knots he had made in his belt. "Askeladd told you who he was- of his lineage. You said that you asked him why he didn't sit on the throne instead of you, and that he said he thinks you're the best option."
Canute nodded, watching her carefully. "Yes. That's right."
"I think there may be another reason," she lifted her eyes to meet his, "and it may have something to do with me."
"You?" Canute's eyebrows shot up.
"Me." Isabeau nodded as she placed her hands against his chest. "My mother's name was Ciar, I may have told you. She was an Irish noblewoman. She was from the kingdom of... Mumhain, I believe. She wasn't the daughter of the King of Mumhain, but she did come from a noble family who served the king very closely. Her mother was named Elin. She was a Welsh noblewoman, and she had a sister named Lydia. Askeladd's mother."
"Meaning that the blood of Artorius also flows in your veins." Canute put a hand over one of hers. "Why did you never tell me any of this?"
"It's never really seemed relevant- and I've never really had the time to do so." Isabeau responded as she stepped closer to him. "My mother only told me when she was teaching me about my father's family tree and I asked about hers. She had come to Normandy by way of the spoils of war. King Sweyn and my father attacked the Irish kingdoms frequently together, and Mumhain apparently was looking to avoid further conflict for the time being. So my mother's uncle, the King of Mumhain, offered her to them with a number of other noblewomen. My father, Richard I, Duke of Normandy, selected only my mother for his own. King Sweyn took the rest and gifted them to the nobles of Denmark. I don't have any great love for my mother's homeland, as they traded her away for a few months of peace. She never spoke to me about Wales, though she did teach me to speak both Irish and Welsh, so I don't feel an immense loyalty to Wales the way Askeladd does. Save for the fact that they harboured us when we were running from Thorkell. I feel none for Ireland. The only people I feel true loyalty to are you, Frederick, Geoffrey, and this baby."
Canute drew her close. "It does help me understand why Askeladd doesn't fight for himself to sit on the throne. Through you and our children- the blood of Artorius will sit on the throne of England."
"Exactly." She kissed his cheek softly. "I hope this won't make you see my son as a threat when he grows older."
Canute shook his head. "I'd like to be able to think of him as my own son," he admitted. "We'll win him back Luxembourg as soon as we have the throne."
"If Richard unseated him, he can seat him again. We may need to force that onto him for penance." Isabeau sighed in annoyance. "What are your siblings like? Are they all this treacherous?"
"Harald is as kind as they come." Canute slid one of his hands into hers. "My sisters... Most of them are harmless. Estrid and Gytha are kind women. Santslaue and Thyra are more like my father. Although Santslaue is currently the Abbess of Roskilde Abbey. I had another sister, Gunhild, but she passed away a few years ago."
"We should invite them after the baby is born, for the christening." Isabeau mused. "I'm guessing certain things will have come to pass by then."
"Most definitely," Canute kissed her fingers. "I'd be too worried for you by then if they didn't." He leaned in and kissed her, his fingers brushing against her throat softly.
"Canute," she smiled against his mouth. "You know that we have to get to the banquet. Especially seeing as it's officially in our honour."
"I think the one thing my father and I would have an understanding over is if we were late to the banquet for this," he kissed her again as his fingers began tugging at the laces on her dress.
She pulled away, putting her hands on his chest. "I think you know what I'm going to say."
"Fine, fine." He kissed her once more. "Let's go face the nobility together."

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