A cave?

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          "What about?" Canute frowned slightly as his wife kept her hands on his chest.
"Your scheming and planning." Isabeau responded seriously, locking eyes with him. "And how little information you've let me be privy to these past months."
He looked away now, his own hands moving to hold her waist. "This is a war, Isabeau. I have to make decisions-"
"Canute. You well know that this is far from my first war- that I've had more experience in war than you, in point of fact." She shook her head and sighed. "I cannot pretend I'm a glorious tactician or that I know what it is to be a soldier, but I am in this with you. I am your wife and I am your queen. I need to be kept abreast of your plans."
He kissed her temple softly, trailing down to her jaw. "What if I, as your king and husband, decide that my plans need to be kept private?"
Isabeau pushed him off gently and leaned back, looking at him. "I am going to respond as your wife, and not as your queen." She took a breath and continued, "if your decision is to continue to keep me in the dark, I will return to Wulfwynn and wait out the rest of this war by our daughter's side. I am not necessary on this battlefield, and as much as a trained field medic is a useful thing, you have others. I am here for love of you, but if my loyalty is rewarded by being dragged unknowingly behind you followed by a kind word slipped into my ear to bed me then I will remove myself."
Canute looked genuinely surprised at her response. He searched her face in silence, neither of them saying a word to break it.
"Would you really leave?" His voice was soft when he finally spoke, one of his hands moving up to run his fingers through her curls.
"Yes, my love. I will not be dragged through another war in terror of what's going to happen next." Her voice was gentle but firm. She was resolute in this.
He nodded finally. "Then I will keep you apprised, because I can't spare you." He kissed her neck. "You're the light from which I draw strength each day." He kissed her again, holding her head between his hands.
"I know you're trying to seduce me." She teased, a smile creeping around her face as she kissed him back. "But I believe you."
"Good." Canute whispered against her mouth. He reached aside to a fur hanging on the wall and pulled it down, throwing it over the pile of treasure.
"What if the Earl or his son walks in?" Isabeau let out a happy giggle as her husband laid her back, quickly unfastening the outer layer of her dress.
"Then they'll see the King of England taking his Queen on a bed of riches," he responded as he tugged the tunic off of her before removing his own. "Let them see when a real man lays with his wife."
Canute kissed her again, his hands resting on the fur on either side of her body as they kissed.
Isabeau let herself get lost in it, in the moment, in his love for her, in the sweetness of his kisses.
He reached out and lifted what looked like a diamond necklace, although it seemed to be halfway to a shawl.
"When I defeat this usurper Edmond," he said between kisses, "I want to see you wearing this in the light of an English sunrise on the coast. Wearing only this."
"I think that can be arranged." Isabeau pulled him down so that his body was lying directly on top of her and kissed him again.
          "It was wise to make Mercia a new base now that you've secured it." Isabeau said as she stepped out of the house that was formerly Eadric's. "A show of strength to Edmund. You officially control more of England than he ever has."
It had been over a month since Eadric had made terms and bent the knee, and failed to poison Edmund. He had come running back with his tail between his legs.
"It also allows me to keep an eye on Thorkell." Canute responded as his wife took his arm for them to walk to breakfast at the longhouse the soldiers had constructed. "A task just as important as the one you spoke of."
Isabeau let out a laugh and squeezed his arm in agreement.
"Your highnesses." Thorkell greeted grumpily. "I hope the little sleep you had was good."
Floki choked on his water as he almost slammed his cup into the table. "Th- Thorkell! You cannot speak to their highnesses that way!"
"It's fine, Floki." Canute said with a sigh as the royal couple took their seats.
"He is the singular exception to anyone being allowed to speak to us like that." Isabeau agreed, a half smile on her face as Canute handed her a bit of bread.
Thorkell took another gulp of his beer- he drank nothing else- and thunked his mug down on the table.
The smell hit Isabeau almost immediately, making her cover her mouth so she didn't immediately throw up on the table in front of her.
She knew what that meant for her, just what it had confirmed before.
"I supposed we can't be surprised," Canute remarked as he watched her carefully. "We may need to send you to live with Wulfwynn in the later stages, though."
"What are you talking about, your highness?" Floki frowned as he looked at Canute with his eyebrows raised.
"Clearly the Queen is pregnant again." Thorkell waved his hand and sighed. "That'll be all sorts of trouble on campaign like this."
He refused to call Canute his King yet- but he always referred to Isabeau as the Queen. His unending respect for her almost felt like a prize.
Isabeau blushed, looking at the table. It was odd to be in a place so full of men, so made for men, and to be pregnant. Canute would keep her safe through all of this, yes, but it was still the oddest of feelings.
"It won't be in your way, anyway, Thorkell. So you don't need to concern yourself with it." Canute said as he took a drink of water.
"I assume I'll be her guard again," Thorkell answered.
Isabeau smiled now. "As long as everything goes as smoothly as it did with Wulfwynn up to that point, I would be honoured to have you guard me when I have my next baby, Thorkell."
Thorkell half smiled at that.
"How is this decided, your highnesses?" Floki asked quickly.
"Guarding me when I give birth isn't a prize." Isabeau gave him a stern look. "It also will not become one. I am the only person with any real say in the matter as well, so don't get any grandiose ideas about turning it into a competition. Let me also remind you that for a few more months yet, we can't know I- I am with child until I feel it moving. So don't get ahead of yourselves."
Floki had his usual annoyed look on his face. "I simply think-"
"Why are you bothering my sister?" Geoffrey asked as he sat beside Isabeau, motioning to one of the servants to bring him food.
"It seems I may be pregnant again." Isabeau informed him.
Geoffrey coughed as he almost breathed in his water, setting his cup down hard. "Ah. I see." He wiped his mouth with the edge of his sleeve and looked at his sister. "I'm surprised, but happy for you both if you are. Although I suppose there's always a chance with the two of you. Never thought I'd have to come to terms with listening to you, of all my sisters, screeching all n-"
Isabeau swatted him. "Geoffrey!"
Geoffrey, Canute, and Thorkell laughed as Isabeau covered her face and shook her head.
"You're all children!" She exclaimed and shook her head- but she couldn't keep the smile off her face. Times like these would be short lived now- which broke her heart. Ears brought misery. If they won this one, it would make them truly and utterly the King and Queen of England. Which only meant that she needed to treasure lighthearted moments like this all the more.
"Hopefully before the end of it, we'll have won ourselves England." Canute said, holding her chin to give her a quick kiss. "Then I won't have any need to worry."
"We'll see, I suppose." Isabeau said softly, taking his hand. "We certainly have the best generals on our side."
"Flattery won't make me any less furious with your husband." Thorkell said as he put his feet on the table and leaned back against the wall. "But it is true. My men and I are the best."
"The Danish Army is the best." Floki said sternly. "Not just your men."
Geoffrey chuckled as he took another drink of his water. 'He really has no idea how inferior he is to Thorkell, does he?'
          It had been eight months now since they had taken Mercia- and Isabeau did indeed find herself pregnant.
Due to the heightening of the war, Canute had been too afraid to send his wife away. That even with a heavy guard, she'd be too defenceless away from him and away from Thorkell with no way to escape while she was heavily pregnant.
"A cave?" Isabeau winced as her husband helped her dismount her horse. "Are we going to be living in this cave?"
"The baby is due soon," Canute responded as he took her hand and kissed it. "This way come rain or shine, you'll have a dry and safe place to give birth. We're near a castle as well, so if we have time you can give birth there."
"That would be preferable." Isabeau sighed, resting her free hand on her stomach. "We have a few weeks at best... I'd greatly prefer not to deliver in a cave."
"This cave has been fully furnished." Geoffrey said as he walked over to the royal couple. "So it may be as comfortable as a castle. But it's definitely easier to defend than any castle, we could keep you safe with a smaller group leaving more soldiers for the front lines."
Isabeau sighed, looking at the curtains that had been hung in front of the cave. "Well, let me see it at least."
Canute kissed her knuckles before leading her through the curtains into the cave. "I had the birthing chair you used for Wulfwynn brought here for you," he said as he gestured to it standing in the back of the sort of room.
Isabeau looked around, taking a seat on the edge of their bed. "Thank you for making this for me," she said softly. "I know I complained about it, but... I do appreciate that you're making sure I'm safe and near you. That our children are safe."
"Once the baby is born, we'll spend probably a month with it and Wulfwynn." Canute sat beside her. "I will have to return by that time, but you can take all the time you need to return at that point."
"I can make no promises about when I'll be ready to leave our children this time, but I appreciate you saying that." She looked up at the ceiling. "For now, I would like a bath."
           "Is the water warm enough, majesty?" A maidservant asked as she emptied the last bucket of water off the fire into Isabeau's bath.
In the week that she had been here, she had bathed almost daily- it was the best way she had found at the end of all her pregnancies that brought her relaxation.
"It's wonderful. Thank you." Isabeau smiled at her as she leaned back against the edge of the tub, smoothing her hands over the plain linen tunic she was wearing to keep herself covered in the water.
"I can't say I envy you any of this." Geoffrey said as he leaned back against a small table.
"It isn't something very enviable, really." Isabeau replied, turning her head to look up at him. "The outcome certainly is, but this..." she sighed. "Are you my guard today?"
Geoffrey nodded with a smile. "Thorkell is staying nearby at his own insistence, but yes, I'm your personal guard for the day."
"Good. I feel that you and Thorkell are the only ones who are truly here for love of me." Isabeau said with a sigh. She winced and sat forward slightly, holding onto the sides of the tub. "I'll warn you, I think today may be the show."
"How do you know?" Geoffrey stood slightly, watching her nervously.
"I can feel twinges of labour pains. With Frederick they took a while, but the physician was a moron. With Wulfwynn and my midwife it took less time- and I've been told it takes less and less time with each child. So I have a feeling this baby may join us today." Isabeau leaned back down in the tub and sighed.
"Do you know what it'll be?" Geoffrey relaxed as well. His sister seemed calm about the situation, so he saw no reason to panic either.
"No. There's no way to, really. A few legends and superstitions- but nothing real. If anyone creates a way to do so, it'll change the world." She closed her eyes and lifted her head to the ceiling. "Nothing but giving birth can tell us what this baby is- and nothing but time can tell us what it'll become."
Geoffrey half-smiled. "Mother said something similar after you were born. I remember you were asleep in your bassinet and I asked if you'd be a great lady like our stepmother, she said 'only time will tell."
"Once we've won the war, we should invite the dowager bitch to visit. Maybe I'll have her poisoned." Isabeau said without opening her eyes.
"I wouldn't stop you." Geoffrey looked at the fire. He missed his mother dearly- he'd been sent away before she died, and his stepmother hadn't allowed him back for the funeral. He had truly begun to hate her after that. "In fact, I may help you."
His sister began to laugh, sitting up in her tub. She winced again, letting out a longer breath than before. "Would you mind asking one of the maids to fetch my midwife? I'd like her to examine me."
Geoffrey nodded and quickly walked to the curtain, stepping half way out of it. "Asny-" he stopped her maid as she walked towards the tent. "Fetch her highness's midwife."
"Yes, m'lord." Asny curtsied to him quickly and walked away, half running.
Geoffrey slipped back into the cave, walking over to the tub his sister was in. "Do you want help out?"
"Not yet. I'll let my midwife and maid help me- I'll also have you step out of the room when they help me into a different nightgown." Isabeau said with a sigh. "This baby is a little early, but nothing to worry about."
"Are you sure?" Geoffrey asked gently. "As much as I genuinely believe that Canute would kill me if something happened to you on my watch, I would never be able to forgive myself."
Isabeau half smiled as she looked up at him. "At this point there isn't really anything you can do unless we're attacked. I'll be fine, Geoffrey." She squeezed his hand gently. She was enjoying the warmth and relaxation of this bath before her midwife came in- if she was right, and she was almost entirely sure she was, she wouldn't be able to relax for a while after this.
Geoffrey nodded, looking over at the curtain as Asny pulled it aside and stepped in with the midwife.
"I'll be back later. I'm going to update Thorkell and then I'll locate your husband." Geoffrey nodded to her and left the cave, looking around to spot the Viking general everyone else was afraid of.
          "There he is-" Geoffrey started jogging towards the sound of his voice. "Thorkell!"
Thorkell looked up from the sparring duel he had just won against Asgeir. "Are you here to join me in a fight?"
"No. Uh- you requested to be told when things with my sister began progressing. She thinks it'll be happening today." Geoffrey shook his head as he looked up at the Viking.
Thorkell's eyebrows raised excitedly. "That is glorious news! I'll join you guarding her highness immediately."
"I'm glad you said that, as I need to find Canute and let him know now and I don't want to leave Iz unguarded." Geoffrey looked around the field of tents and people.
"Fine. Let her husband know and I'll be in front of the cave." Thorkell immediately walked past him.
"He sees Isabeau like a daughter," Asgeir said to Geoffrey as he stood up. "That's why he's so protective of her- and a further reason Canute annoys him so much."
Geoffrey let out a snort of a laugh. "I'm glad she has someone so powerful to guard her. Even with me here, I like knowing she's so safe."
"She'll always be safe with Thorkell around." Asgeir said before he walked away with the rest of Thorkell's men.
Geoffrey smiled slightly and walked in the opposite direction. It was odd to him how... normal the encampment seemed. His sister was preparing to have her third baby, and here the soldiers and medics and priests and servants were just cooking and chatting and playing games.
He turned away from the rows of living tents into the area where training or business was conducted, hoping he'd have better luck finding Canute there.
As the would-be king out of the recently constructed long house, Geoffrey spotted his brother-in-law.
"Canute! Your majesty!" He began to jog again.
Canute turned away from his conversation with Floki when he heard Geoffrey calling. "Has something happened? Why aren't you with Isabeau?"
"She thinks she's beginning labour, or she will soon." Geoffrey shook his head. "I informed Thorkell first because I knew he would want to help guard her- and then I would have the time to find you without leaving Iz unguarded."
Canute nodded, visibly relaxing. "I have to review a garrison, but once I do that I'll go to her. Or, try. Her midwife didn't allow me with her last time."
"We should go, your Highness." Floki said.
Canute nodded and looked at his brother-in-law as they began to walk away. "Let Isabeau know, alright?"
"I will." Geoffrey promised and started jogging off back to his sister.

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