Take him away.

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          Isabeau held onto Canute's arm tightly as they walked up to the banquet hall. It felt like entering a lion's den.
"Just stay close to me," Canute whispered to her. "Askeladd and Thorkell will be here, Thorfinn should be but who knows."
She just nodded, looking ahead at the small group of soldiers waiting around the King.
"Hey." Canute stopped with her. "I love you. I'm not going to let him hurt you."
"I love you too, Canute." Isabeau said, squeezing his arm gently. "I'd kiss you but I feel as though your father would find a way to use it."
"Probably." He looked over at the King as they began walking towards him again. "How are you feeling?"
"Fine, for now. The baby isn't doing anything much right now," she sighed and rested one hand on her stomach. "My midwife says I'm measuring five months, which is exactly how far along I estimated I am."
"That's a very direct estimation." Cantue raised an eyebrow at her. "How do you figure?"
"Wales, my love." She reminded him with a smile. "Brycheiniog Castle."
Canute smiled slightly as they reached the King and his men.
"The two of you are finally here." Sweyn commented.
"I don't think we're late." Isabeau responded nonchalantly.
"Hm." Sweyn glanced at her. She's a problem. As the daughter of a slave, she should be easy to control- but she's got a boldness I didn't expect. If she'd died as I intended for them she'd be a martyr to my cause, as it stands I may need to make sure this baby never breathes air.
"Your highness," she curtsied lightly to him and smiled brightly at him. "I hope you're well."
"And you as well, my dear." Sweyn returned her smile. She's too good at the game for her own good.
Canute put a hand over his wife's, pressing a kiss to her temple. The three of them walked into the banquet hall, the prince and princess behind the king, as Floki announced them.
          The men before them cheered loudly as the royal family stood in front of them.
Sweyn held up a hand to silence them. "Thank you all for gathering to celebrate the safe and happy return of my son and daughter-in-law, Prince Canute and Princess Isabeau." He turned towards them. "We thank the gods for the blessing that neither of you were harmed during the campaigns- and for the safe arrival of your child in the coming months."
That was a threat. Isabeau grinned happily. "Thank you, my King." She curtsied deeply to him. "We pray everyday that the Lord blesses us with an heir as magnificent as yourself."
"Yes, Father, thank you for this marvellous welcome." Canute stepped forward to embrace his father before stepping back to stand beside his wife.
"I know you are all eager for your rewards," Sweyn said as he turned back to the crowd. "There is a matter I must attend to first, however."
Both Isabeau and Canute looked at the King now. He hadn't mentioned anything to either of them- which made Isabeau nervous. It could be a play against them.
"We have brought England to its knees for us- but there is still one country that resists our rule. Wales."
Isabeau kept an even expression, but her heart skipped a beat. Did he find out about Askeladd? Did he find out about me?!
"Wales has refused my offer of a peaceful subjugation twice now- so we will show them the might of the Danish people come spring." Sweyn continued, his voice booking through the hall. "Once we have dealt with the Welsh, we will move on to Ireland to show them the results of their humiliation of my son, Harald, by their so-called High King Brian Boru."
Isabeau froze at the mention of Brian Boru- she knew the name. Her mother had told her of that name. That had been the name her mother had given as her father when she had told Isabeau of her life in Ireland. She looked over at Geoffrey, who hadn't reacted at all to the news of Ireland or Brian Boru. He must not know- Mother wasn't allowed to raise him herself, so she never had the chance to tell him. Mother always spoke highly of her father, so perhaps if I speak to Canute he could arrange for us to meet with him. He would probably feel differently about continuing conflict with us knowing his own flesh and blood will one day wear the crown of England.
Canute pressed a kiss to the side of her head. "Don't react to anything, Isabeau. He's looking for reactions. He wants to find a play against us."
Isabeau turned in towards her husband and nodded with a smile, lacing her fingers through his. She knew they were being watched, so it was safer to play act as though he had whispered lover's words to her instead of instruction on how to handle his father's veiled threats. She moved closer to her husband, pulling his hand over her stomach so he could feel the movement of the baby inside her.
His eyes lit up slightly as he looked from his hand to her face.
          "Retainer to Prince Canute, Askeladd, come and claim your reward. Thirty pounds of silver." Floki announced, reading off the scroll in his hands.
Isabeau looked up, watching as Askelad walked over to her father-in-law. "Canute," she whispered softly. "You need to signal him not to act. They probably found out his family history- our shared family history. He's trying to provoke him, or you, or both."
Canute looked over at Askeladd for a moment. "I instructed him not to do anything without my say so," he said. "I trust him-"
"My king, may I speak openly?" Askeladd asked from where he knelt.
"Oh, God." Isabeau took in a breath and held it. This can really only be bad, but it remains to be seen for whom it will be bad.
"You may." Sweyn stared down at the viking evenly.
Askeladd looked up at him. "If I may be so bold, I don't think you should waste your time on Wales."
"Oh? And why is that, pray tell?" Sweyn raised an eyebrow in questioning.
"Wales is a country with few natural resources- their land is mountainous and bad for farming. Warring with them would be like a hunter chasing a rabbit only to topple off of a cliff." Askeladd explained.
"So why would I not go after a people you yourself have admitted are nothing more than rabbits?" Sweyn chuckled.
"We have been fighting this war for years now, my king. Letting your soldiers have rest shows that you are a king who has concern for his people- a wise and just king who doesn't meddle with the unnecessary." Askeladd continued, still staring at the king. His expression was calm but Isabeau could see the murderous intent in it. The next moments would determine the rest of their lives, she could tell. "Rest. Bask in your glory as King of England. Let your son welcome his child into the world in a time of peace. Boy or girl- it will mark the beginning of a new dynasty and will bring the nobles of England to your side and unite them with you to crush the Irish."
"You are truly the most loyal of my subjects, Askeladd." Sweyn motioned for him to stand. "Thinking only of how to show my power to the people." He stepped forward and embraced the viking- but then whispered something.
Askeladd's face was one of pure, unadulterated hatred.
Isabeau had no idea what was actually being said- but she could guess. It was a bargain to keep his hands clean in Canute's death. To get Askeladd to do it for him. It could be her death, but while she was pregnant she could serve a purpose for him. A chance to raise a child hand picked for his succession.
          Askeladd stepped back, his expression changing to a smirk. "You really are a son of a bitch, huh?"
The entire room stood still.
"Oh, Christ." Isabeau's eyes widened.
Askeladd unsheathed his sword. "I never told you my real name. Askeladd, it's only a pseudonym I used to keep my true identity hidden from you filthy Danes." He smirked, seeing the fear in Sweyn's eyes as the tip of his sword sat between the halls of the King's ridiculous forked beard. "My true name, given to me by my mother... is Lucius Artorius Castus. I am the descendant of Artorius, and the true King of England and Wales."
The soldiers surrounded the two men quickly, all shooting versions of "protect the king!"
"What do you mean, men? I'm perfectly safe! The one in danger is this mongrel." He grinned wickedly. Everything seemed to stand still. The soldiers couldn't move for fear of provoking him to attack Sweyn, and Sweyn couldn't move for fear of being killed.
Askeladd made a small noise of amusement, and just like that- Sweyn's head went flying. It hit the ground with a dull thud, the crown rolling away from it.
Sweyn's body crumbled to the ground, his blood seeping into the stones beneath him.
Isabeau moved forward almost instinctually, she had to know what the hell Askeladd was thinking. "Askeladd! Stop!" She shouted at him.
The moment she was close enough, he grabbed hold of her, placing one arm around her throat and his sword to her stomach.
"Askeladd! What's going on?" She whispered, shaking as her hands clenched around his arm.
"Sweyn wanted to me trade Wales for your husband. The only way to keep this from coming back to Canute is to feign maddess," he whispered back and started laughing. "So, princess, how should I do this? Vivisect you? Cut you apart piece by piece?"
"Askeladd!" Geoffrey moved so he was in front of them in a flash. "You know she isn't part of this! Let her go!"
Isabeau thought quickly, and bit down on Askeladd's arm. It was over his sleeve, so while she felt it break his skin she didn't taste any blood. He shouted in both anger and pain as he let her go reflexively. She ducked away from his sword, slipping on the blood on the floor. She managed to land in a sitting position as Askeladd turned towards her.
"You've been more trouble than you're worth since the moment I captured you at sea." He said as he raised his sword.
Geoffrey dove between them, blocking the viking's sword with his own. "Isabeau, move!"
She scrambled to her feet and rushed back to her husband, letting him wrap her in his arms. "Canute," she murmured against his ear. "He's doing this for you." She looked back at Askeladd as Thorkell stood up. "If he wasn't feigning madness, people would think you instructed him to do this."
Thorkell looked from Askeladd to Canute, and took a seat. "I'm not going to be getting involved, then."
"What?" Canute looked at him, folding his arms around his wife protectively.
"He's your retainer. He's your responsibility." Thorkell said as he folded his arms over his chest. "The owner of a mad dog should be the one to put it down."
"He's right." Isabeau said, putting her hands on Canute's chest as she turned to look back at Askeladd as he easily cut through the soldiers trying to attack him. "If the soldiers get to him, he'll be tortured. It'll risk him being forced to confess our plans. It would give them cause to summon Harald, or the English nobles to renew their cause. It has to be you, my love."
Canute pulled her into a kiss, holding her tightly. "Stay back. I don't want to risk you again."
She nodded and kissed him back. "Geoffrey and Thorkell will be between Askeladd and me at all times."
          Canute picked up his father's sword and carefully approached the ground of soldiers. He lifted it slowly, holding the hilt carefully in both of his hands. He silently walked around the group of soldiers attacking Askeladd, and vanished from Isabeau's view.
"Don't hurt him, Askeladd. Please." Isabeau murmured, pressing her fingers to her lips in worry.
The crowd gasped, all scattering back from Canute and Askeladd.
"First time putting a sword through someone's heart?" Askeladd remarked, a hint of pride in his voice as he looked down the blade at Canute. "You did good."
Canute dropped the sword and half stumbled back. He had never even taken a life before.
"No!" Thorfinn came shoving through the crowd, running towards the dying Askeladd as he collapsed to the ground. "You asshole! How could you do this! How could you let this happen!"
"Canute needs to get away from Thorfinn-" Isabeau gasped and tried to rush forward.
"Iz, no!" Geoffrey caught her quickly. "If you think he's dangerous, you shouldn't go over there right now. You know Canute doesn't want you to risk your safety or the baby's."
"Someone has to get him away from Thorfinn!" She reached her hand out towards her husband. "Canute! Get away from him!"
Canute turned at the sound of her voice, just as Thorfinn dove for him. He was thrown back off of his feet as blood sprayed from the side of his face.
Isabeau screamed in terror as Thorkell leapt forward and tackled Thorfinn, holding him to the ground.
"Stay back!" Canute shouted as he stood up, blood trickling from the gash on his cheek. "I will decide his sentence myself!"
"Uh- your highness-" Floki looked at the prince.
"Floki." Canute's eyes travelled to the crown still lying on the ground. "Who commands the Danish armies here in England?"
"Well- um-" Floki had to respond carefully, but he had no idea what to say.
          Canute walked away from him, scooping the crown off of the floor before climbing the steps onto the platform, placing the crown on his head.
"Let go of me!" Isabeau tried to get away from her brother, but he was still holding her back.
"We don't know what he's going to do here, Iz. It's too dangerous." Geoffrey shook his head.
"With the death of the king, the Wales campaign is suspended indefinitely." Canute said loudly. "The nobles of England may be emboldened by this as well- so we'll need to organise ourselves to keep them down if they do decide to try. Under my leadership as King of England, we will create the greatest country this wretched world has ever seen! A paradise on earth! None will dare to stand against us!"
The men cheered for him, calling out to him with shouts of "King Canute!" and "Canute the Great!"
Isabeau finally managed to free herself from Geoffrey's grip and rushed to her husband. "My love, you need to let me treat this. It could scar if we don't." Isabeau held the side of his face gently, looking at the wound nervously.
"A king should have scars," Canute said decidedly, lowering her hands from his face, "and his beautiful queen by his side."
Isabeau's eyes widened. She hadn't realised what this meant before. As her husband wound an arm around her and pulled her in close, she turned her head and looked out as the nobles in the room knelt before them. Then she looked back at Thorfinn, and then to Askeladd's body.
"Askeladd did this for us," Canute whispered to her. "We'll have his body sent to Wales, to be buried with his mother."
Isabeau just looked up at her husband, holding on to the fabric of the front of his shirt.
Canute leaned in and kissed her deeply, holding her chin. "We'll go to London, for the baby to be born there. It'll make it clear to the people that we're here in England to build a dynasty." He turned towards Thorfinn and Thorkell, folding his arms. "First, I'll need to deal with this. Everyone, leave this hall! Your rewards will be dispensed to you, if they weren't here, once we reach London! The only people I want to remain are my Queen, my brother-in-law, Thorkell, Thorfinn, and... you four guards!" he pointed to them. The nobles began slowly to file out, all murmuring amongst themselves at the twist of events that had occurred at the banquet. "That means you as well, Floki. Thorfinn is my guard and I will deal with him as I need to."
"Yes, your highness." Floki bowed to him, glancing at Thorkell as he left the hall.
Canute pinched the bridge of his nose as their group was left alone in the hall, Askeladd's body still on the ground where it had fallen. "I understand that this wound is penance for what I took from you, Thorfinn. However- I cannot look over the fact that you attacked me in front of my nobles. I have to make an example."
"Public executions alway set the right tone." Thorkell suggested.
"A public execu- no! Sentence him to something he can come out of!" Geoffrey said, looking at Thorkell in shock. "Until today I've seen nothing but skill and loyalty from Thorfinn, to both you and Isabeau! You might be Danish, but you are King of England now. You'd do well to keep that in mind."
"He's right." Isabeau said, folding her hands together. "What you do now will set the tone for your entire reign, how you'll be remembered. If you execute him for scratching your cheek in a bout of hysteria, you'll look like a tyrant. Especially to the English who already think of the Danes as vicious savages who care nothing for life and limb."
Canute looked back at her for a moment. "Then I'll sentence him to enslavement. If he so desires, he can earn his freedom back." He motioned to the guards. "Take him away. Let his wounds fully heal before he's sold."
Isabeau stepped off the wooden platform, taking her husband's arm gently as she watched them pick Thorfinn up off the ground. It hurt her heart to watch him struggling to get back to Askeladd's body. She could see how absolutely lost he was now, he had used his goal of killing Askelad as he direction since a decade before they had met. He has a chance to grow now, to become a new person. If he hadn't attacked Canute he could do that anywhere he desired- now he'll have to do it from wherever he's sold to.
"My love," she turned towards Canute and squeezed his arm lightly. "This has been an exhausting experience. Can we go?"
Canute nodded, looking over at Thorfinn one last time before they left the room. Geoffrey and Thorkell followed after them shortly.

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