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"With all due respect, ma'am, you've just made the world a whole lot stranger."

"Perhaps the most confuddled oddities are the most pleasant to unravel."

"Do you often speak in riddles?"

"Do you not? And another thing, please stop calling me 'ma'am,' Captain. While endearing, it makes me feel rather old."

Enola Scamander is a bright witch with very little tolerance for the word, 'should.' So much so, in fact, that she'd like it removed from her vocabulary, thank you.

Enola grew up at Hogwarts during the reign of Grindelwald, practically abandoned there by her older brothers. Her life at the school revolved around the word 'should.' She should be more like her brother Newt and not pick fights with upperclassman who insulted her friends. She should live up to her brother Theseus's legendary quidditch days, and should do it on top of being a prefect, and should be excelling at care of magical creatures because her brother wrote the book on it, and should...well, you get the point.

The very name Scamander has brought her more frustration than she she'd ever care to handle. The whispers and favoritism that followed her at Hogwarts was bad enough, but after entering the real world and landing a career as an auror, she soon realizes that she can never make a name for herself—as long as she lives in the shadow her brothers' cast before her.

"Scamander? By golly, you're related to Newt Scamander!"

"Scamander? I thought that bloke was a man."

"Scamander! Thought the name sounded funny. Them are those wizards who brought down Grindelwald with Albus Dumbledore."

"The Scamanders' have a sister?"

After six years graduated and not hearing a word from her brothers since, she finally receives a letter from her dear brother Newt, asking her to meet him at the London Underground. What greets her is an opportunity of a lifetime, an adventure worth waiting for, and a keen mystery to solve.

This story is bound to involve (somehow) a certain man out of time, a sassy tin man with a non-existent filter, a Russian assassin who can't confirm 'what happened in Budapest,' a hulking rage monster who doesn't like blueberries, the God of hair flips, Katniss Everdeen, and patchy the pirate.

Together we will navigate Enola's journey through space and time as she discovers her place in a world where she is overshadowed by others before her. Adventure awaits among these pages, dear reader, and my only hope is that you enjoy every step.

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