Chapter 2

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"I was taught to watch and listen. I was taught to fight. This is what my mother made me for."

—Enola Holmes

I leaned against the bow of the ship, wisps of hair attacking my face in avid ferocity. I couldn't drink in enough of the vivid scape; the squeaking seagulls and gentle ocean mist—that joined my hair in its battle for my sanity.

I let out a weary breath, collecting the tangled mess with one hand and throwing it up into a messy bun—all too aware of the looming presence approaching from behind, disrupting the quiet.

"You appear to be handling this better than I thought."

"You have very little faith in me, then," I replied dryly, not sparing my brother a glance.

He chose not to quarrel, instead, he shifted to stand beside me—allowing him to peer out at the vast ocean before us. "Go on, ask."

"Why did you stay?"

Theseus blinked down at me slowly, a pale hand running through his dull brown hair. "It's better here. I have an influential position within the ministry, a well established life, and a mission spent protecting the future of the Wizarding World. What else could I want?"

"A family?" I suggested, with a small shrug of the shoulders. We didn't address the matter again. "Why have you both made it a habit to avoid disapparation?" I asked next, the curiosity burning within me.

Theseus sighed, reading in between the lines. " Newt. But Director Fury has requested that all wizards board his helicarrier the muggle way. To avoid any unnecessary questions."

There were too many unfamiliar words in one sentence. It was making my head pound. "Who is Fury? And what is a helicarrier?"

My brother rounded on me in shock. "Newt didn't tell you about SHIELD?"

"He, er, mentioned it. But there is only so much time in the day, you know."

Theseus looked aghast. "Well, he ought to have made it a top priority. But it doesn't matter much now, does it? You see, SHIELD is a muggle organization that monitors threats and protects the well being of the entire world. The muggle version of us, in retrospect. Director Fury is in charge of it.

"He has recently informed me that a liability has emerged—one that poses a danger to all muggles. Unfortunately, the matter could potentially expose wizards if we were to provide assistance, which is why this isn't exactly a..."

"Sanctioned operation?" I filled in for him, noting the solemn frown etching his features.

"I know you can handle this with the utmost discretion; and keep an eye on things, while you're at it. I am busy enough with my branch and the problems arising in England—damn the Potter genes. And Newt is off protecting his precious magical creatures, so really, you are the last Scamander left to take on the mission Dumbledore initially gave us." He captured my gaze in his hold, keeping me rooted to the spot and holding on to every word.

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