Chapter 10

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"I will share this with the world. I promise you."

—Enola Holmes

"Enola, we could really use your help down here."

"Give me a minute," I groaned over the comm, my eyes fluttering open to find myself quite alone. Both Loki and the scepter were no where in sight—and neither was Picket. "Merlin," I swore, sitting up from my horizontal position on the floor. How did I end up on the ground?

"Where is Loki?" I inquired of the air around me, stretching out my back and collecting my wand.

Natasha's voice filtered into my ear, startling me. I didn't know if I would ever get used to the muggle technology. "Last I heard, he and Thor were in therapy" came Natasha's reply, and I nodded, although she couldn't see me.

"I'm on it."

My thoughts drifted back to the memory that I had bore witness to, the vivid recollect leaving me on edge. I did not have time to dwell, however, for a thunderous roar shook the skies. I stepped out upon the terrace as a beastly creature swam through a portal—tearing apart the sky.

"Stark—Enola, are you seeing this?"

I could not summon the energy to answer Steve's inquiry. The scene was perhaps the strangest and most frightening thing I had ever witnessed. And I was a witch.

"I'm seeing, still working on believing." Stark's voice cut in. "You got anything for giant worm monsters, Hocus Pocus?"

"I can assure you, I have no bloody clue."


My head spun towards the roof as an outcry graced my ears, the voice uncannily similar to Thor's. "Look at this! Look around you! You think this madness will end with your rule?"

I disapparated. Thor's head snapped towards my form as I appeared beside him, my gaze directed at the green clad man. Loki's eyes flashed at my appearance and I could vaguely recognize the presence of fear within his icy orbs.

My eyes scoured his deflated form for a certain twig, just catching a glimpse of green offset amongst the folds of his cloak, before it vanished once more into his robes. My gaze did not linger for more than a second as I wished to draw as little attention to my leafy friend as possible.

"I know what they did to you, Loki," I consoled the grievous man, approaching the matter cautiously. "We can fix this."

"It's too late. It's too late to stop it," he muttered, a pang of remorse evident in his tone.

I shook my head. "It is never too late to do the right thing. The choice is always yours."

Loki's eyes flickered over to his brother who looked upon him with a mixture of regret and sorrow. "Come home, brother. We can end this, together." Loki was torn, a mere moment, before—

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