Chapter 12

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"You will do well on your own. But with others, you could be magnificent."

—Enola Holmes

"Glad to see your arm is feeling better," Steve said, nodding towards my freshly healed limb. His brown leather jacket hugged his frame, blonde hair charmingly styled.

"Oh, yes."

The team had all departed, leaving myself and the soldier alone in the park. I was pleasantly surprised to say that I would miss them—faults and all. We stood near a park bench, eyes occasionally darting over to passers by.

"So you want to tell me what that was all about?"

I feigned ignorance. "What 'what' was about?"

Steve raised his hands in mock surrender. "Point received. My fault for asking." He lowered his hands steadily, blue orbs locking with my own. "You know you can trust me, right?"

I sucked in a breath. "Yes, I suppose I can." There was an uncomfortable silence that accompanied our avid staring, broken only by the slight breeze. "Oh! I almost forgot," I withdrew a small bag from my waist, my hand reaching inside to scour for the gift I had gotten the soldier. His eyebrows rose as my arm disappeared into the impossibly compact accessory, nearly up to my elbow. "Yes, here you are."

His eyes widened in understanding. "You didn't have to—"

"Don't be silly. I was just perusing a quaint muggle shop and saw this. Nothing fancy." I was almost self conscious as I extracted the gift from my bag, holding it out for him to take. He received the item from my outstretched palm, turning it over in his hands. "It's a place to start." He observed the crimson notebook with a fond gaze. "You know," I rambled, "with the world."

A spark of remembrance graced his blue orbs as he thought back to our first conversation aboard the helicarrier. "Thank you, Enola. This is..." he struggled to find the right words. "Thank you."

"Don't mention it." I cleared my throat awkwardly. "What will be your first order of business?"

"I don't know yet," his smile was brighter than I had ever seen it, "but I'll make a list." The following silence wasn't uncomfortable this time—I actually found myself enjoying it. But of course the moment couldn't last. "Where will you go? If you don't mind me asking."

I was trying not to think about it—but now that the world did not need the avengers anymore, I wasn't quite sure where that left me. "I don't know yet," I finally admitted.

"Well, I hope it works out for you. Wherever you end up." We left it at that, not quite sure what to make of the passing moment. "This is goodbye then."

"I'm afraid so."

Steve extended his hand as a gesture of good will—to which I latched onto firmly. "I hope this doesn't mean the end of our adventures together." He released my hand, the now cold limb falling back by my side.

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