Chapter 6

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"It's always there. The truth. You just need to look for it."

—Enola Holmes

"Nice of you to join the living."

Picket squawked a meager reply, his leafy hands curling around my breast pocket. His black orbs bore into my own—dappled with concern.

"I am quite alright, Picket. You need not worry about me," I told the twig fondly, patting his form in reassurance.

His expression held vast amounts of disbelief but I elected to ignore his shrewd gaze. "I need you to do something for me," I implored the twig. "Steve has gone off to Helga knows where to discover the truth about SHIELD. I want you to follow him and report back to me. Are you up for the mission?"

Picket appeared torn between his dislike for the soldier and his desire to please me, evidenced by the contemplative visage adorning his face.

"If you can help me out, I suppose I could obtain some woodlice for you." He was suddenly very agreeable. "Alright, just remember, keep out of sight and observe only." Picket nodded resolutely, sliding down my garment and landing gently upon the ground. "Good luck."

He waddled away down the empty corridor, his arms dragging by his sides. Once he disappeared around the corner, my reassuring smile was wiped from my face and a lone hand rose to run through the mess of hair that sat atop my head.

A memory surfaced upon the impact—just like that. The ghost of a loving smile; the whisper of heartfelt words; the tender touch of a mother's embrace...

'Careful Enola, the answer is right in front of you. Don't let yourself become distracted by meaningless deceptions—you must act, now!'

"I hear you mother," I whispered, a firm resolution settling down upon me. My eyes swiveled around the empty corridor, landing on the spot where both Steve and Picket had disappeared. "Thor it is then."


"When I first came to Earth, Loki's rage followed me here and your people paid the price. And now again."

I halted in my tracks, wishing not to disrupt Thor's conversation with Agent Coulson.

The blonde stood gazing out the paneled windows of the control center, a forlorn expression painting his face. "In my youth I courted war." Thor's eyes suddenly locked with my own, and he smiled widely. "Hello there."

Coulson turned at his acknowledgment, nodding at me briefly when he recognized me.

"I hope I'm not interrupting."

"No, not at all," Coulson replied, his lips molding into a gentle smile. "I'll, uh, let you two talk." He took his leave, and I was left alone with the warrior, my neck craning to peer up at him.

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