Chapter 3

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"It was just the two of us, and it was wonderful."

—Enola Holmes

"We're at level, sir."

"Good, let's vanish."

I was left standing alone behind the director, trying to assure myself that all of this was indeed real and not a figment of my imagination.

Picket gave a small squeak from my pocket, and I patted his form gently. "It's alright. Muggles have finally discovered how to become invisible, that's all. A disillusionment charm would be simpler, but it's still rather impressive, isn't it?"

He made a vibrant noise of agreement.

"Reflection panels engaged," Maria Hill said, tearing my attention away from the twig. She was staring up at Fury's solid form, who turned presently, gazing over my shoulder.


Director Fury spoke formally, his voice woven with impressive potency, and as he did, I spun around to meet the targets of his declaration.

Two men stood silently, avid amazement dancing across their features—especially the blond one, whom I recognized from the photos as Captain America. The brunette collected himself quicker than his compatriot, and twiddled with his hands agitatedly, as if he was uncomfortable with the current setting. The blonde said nothing, but reached into his trouser pocket and drew out a crisp American dollar, handing it to Fury who had approached the pair swiftly.

He took the dollar, stowing it away casually. "Captain, Doctor Banner—thank you for coming."

"Thanks for asking nicely," the brunette said, who I could now identify as Doctor Banner: the green rage monster.

"This," Fury said, gesturing behind him at my advancing form, "is Enola Scamander." All eyes locked onto me and I could feel my cheeks heating up at the attention. "She's a recent addition. Scamander, meet Doctor Bruce Banner and Captain Steve Rogers. And over there would be Agent Romanoff."

The two men murmured their greetings while my eyes snapped over to a red headed woman, the object of Fury's halfhearted gesturing. She nodded once in acknowledgement, her face depicting the same mask that everybody on the helicarrier seemed to carry.

"Pleasure to meet you all," I said, quickly becoming victim to curious glances shot in my direction—from all new additions present.

"You're English," Banner said, pointing out the obvious.

"That would be a fair evaluation, Doctor." I smiled lightly in response to his pink dusted cheeks, attempting to make myself more approachable. "I presume by your befuddled expressions that you weren't informed of my...situation."

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