Author's Note-To Make Your Life Easier

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The Harry Potter/Marvel/Enola Holmes crossover that nobody asked for. For extra clarification, if you bothered to read this snippet, Enola is in her twenties for the sake of the plot, and the story does not exactly follow the Harry Potter timeline. (And if you have not dived into any of these amazing universes, I implore you to check them out.)

Guaranteed updates—every week! 

(Because I have taken the liberty to write and edit each part before publishing) 

First, I would like to congratulate you on picking this story. You are clearly a very intelligent and dazzling person who makes great literary choices ;)

Second, I would like to congratulate you if you are indeed reading this authors note, for you and I will be 'in on' many fascinating facts, explanations that people always complain 'lack there of' while never actually reading the notes, and jokes that I will include to make the people who didn't read this take the time to go back and do so. (Such as, uh, Harry should have ended up with Buckbeak or something.) I apologize for length, there is a lot of stuff to cover.

Third, this is my first fan fiction and I'm kind of freaking out. Personally, I admire anyone who has ever tried—to write and let it loose upon the world. It takes a great deal of nerve and that shouldn't be taken lightly. 

Side note: It feels like I'm talking to thin air here, but that's besides the point. Thank you to anyone who is even remotely interested in this story. If one person gets enjoyment out of this, I've done my job correctly.

Okay, actual important stuff: this is me acknowledging the fact that the timeline/universe for these 3 different stories might get confusing. To clarify, this fan fiction is set in the Harry Potter/Marvel universe. I merely use 'Enola Holmes' characters, quotes, and ideas to tie some awesomeness into the story.

Timeline Explained: Enola is at Hogwarts during the reign of Grindelwald; this would be around the time Tom Riddle went to school. Assuming she graduated around the year he was defeated (1945) it has been six years—so it is currently 1951. But how? Avengers takes place in 2012? Yes, time travel is involved (if I didn't already make that clear.) The 'how' will be explained in the prologue.

Style Explained: First off, each 'movie' will be a separate part in the book. Instead of different books there will be different parts for convenience. Each chapter will follow this pattern: chapter number, a gif,  the chapter title, and a quote from Enola Holmes that relates to it.

Chapter X

*Missing Gif*

Title Here

"Quote Here."

Story Explained: The main storyline will follow Enola as she experiences the events of the marvel movies up to a point after civil war. However, there will be many references, flashbacks, and conversations about the Wizarding World. Not to worry—we won't skimp out on the ✨magical.✨

In fact, we will dive into Enola's buried loneliness, jealousy, and bitterness when at Hogwarts—where she was always expected to follow in the footsteps of her brothers and was never allowed to be her own person. We will talk about her house (PUFF ❤️) and why she is a Hufflepuff. And no, it isn't just because her brothers were Hufflepuffs (although it plays some role. Hint. Hint.) And on the topic of houses—I will be defying stereotypes left and right, so be prepared for that. I will shower pride on all the houses where I can. We will also find countless references to the magical world and there might even be a few magical creatures to accompany her on her journey.

Enola will form friendships, family bonds, and even romances (any guesses?) Each installment is somewhat short but they all fit together.

Preferences Explained: Alas, we must go over proper reader etiquette. Personally, I believe you to be a brilliant and kindhearted individual, but looking ahead, I would like to prevent any future issues that may or may not arise. 

First, I am open to all of your CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. What is constructive criticism you may ask? My illegitimate dictionary defines 'constructive criticism' as any feedback you have regarding errors, likes/dislikes, or any thoughts you have on any particular plot point or character choice. If you love a creative decision I make, fantastic! If you don't, fantastic! The whole point of writing fan fiction (to me at least) is to practice my writing and storytelling. I would love to hear about ways I can make my writing better. However, this does not mean hate, which is wrong on all accounts. This rings true for all stories you read on any website.

Second, I will not tolerate hate towards anyone/any character or the choices they make. You may not like or agree with all of the characters in this fan fiction and I respect that, however, hating on anyone is wrong and disrespectful. Furthermore, I write dynamic characters that I hope will have you torn between liking them and disliking them. This concept is called being human, which can be a nasty affliction if you approach it the wrong way. Regardless, we only spread ❤️ here.

Third, I think I'd appreciate comments the most. I was originally planning on writing this for myself but I thought I might as well see what other people think--even if that is only one person. That being said, feedback is more important to me than being liked. If comments "just ain't your thing," I am extremely myself for being so pushy.

Humor Explained: My last note is lighter than the rest—in regards to humor. we go. I incorporate humor in subtle and witty ways that some of you may appreciate, others not so much. Implication and irony are good friends of mine—we have tea every Wednesday. You will grow to appreciate them too if you read this fan fiction, because they are absolutely everywhere, and sneak up on you like killer sharks.


*Be respectful 

*Don't plagiarize 

*If you ruin my groove I will turn you into a llama ✨🦙✨


 If I think of anything else I will add it here. Happy Reading :)


—Mild Language 

[I generally do not write very explicit language into my writing, but it is my duty to stay true to a character, so if it is in their character to swear I will not refrain from writing it in. You should expect no more "bad language words" than an average marvel movie.]

—Rating PG-13

[Nothing graphic. Again, if you are comfortable watching marvel movies you should be comfortable reading this book. I tend to write more wholesome than raw literature. Just wanted to let you know what to expect.]

WARNING: Author's #1 Necessity

All rights go to the creators of Marvel, Harry Potter, and Enola Holmes. I in no way shape or form have any right over them. I merely wish to craft a story in their respective worlds because I admire them so.

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