Chapter 11

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"The world should know the name Enola Holmes, I'll make sure of it."

—Enola Holmes

With my left arm out of commission, I battled with on with one, slashing and jabbing with my wand at oncoming aliens—bombarding them with spell after spell. Still they would not stop coming. Thor and Steve fought around me, the endless supply of soldiers draining the energy from all of us.

A stray blast nailed Steve in the chest, a cry escaping his lips as he was thrown off his feet, his body landing harshly upon the cement below.


I rolled out of the way as Thor sent a car hurting towards the group of aliens, ceasing their advances. I crawled over to the star spangled soldier and rested a supportive hand on his shoulder. He grunted in pain as he repositioned onto all fours, his head hanging low. "I-I'm fine," he panted, attempting to catch his breath.

"I don't think any of this is 'fine,' Steve Rogers. Need a hand?" He grasped my good limb firmly as he hoisted himself up, almost taking me down in the process.

"You ready for another bout?" Thor asked us, eyeing the soldier's wound that bled profusely.

"What? You gettin' sleepy?" Steve's voice was breathy as he glanced around, his chest heaving.

"I don't know how much longer we can hold them," I pointed out, sweat trickling down my forehead. We were already so beaten and roughed up—I didn't think that the seven of us could continue the battle for much longer.

"Do it!" Steve shouted abruptly, breaking me from my thoughts. His gloved hand was at his ear, connecting the dots for me as I realized he was speaking into the comm. "Stark, these things are still coming!" My head whipped upwards as the metal man barreled through the sky, a long white object—that must have been the missile—clutched in his hands. "Stark, you know that's a one-way trip." I glanced over at Steve whose face held a firm facade, but swimming in his eyes was a mixture of gloom and apprehension. His blue eyes suddenly met mine. "He wants to talk to you."

I stowed away my wand so I could take the comm from Steve, my right hand reaching out to accept it from his outstretched hand. I drove the device it into my eardrum, eyes swiveling up as I addressed Tony Stark. "I'm here."

There was a hiss of static before— "Do you trust me?" The prat had turned my own words against me.

As the metal man rose higher a sinking sensation flooded my heart, preventing me from retorting. "What do you need me to do?"

"It's not fun if you don't play along." Although he attempted to lighten the mood, his voice was lilted with heaviness, revealing his true feelings on the matter. "When I reach that portal—I'm counting on you to pull me out. But if I don't make it out before this thing hits—you need to close the portal. I need you to listen to me on this one."

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