Chapter 1

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"My name is Enola, which backwards spells alone."

—Enola Holmes

"All that happened?" I asked in amazement, enthralled by my brother's recounts of all that had transpired in our absence. "I always thought that kid was a bit funny in the head. Tom Riddle...who could have thought he would turn out to be a murderous sociopath?"

Newt shrugged, popping a peppermint toad into his mouth. "The biggest mess we had to unravel was probably Rita Skeeter. She called herself J.K. Rowling and exposed the entire Wizarding World to the muggles, selling it as fiction and getting rich off profits." His voice was soft and candid, but his eyes contained the humor he so often forgot to show.

"You have been busy..." I murmured, leaning my head back against the plane seat.

It both amazed and frightened me when I first saw the plane. It was nothing like the pictures I saw back in 1951. The plane—or quinjet—as it was called, was large and impressive; with many buttons, levers, and technologies that I could not begin to comprehend.

The minute I sat down on the plane I bombarded my brother with questions about it.

'How does it fly without magic?'

'What makes it go up and down?'

'Do all muggles travel by quinjet?'

'Why are we flying when we can very well disapparate?'

The last question was answered by a bemused Newt who said that the less inconspicuous we could be the better. That and, 'we have a lot to discuss before we arrive,' apparently. I wasn't complaining. Muggle inventions were truly a wonder to behold.

Currently we sat discussing what my brothers had been up to the past six years, and all in all, it was a rather engaging conversation.

"My work has been the same," Newt said, offering me a sweet. "Rescuing and preserving magical creatures before they go extinct. With the advancements of muggle technology, it is important to both protect these creatures and prevent the exposure of the Wizarding World. Let's just say my suitcase has grown to encompass this progression, until I can find an alternative solution."

I chuckled. "You have your own magical menagerie at your fingertips. I must say, you most certainly haven't been bored."

Newt nodded in agreement. "Theseus has really been juggling the politics of the matter. He works with the ministry of magic still, although sixty-one years in your future, obviously. He has started an outreach assistance program with an organization called SHIELD—based in America."

"Any correlation with the group that invented Captain America?" I asked, intrigued.

"Uh, yes, about that..."

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