Chapter 5 - Halloween

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"What are you supposed to be?" Chaewon asked, laughing a little as she looked over her friend. Sakura had re-entered the room in a skin-tight white bodysuit, with a zipper down the front and small Japanese flag patches on the arms.

"Are you a stripper ghost?" Eunchae laughed, giving her friend another once over before laughing again. "Yep, I'm a stripper ghost." Sakura glared at both of them, and pointed to the patch on her chest that read JAXA- for cultural heritage, of course.

"So, a JAXA stripper ghost?" Eunchae asked slowly.

"I'm a sexy astronaut! Goddamn, do you guys know me at all?" Sakura huffed.

"Hold on, how were we supposed to know there's such a thing as a sexy astronaut costume?" Chaewon laughed.

September had come and gone in a haze of past due papers and late night walks alone, just like October had, in dropping temperatures and closed doors. She couldn't help but wonder where all the time went.

"Oh please, there's a sexy version of everything nowadays."

"It's true!" Eunchae agreed. "I saw a sexy Ebola nurse like two years ago."

"And it's been way too long, so, I'm trying to get laid tonight." Sakura said with a confident smile.

"Shouldn't you have worn something a little more accessible? Like, what if the moment strikes? The guy's gonna have to spend ten minutes trying to peek it off of you."

"I'll let him take ten minutes, if he's cute enough!" Sakura said, causing them all to laugh.

"Are you open to girls? Because I hear Chaewon is single and desperate." Eunchae asked.

"I am not desperate." Chaewon defended. "Just painfully single." Sakura looked her over, then back to Eunchae.

"Eh, she's cute and all, but I prefer brunettes." Sakura winked, Eunchae rolled her eyes. "Speaking of Chaewon being single and desperate-" Sakura said, ignoring Chaewon's glare. "Is sexy Yunjin coming tonight?" She wiggled her eyebrows at her friend.

"No, and please, God, do not call her that again." Chaewon laughed.

"Boo, why not." Sakura sulked.

"Why isn't she coming? Or why shouldn't you call her that?" Chaewon asked.

"Why isn't she coming? Duh." Sakura said obviously, dropping down to take a seat on her bed.

"She said Halloween gets crazy in the dorms and she has to make sure people aren't getting out of hand." Chaewon sighed. The conversation had gone like every other time she'd invited Yunjin to come to a party with her, initial resistance, bargaining, and finally, acceptance. Until of course she realized the party was on Halloween.

"At least we won't have to deal with her and Chaemin giving each other weird looks all night." Eunchae said.

"Yeah, what the fuck is up with that?" Sakura asked, looking between her two friends for answers.

"I have no idea." Chaewon said. "Every time I ask her about it she just says something like, that's a story for another day, or I'll tell you eventually, or leave it alone."

"Do you think they're, like, exes?" Sakura asked, a scandalous hint to her tone. Chaewon's gaze flickered to Eunchae, who looked like she had been wondering the same thing but was too nervous to ask.

"She said they weren't." Chaewon asked. "And she seemed super grossed out by the idea of it." She laughed.

"You actually asked her?" Eunchae asked Chaewon, eyes widened.

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