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Hello, my beautiful readers! Thank you so, so much for the support on Room 508, I really appreciate it! Chapter 1 of my new story, "Memories", is out now, and I'd really appreciate if you could check it out too! The chapters are quite long, but I will still update every other day for you guys :)
This is my very first conversion, and I'm so happy we reached 1k+ reads! I love you guys so much, it means my efforts were not in vain. And trust me, this whole process is more than just a find and replace. (like i actually read the whole story and manually correct all the grammar errors and stuff to make sure it's perfect)
As you're reading this, I'm going to be in China for 6 weeks. I want to have an ask me anything segment! Just drop a comment on this thread and I'll reply to it as soon as I can! Please ask a lot of questions your comments are the only thing keeping me going HAHAHAHA (you can ask me about my crippling kpop addiction, my love life, idk whatever you want)

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