Chapter 13 - The Big Guns (oh god)

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Chaewon opened her eyes slowly, vaguely aware of her overwarm skin sticking lightly to Yunjin's, who was partially beneath her, breathing evenly. For a moment, she decided to pretend she was still sleeping, settling her head a little more comfortably into the crook of Yunjin's neck. She listened intently as Yunjin's soft breaths synchronized to her rising and falling chest. It wasn't normal to want to listen to your friends breathe. Chaewon knew that. She tried to push away the thought that waking up like this again wouldn't be so bad.

Somewhere on the floor, a phone vibrated quickly, a text message. Chaewon ignored it, assuming it was Sakura, or maybe Eunchae looking for information to collect on a bet. It vibrated again, Chaewon resisted the temptation to look for the phone. Who knew when the next time she would be able to lay like this? In another moment, the sound started once again, but it didn't stop right away, obviously a phone call. Beneath her, Yunjin stirred.

"Chaewon," Yunjin said softly, running a hand along her back. Chaewon faked an awakening, rubbing her eyes before she looked at Yunjin. The phone continued to vibrate. Chaewon gave Yunjin a little grunt of acknowledgement and smiled, unable to bite it back at the expression Yunjin was giving her. "Why must your friends always interrupt us?" Yunjin smirked.

"I wish I could tell you," Chaewon said, matching Yunjin's tone. They looked at each other for a moment, far too tender for whatever it was they were doing. Then, almost as if Yunjin could read her mind, she shifted from underneath her, putting a little more space between them. Chaewon almost pouted but she caught herself, noticing that Yunjin's expression didn't change from a soft smile.

"So," Yunjin said.

"So," Chaewon mimicked.

"So I was thinking," Yunjin started.

"Thinking? Or overthinking?" Chaewon teased.

"Shut up," Yunjin said, lightly biting her own lip. "I was thinking, uh, that I wouldn't be opposed to this happening again."

"What?" Chaewon asked coolly, hoping Yunjin couldn't feel her heartbeat a little faster.

Yunjin rolled her eyes. "You know what."

"You mean laying in your bed? Actually sleeping past eight?" Chaewon asked.

"You're the worst," Yunjin chuckled.

"You love it," Chaewon retorted. Yunjin looked as if she was about to speak when a loud knock at the door startled them both.

"Who is it?" Yunjin called.

"Yunjin, open up," it was Kazuha. Chaewon and Yunjin shared a look.

"I'm not getting under that bed again," Chaewon said with a groan. Yunjin rolled her eyes.

"I'll get rid of her, but you should probably get dressed just in case," Yunjin said.

"Yunjin? Seriously, open the door," Kazuha called.

"Give me a minute," Yunjin shouted back. Chaewon and Yunjin got up. Chaewon reached for her clothes on the floor, pulling them on quickly. Yunjin crossed the room to her dresser to search for something clean to wear, Chaewon tried her hardest not to stare, instead looking around for her missing phone. She found it, half under the bed, but was confused to find she only had three notifications, a missed call and two texts from Sakura. She was sure the phone rang at least seven times, last night alone. Chaewon looked up at Yunjin and caught her as she pulled on a shirt, covering up the intricate tattoos dotting her back. She wondered if it would be weird to kiss her now. Yunjin looked at Chaewon and motioned for her to join her on the other side of the room, where she wouldn't be seen when the door opened. When she crossed the room, Yunjin looked at her for a moment before dropping her head slightly to give Chaewon a quick kiss.

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