Chapter 11 - (Un)Forgiven

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"Can we sit? I think I need to sit." Yunjin said.

Chaewon sighed and plopped herself down onto the couch. Yunjin followed her lead and nearly dropped herself into Chaewon's lap.

"Yunjinnie." Chaewon said. Yunjin laughed, giving her some space as she straightened out.

"Okay, look, you're mad, right?" Yunjin asked, waving her hands in a way that looked more wild than she probably would've intended.

"Yes, I'm mad." Chaewon said stiffly. Yunjin looked at her as if she expected her to keep talking. "Do you even know why I'm mad?" Chaewon asked, exasperatedly.

"Because of the whole Kazuha thing." Yunjin said, swinging her hands obviously.

"No, not because of 'the whole Kazuha thing'." Chaewon snapped. Yunjin furrowed her brow, drooping forward slightly.

"No? But that was bad, wasn't it?" Yunjin asked thoughtfully. "It was bad."

"Why do you think it was bad?" Chaewon asked.

"Because we were, you know, in the middle of things-" Yunjin started.

"That's your concern? Not getting off?" Chaewon fumed. "Or was it that Kazuha almost caught you messing with a girl you'll never be with?"

"Wait, no. Chaewon, look, that's not what I meant-" Yunjin said. She reached out to grab Chaewon's hands, but Chaewon pulled them back.

"I was there, Yunjin! I had to listen to you say terrible things about me!" Chaewon said. Her eyes stung. She pressed at them hard with the backs of her hands.

"Wait, please, just, shh, for a second. Shh." Yunjin said, bringing a finger to her lips. "I just need a second to make the words right because I keep messing them up."

"Because you're drunk! After all I've dealt with today, you decide that a half-assed drunk apology is gonna be enough? I mean, I know I messed up but you've been making me pay for it for literal weeks!" Chaewon yelled. "And not only that, but who knows if you're even going to remember this tomorrow-"

"Chaewon." Yunjin said tenderly.

"What?" Chaewon groaned.

"I miss you." Yunjin said. Chaewon nearly groaned again. She pressed her hands hard against her temples.

"You don't get to just say things like that." Chaewon sighed.

"I do. I miss you."

"You don't even want to be my friend."

"I can't be your friend." Yunjin frowned.

"What?" Chaewon snapped. "This is officially the worst apology in history-"

"You scare me." Yunjin admitted.

"What?" Chaewon asked, dumbfounded.

"We can't be friends because you scare me." Yunjin said.

"Wait but- why?" Chaewon asked.

"Every time I see you, I want to kiss you." Yunjin said.

"Yunjin-" Chaewon tried in vain to fight her creeping blush with anger.

"And that's scary because I didn't think I would feel like that again. And this probably isn't a good apology but I just wanted to give it to you as soon as I could because I knew you were upset and that I messed up." Yunjin said.

"You know we need to actually talk, right?" Chaewon asked. "Like, sober, I mean."

Yunjin nodded. "Tomorrow. I promise tomorrow."

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