Chapter 15 - I'm Home

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"Manchae, you're suffocating me," Chaewon breathed into Eunchae's neck.

Chaewon had been back for a little less than three hours, and most of those were spent in the airport waiting to get her bag. Her mom insisted on picking her up from the airport, even though it meant she had to rush there and drop Chaewon off at home before heading out to deal with a city council meeting. Instead of taking the time to relax and unpack, she called Eunchae.

"I'm sorry!" Eunchae said, releasing her. "God, I just feel like I haven't seen you in forever! It's so weird to go from seeing you everyday to not at all for weeks. I've been losing my shit out here, Chaewon. I swear to god. Has there always been absolutely nothing to do in this town? I'm really losing my mind from boredom. I swear to god yesterday I watched Sunoo play Call of Duty for like seven hours straight because the only other alternative was smashing my head into a wall. I'm so fucking glad you're here. It's freezing. Let's go get some coco and you can tell me all about what's going on with Yunjin," Eunchae grinned.

"I'm sure you already know all about it," Chaewon rolled her eyes.

"Yeah but I'd rather hear it from you, duh," Eunchae said, hooking her arm through Chaewon's and pulling her up the block and through the door of a coffee shop Chaewon knew all too well.

It was too late. The bells on the back of the door clanged together, alerting the barista to their arrival. Chaewon hesitated before looking up to find her summer fling staring back at her.

"Look who's back in town," Wonyoung said with a smile. She pulled her apron over her head and set it down on the counter before approaching them. "I didn't think you'd be coming home for break, with your mom and all." When she reached Chaewon, she opened her arms for a hug. Chaewon did the same, albeit, a little awkwardly. She looked over at Eunchae who had clearly pieced it together and was looking scandalized. "Anyway, I'm sure you didn't come here just for me," Wonyoung said as she released her. For some reason to Chaewon, it sounded like that's exactly what she thought. "Let me get you a drink." She walked back behind the counter. "You want your usual?"

"Uh, yeah, usual's fine for me," Chaewon said. "Eun?"

"Can I have a hot chocolate? I'm Eunchae by the way,"  said, offering her hand across the counter.

"Oh! I've heard so much about you," Wonyoung said, shaking Eunchae's hand. "You're gorgeous, way prettier than Chaewon gives you credit for."

"Hey!" Eunchae said, shoving Chaewon.

"Oh no, don't worry, I'm sure she was only trying to flatter me," Wonyoung chuckled. Chaewon could feel her cheeks burning. "Why don't you go sit? I'll bring these over to you."

Eunchae led the way across the store to a seat by the window. "Is that who I think it is?" She asked in a whisper. Chaewon nodded. "Oh my god," Eunchae contained a laugh with her hand. "Why didn't you say anything? We could've gone somewhere else. Oooh, unless you wanted to see her. Did you? Trying to forget about Yunjin? Wanna see if she's as good as you remember?"

"Oh my god, no. None of that. You didn't give me a chance, we were in here before I realized," Chaewon said.

"Oh man, this is so awkward."

"You think?" Chaewon asked sarcastically.

"She's clearly still in love with you," Eunchae said.

"She's not in love with me."

"Fine, but she's definitely in love with whatever it was that you did to her," Eunchae sniggered. Before Chaewon could respond, Wonyoung was back with their drinks. She joined them at the table, nudging Chaewon over with her hip.

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